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A/N: Maebelle is going through a lot of drama and doesn't quite know what love is and so she's trying to figure it out!! So anyway without further ado on with the show (quite literally)

I woke up that morning, finding Sharon and Steve passed out in the living room. I decided to write a note to Steve saying I left with Peter to go to school.
Dear Steve,
I left with Peter to go to school, I've got my money in case I need it. I also have my phone in case you need to call me! I love you Steve! See you after school! :) -Maebelle Barnes.
Peter was waiting outside my apartment door. I smiled, I still got my weird feeling in my stomach. It wasn't like I was going against my dad. Everything seemed brighter, colours were happier, and just everything seemed positive like nothing could get in my way. I didn't know this feeling, I wanted to discover this feeling.
"Mae are you okay?" Michelle slammed me out of my haze or whatever it was. "I don't know," I laughed.
"Well get out of your daydream we're going to be late for class."
I hated not knowing what feeling I was feeling. Being used for killing I wasn't told what my emotions were. My emotions meant nothing to HYDRA. I tried to figure out what they were so I kept quiet the rest of the day.
After school Wanda and Steve picked me up. Wanda smiled, I hadn't seen her since Germany. They released her from the prison where she was kept for a few months.
"I'm glad you're home," I smiled hugging her.
"Oh me too," she squeezed me.
Steve didn't say anything the whole ride home. Wanda and I sat in my room watching TV and I told her about the weird feelings I got for Peter. She squealed in excitement.
"You have feelings for Peter!" Wanda squealed.
"You're in love with him! Everything you've said!" she giggled.

"How am I going to tell Steve that I'm in love or whatever with the 'enemy's' kid?" my heart was racing.
I didn't know what felt right. I took a walk that night by myself, I just needed some time alone. I walked all the way to Brooklyn which was far from the apartments I lived in.
"Mae!" I heard Peter shout.
"Peter what the hell?" I looked and saw him in his Spider-Man suit.
"Why are you all the way out here?"
"I should ask you the same thing Spider-Man." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Well I'm still trying to be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man."
"Yeah and I'm trying not to get caught with you," I laughed.
"So who do you live with after the whole Germany thing?"
"I live with Steve, occasionally Nat or Wanda stays with us. What about you I never pictured you as the apartment living city boy?"
"I live with my Aunt May, since my uncle and my parents died when I was young," he sighs.
"Oh I'm sorry, HYDRA killed my mom."
"Guess in a way were both orphans living with our extended family," Peter's laugh was filled with pain.
"I guess," I shrugged.
"I have a question and you don't have to answer, but if HYDRA killed your mom then why don't you live with your dad?"
"My dad is the dude with the metal arm. Something happened he can't trust himself to take care of me so he told Steve to take care of me until he gets better," I looked at him.
"I'm sorry."
"Eh it's okay, I try not to get my hopes up anytime I see him now."
My phone buzzed, it was Steve.​ Steve: Where are you? I​ replied: ​Brooklyn. ​I knew he was going to be pissed. I just knew it. Steve knew I was out for a walk and I had my phone, so why was he wondering where I was. Wanda! Goddamnit! "Peter, I'd love to stay and talk for hours but I gotta go or Steve's gonna be pissed."

He nodded as soon as Nat's car pulled up. She frowned and waved at Peter. I got in and she was silent until we were at least a mile away from Peter.
"Why the hell were you with Peter?" she spat.
"I thought you were on Tony's side so you really shouldn't be pissed off," I mumbled.
"Yeah but you told Steve you were on a walk, a walk goddamnit. Not hanging out with Peter or whatever!"
"I was!" I argued.
"You didn't tell Steve you were going out with Peter!"
"DO I HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE WHAT I DO? I'M FIFTEEN!" "Well legally yes you do because you are fifteen and Steve and Tony have GUARDIANSHIP OVER YOU!" she yelled.
"I wasn't just going out to hangout with Peter, he found me and we started talking!" hot tears started forming in my eyes.
"Well Steve's pretty pissed off with your little rendezvous."
She dragged me all the way upstairs into our apartment. Wanda was sitting in the chair and Steve was sitting on the couch. I groaned.
"So how was your little sex date with Peter?" Steve spoke.
"Goddamnit! I wasn't on a sex date with Peter! I don't even know what the fuck a date is!" I yelled.
"Then why were you with him?" he muttered.
"I was taking a walk LIKE I TOLD YOU, then Peter found me and we started talking!"
"Mae Joelle Barnes I forbid you from seeing Peter!"
"Forbid? You're not my father!"
"Oh I'm sure your father would've done the same thing," Nat muttered.
"I just talked to him does anyone believe me in this house?"
"You went against your father by hanging out with this boy because he wanted your father in jail, Tony told him that!" Steve spat.
I ran in my room and sobbed. I didn't even know why they didn't believe me. Steve was disappointed and it hurt me. I didn't mean to but who am I to go against my father and date his enemy. Maybe Steve was right I shouldn't go out with Peter if I was going against him. I just couldn't let the feeling I got whenever I'm around Peter.

Wanda hugged me and apologised for telling Steve that she knew I was crushing (whatever that means) on Peter. She went on to explain that Steve has no experience with teenage girls. So she would try to help him understand that I was in love or something like that with Peter.
"Thank you," I hugged her.
"You're welcome," she smiled. "Now get to bed Mae!"

A/N: Mae's in looovveeee oooooh!!

A/N: Mae's in looovveeee oooooh!!

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You're welcome.
-Lydia Shae & Kassidie Annabelle💕

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