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A/N: Civil War is over but if you've seen Spider-Man Homecoming it's about to begin☺️ Anyway Maebelle is adjusting to her new "normal" life with a new hobby she's picked up. Also the italicised part is a flashback. Living with Steve now and sometimes keeping things a secret is okay, but maybe he just wants her safer.
Anyway without further ado on with the show (quite literally)

I sat in the back of an old Volkswagen Beetle that was navy blue and belonged to Steve. He stayed fairly hidden with his various disguises. Sometimes picking me up from Midtown meant I had to walk about a mile to get to his car.
Most days, I just went to school, went home did chores, and often messed around with my powers. Steve would try to make a new suit since Tony took his, I helped him but I also made my own which was super cool. Other than that my days were fairly normal.
"So how was school bug?" Steve drove off and headed towards the apartment complex we lived in.
"Normal, Peter's acting like he knows something about me, which he... I don't really know," I shrugged it off.
"Well I can't pull you out of school or Tony would kill me because of our joint custody thing," he laughed.
"It's so unfair how the law fucking gave joint custody! I don't like going to the mansion it's so annoying!"
"I can't do anything about this Maebelle. They were going to give him full custody over you because I'm a 'criminal', but Tony did some magic and now we have joint custody."
I groaned as I saw Peter walk up to the apartment complex that I lived in. He waved at me as Steve kept his head down not wanting Peter to notice. I waved back.
Steve and I walked into our apartment. I quickly get my dance bag, I did lyrical dance to get my mind off of things. I ran past Steve to leave, but he stopped me.
"Mae, please be safe," he sighs.
"I will, pretty sure Protective Tony's got spies everywhere watching my every move," I shuttered.

He hugged me goodbye and I headed off for dance. Nat drove me to dance which we kept a secret from Steve. He was still sort of ify about her and didn't know if they were even friends.
"Thanks Nat," I hugged her.
"No problem Mae," she smiled.
I walked inside and met my coach. I was her only student in lyrical, which meant I was her favourite. She pulled me in the dance studio. Something inside me had deja vu. I fell on the floor. I saw it.
Sitting as small agent in a dance studio watching girls. Their bodies moved as if they had bones that were rubber. I was back in Sokovia, my first mission. An agent from HYDRA came in and grabbed me as the death squad came in a killed them all. I screamed as they all screamed.
I came to and my coach helped me up. I sobbed in her arms. She understood my PTSD.
"Do you want to try dancing?" she smiled. I nodded.
"Alright, let's begin with this."
I danced for about three hours and I was beat. I just wanted to go home and sleep. Going outside I felt the cool air of the September night, Nat arrived. I climbed in her car.
"You okay?" she looked at me the way she looks at Steve when he's upset.
"I had a PTSD attack or whatever it's called to when HYDRA killed all those dancers in Sokovia," I cried.
"Oh God," she mumbled.
"I don't know if I can control it anymore."
"You're okay, Steve has you medicated for it. You've gotten a lot better at controlling it."
I nodded agreeing with her. She dropped me off at the apartments. I walked in and Peter was right behind me. He was wearing a grey sweater and jeans, I smiled weakly.
"Hey Mae," he smiled.
"Hey," I sighed.
"What have you been up to?"

"Oh um I've been dancing, uh how was your summer?" I tried to change the subject to see if he'd answer me.
"I had uh the Stark Internship with Tony Stark but I didn't see you at all," he tried to get me to crack, I just knew it.
We got in the elevator together. We exchanged looks and small giggles. I still felt a pit in my stomach as if I was going against my dad.
"I know you're Spider-Man," I blurted out before even realising what I said.
Peter looked at me funny and smiled. "What?"
"Peter, look when you were in Germany with Iron Man. I was on Captain America's side, I threw you across the airport and you thought it was cool I could move things with my mind," I pulled his arm towards me as he was about to leave. "Mae that was you?"
I groaned and looked at him, "Do I have to prove it?"
"Uh I guess," he shrugged stupidly.
"Sometimes I wanna punch you."
I showed him the purple sparks that came out of my hands. Picking up and setting my dance bag on th the floor. His mouth was wide open and he was rather shocked that a girl my size could do that.
"You can do that?" his jaw was still dropped.
"I can do other things but I shouldn't really use them on good guys," I chuckled. "Oh good."
"Well I should get going Steve's going to kill me if I'm late again."
I waved goodbye to him. I still felt a pit but I also felt feelings weird feelings. I tried to shake them off but I just couldn't.
"How was dance?" Steve looked up as I opened the door.
"Tiring," I set my bag on the floor and walked in the kitchen.
"Hey uh Nat called," he seemed to know something.
"She said you had a PTSD attack at dance and that she was concerned about you," he got up from the couch and walked over to me.
"Yeah so?"
"Mae, I promised your dad that I would take care of you and make sure you're safe while he's getting better in Wakanda."

I nodded and took a drink of water. "Goodnight," he smiled. "Goodnight," I muttered.
I went in my bathroom and took a shower. My body ached from dance, I hated it. I heard Sharon's voice in our apartment, she was over. I liked her, but she was also too much into acting like my mother. She's not, Nat is someone I'd consider my mother as well as Wanda. Not Sharon.
I got dressed for bed and just laid in my bed until I fell asleep. I did this every night since we got back from Germany, when we were travelling I was sleeping all the time apparently. I was knocked out in Siberia on accident by Tony and got paralysed from the waist down.
"Goodnight dad," I smiled softly as my eyes shut.
I could feel him saying goodnight to me as well...

A/N: Hmmm does Mae have feelings for Peter????

Here's the meme of the dayyy😂💛-Lydia Shae & Kassidie Annabelle💕

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Here's the meme of the dayyy😂💛
-Lydia Shae & Kassidie Annabelle💕

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