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A/N: This is a two part chapter this is part one! Homecoming is coming up? Maebelle doesn't understand parties but she understands getting Peter in trouble but feels guilty about it... Steve apologises...
anyway without further ado on with the show (quite literally)

I saw Peter and Ned drooling over Liz. God I hated her. Little Miss Perfect, every boy's wet dream. She could honestly take that pencil she was holding it and shove it up her--
"Mae!" Michelle yelled.
"Shit sorry!" I yelled.
"Are the losers looking for Liz?" she laughed pulling me up on the roof of the high school.
"Yeah," I laughed.
"God they must have wet dreams over her," she shivered.
We sat up on the roof for no reason mostly to get out of the mile for P.E. My teacher didn't even give two shits about P.E. he made us watch the Captain America Fitness Test video, and then proceeded to talk shit about Steve. I wanted to punch him where it hurts.
"So how come you're always hanging around Queens with the dude in the Volkswagen?" Michelle laughed looking up from her book.
"Oh uh he's my Uncle Steve, I live with him since my dad is always off doing God knows what and my died when I was young," I sighed pulling my hair back into a messy bun.
"Yo dude are you going to homecoming with anyone?"
I shrugged. I didn't even know why she wanted to go, she didn't really like those kind of things. So did I but I never made it known to Peter or Ned. We jumped off the side of the school and headed in.
I got into my sixth period class and Peter was gone. I looked for Ned, found him scooted my chair close to him.
"Where's Peter?" I whispered.
"Spider issue so he left," Ned looked at me like I was an idiot.
"Miss Barnes do you have something to say?" our teacher spoke. "Uh I'm on my period," I stuttered and she looked horrified.

Holding back my laughter she excused me to leave. I grabbed my bag and left. I called Tony even though he was pissed off with me.
"Peter left school because of 'Spidey Senses'," I laughed on the phone.
"Okay Mae go find him, I'll catch up with you guys," he spoke.
I ran out the door and got my suit on. I made it to the bay and saw Peter get on a ferry boat. ​Goddamnit Peter!​ I managed to get on the boat as well. "Surprise," I smirked.
"Mae what the h--?"
"I'm saving your ass!" I yelled throwing someone who was about to attack Peter. "You didn't tell Mr. Stark did you?"
Peter got a call almost simultaneously from Tony. I was trying to help people, while Peter lied to Tony saying he was at band practice. Tony showed up a few minutes later and was pissed off.
"Hello Spider-Man, band practice was it?" Tony sarcastically said.
"MAE!" Peter looked at me.
Tony picked Peter up after he finished up and took him over to the dock. I followed. He looked at me and then at Peter.
"You put these people at a risk," Tony yelled at Peter.
"Mr. Stark you understand, I'm nothing without the suit," Peter cried.
"If you're nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have the suit. God I sound like my dad," Tony scoffed.
"Oh come on you trust Mae to come out here!"
"Don't bring her into this!"
Tony brought me home and after telling the school I had an appointment. Peter he didn't get away with anything. I felt bad, because I did leave school without signing out and so did Peter. Steve was a little furious but he let it go. "Hey Mae, we need to talk," Steve sighed standing in my doorway.
"Are you going to yell at me for saving Peter's sorry ass because I get it. I'm not supposed to see him," I looked at him.
"No, I misjudged the situation between you and Peter, and I'm thankful you're starting to become the hero I knew you could be," he smiled sitting down next to me on my bed. "I'm sorry Maebelle."
"I forgive you."

"I just felt like you were betraying your dad, but in all honesty, he didn't have a clue why he was fighting against us. I promised him that I would keep you safe while he was getting better and I also have no clue how to raise fifteen-year-old girls," he laughed.
"We're learning together," I laughed.
A few days past, Peter was in detention as was Michelle but she only did it
because she didn't like not being in detention. I was helping the student council put up decorations when Peter was in the hallway.
"Hey," I waved at him.
"Hey," he waved back.
He walked over to Liz. ​Barf!​ They talked for awhile, I hated it. I felt hatred towards her. I wanted to end her.
"You going to homecoming with anyone?" Peter asked Liz.
"No," Liz laughed.
"You wanna maybe go together?" he was blushing hard.
"Sure," she nodded.
"Sweet," he smiled brightly and looked over at me.
I ran and locked myself in the bathroom. Tears boiled in my eyes and I began sobbing in the bathroom. I hated Peter! I hated him!
Steve picked me up from school again that day. I just sat in his car and sobbed. Why Liz? Why! I wanted to just scream and let it all out.
"He's a dumbass," Wanda tried to make me feel better.
"Why do I feel this way Wanda?" I looked at her.
"Mae, you're in love with Peter. You felt jealousy towards Liz because she was with someone you loved," she smiled.
"Love? What is that?" I looked at her.
"Love, is well... it's an intense feeling. I don't really know to explain it."
"Great I'm supposedly in love with Peter and he broke my fucking heart!" I yelled. "Whoa, you're in deep."
I laid my head back on my bed. I was in love with Peter Benjamin Parker
and there was nothing I could do about it. He was drooling over Liz whatever her fucking face was. Well I've got plans for homecoming with myself, maybe Wanda too, if she wanted.

A/N: Part two is coming sooon!!

You ARE welcome!-Lydia Shae & Kassidie Annabelle💕

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You ARE welcome!
-Lydia Shae & Kassidie Annabelle💕

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