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A/N: Mae is still 15 this takes place before Civil War but a tiny bit before Age of Ultron.


I woke up in a high tech prison cell, wires, IVs, and other weird things were stuck in my arms. I looked around to find something I'd recognise from HYDRA. I reconised nothing, I saw vital signs showing my heart rate was normal. My ears burned and felt heavy. I touched them and there were weird devices on them and I could hear everything around me which was strange. ​Where am I?​ My mind was racing.
"Sleeping beauty is awake," a small tanish man with curly-ish black hair walked in followed by another man who looked about 50 and seemed on edge about a lot of things.
I looked at them both, I knew that I wasn't back in Vienna. I was in New York. I continued to stare at them both confused on why I didn't speak. How could you explain to someone that you forgot how to speak at the age of three and all you were given is hand commands? And if you were spoken to, you had to read lips mostly cursed at by all who touched you.
"Mae?" one of them said taking his glasses off that were tinted as if he had a sensitivity to light.
I nodded politely but scared of what might happen next, nothing happened. He simply explained who he was in a few statements. Genius, playboy, philanthropist, billionaire. Whatever that meant, I'm sure it meant something but I didn't know. I was only fifteen. Then the doctor who's name was Bruce had shoved him playfully had told him to say his name. Which was Tony Stark. Bruce explained that I was deaf from a very young age and that I didn't know how to speak.
"I want to speak," I wrote on a tablet that Tony had handed to me to help explain what happened to me.
"Could she learn how to speak? Tony obnoxiously whispered to Bruce.
"She could learn, but it'd be awhile before she could speak full sentences," he went on and on of how my voice wouldn't be normal.
"STOP I JUST WANT TO SPEAK!" the tablet spoke for me.

That's all I wanted, but it wasn't that simple. I had many things to learn before speaking, as if speaking wasn't important to them. Rogers walked in and asked how I was. He was my enemy but he cared about me a lot and I never knew why he even cared for me. He said I was his best friend's daughter whoever is best friend was I didn't care.
I carried this tablet around to speak to everyone. They treated me like a human, which was different than the people at HYDRA. I enjoyed talking to one in particular human or I think he was human. I called him Viking, because he talked a lot like a viking and he looked like one.
"Lady Barnes," he called me, which I never knew why until later that day. "Maebelle," I corrected he rolled his eyes.
"Lady Barnes," he clearly didn't give two.
"Yes?" I smiled brightly typing on my tablet.
"You are needed by Stark," he chuckled.
I walked out of my room and looked around this amazing, high-tech, building. Tony and Steve met me in the large room, where most meetings were held. I didn't attend them. Mostly because, I was still unstable and I didn't really understand how to take "good orders".
"We found your parents," he smiled, but my heart sank fearing for the worst. "Who, are, they," my tablet spoke slowly.
"Bucky and Veronica," Steve gently spoke sitting me down.
I shook my head. ​Bucky was my dad? No!​ I looked at the them and tears brimmed my eyes. I didn't want them to fall but I couldn't hold them back. I felt like my life was a lie. ​Was Bucky brainwashed enough to forget me? His own flesh and blood? Where was my mother?​ These thoughts swirled for hours around my brain as I hid behind fake smiles and laughter.
"Where, is, my, mother?" I begged.
Steve and Tony looked at each other pained to tell me the truth. They sat down and looked deeply into my soft blue eyes. My heart was already damaged I didn't care what was going to come out of their mouths.
"HYDRA... they... killed... her," Steve's heart shattered telling me the news, I could just see it in his eyes.

"They cyrofroze you shortly after, that's when my dad took you in," Tony's eyes pained to tell me.
I fell on the ground sobbing hysterically. My mind was going to burst, being used to trick people into thinking I was a injured child, homeless, or just a child. I felt alone I couldn't trust anyone. I didn't remember much after falling on the ground, but I woke up in my room. My room felt friendlier than the people I came in contact with. I stayed up in my room, Steve or Tony would bring me my meals.
I wrote on a piece a paper, I could write, but not speak. Something, I desperately wanted to learn. I sat down and wrote a letter to Bucky. I felt a world of emotions, my life was stressful enough. Now finding out that my only "friend" at HYDRA was my dad, scared me. My entire life felt like a lie, but I found comfort in writing to Bucky.

Dear Bucky,
I hope one day you read this. I love you, I don't understand love quite yet. But I think I do. I hope you remember me, I'm your daughter. Maebelle Joelle Barnes? Please come find me? I live with Steve Rogers and his friends!
Your daughter,
Maebelle Joelle Barnes. XOXO.

I felt like crying shortly after writing the letter. The ones who have saved me, have taken me from my father. I didn't know if I'd ever see my father again or if he'd be killed by the Avengers. Who knew? Maybe my friends Pietro and Wanda would come?
My head hit the pillow that night, I removed the stupid hearing-aids off of my ears. Hiding the journal of my writings to Bucky, I pulled the covers off of me. Dreaming that maybe one day, I'd live in peace with my father. For me, it felt too beautiful in my dream. My dreams felt better than reality. Until JARVIS woke me up.
"Miss Barnes your appearance is requested in the meeting room," the AI spoke. "Why?" my tablet spoke.
"Just come, Mr. Stark says," the AI laughed at me.
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

A/N: oh well maybe it is a cliffhanger maybe it's not?

A/N: oh well maybe it is a cliffhanger maybe it's not?

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my mom and I laughed at this for an hour probably😂

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