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A/N: Civil War is about to start... Maebelle is worried about Steve and Tony but learns something new about herself and a friend. Updating today for two people who couldn't wait to read the next chapter so thank them😂
anyway without further ado on with the show (quiet literally)

Tony and Steve fought in the meeting room after some secretary left, as did Rhodey and Sam. I sat there and I grew angry. Steve didn't want to sign something and Tony did.
"Mae?" they both looked at me.
"Don't look at me I've never been on the good side of a fight before," I got up and went into the kitchen.
"Maebelle," Tony looked at me.
"Don't call me Maebelle!"
"Mae," he corrects himself.
"What?" I scoffed.
I minded my own buisness and he minded his. Tony began talking about some kid that died while Wanda, Nat, Sam, and Steve were in Sokovia. I felt terrible but I don't remember hearing about it because I was stuck at school! I looked over at Steve who looked down at his phone and walked out and I followed him.
"Steve are you alright?" I asked.
"She's gone Maebelle," he mumbled.
My heart sank, Peggy was Steve's first love. She loved him for him and waited for him even if he never returned. I hugged Steve, he's been through a lot and I don't know if Tony even realised that.
"You feel deep emotional feelings for Peggy," I blurted out.
Steve looked at me funny and said, "What?"
"I don't know I touched you and I felt your emotions," I was on the verge of a panic attack.

They rushed me to the lab and did a body scan. Finding out that I was half-human, I fainted. When I came to, I looked around. Steve and Tony were looking at the body scan.
"So she has mind control like Wanda, she can feel others emotions just by a touch, and that explains why she freaked out when the sparks came out of her hands," Tony said.
"I was hoping she'd forget," he mumbled, Steve grew angrier.
"I didn't forget," I spoke. "Tony you keep me hidden from everyone! You don't listen to me I was better off at HYDRA!"
"I let you go to Midtown with that Peter kid," he scoffed at me.
"You don't let me fight, I've gotten better Tony! My mind is calm and you know it, you act like you're my dad! You're not!" I screamed as purple sparks flew through my hands hitting everything in sight.
I fell to the ground screaming and crying. Steve took me out of the room and placed me in Wanda's room. Wanda hugged me tightly and sang her lullabies that used to calm me when we were little.
"Steve's not going to let anyone hurt you," she smiled wrapping her arms around me.
"I missed your hugs," I smiled.
"I guess we're more alike than we thought."
"What do you mean?"
"Your mother is my mother's sister," she sighed.
"You're my cousin?"
"I found out a while ago when you were in the hospital, they did a blood test and it came back positive. Oh how Pietro would've overflowed with joy that you were his baby cousin," tears streamed down her face as she quickly wiped them away. "Wanda, what happened to him?" I gulped fearing for the worst.
"While you were out cold there was a war with Ultron in Sokovia and that's how Tony found Pietro and I. During it he was shot," she cried.

I hugged her tightly letting the tears fall from my eyes. Finally I knew why she was distancing herself from me. She didn't want me to ask about Pietro.
A week or so later we ended up in England at Peggy's funeral. I kept quiet as I was told too. Natasha hugged me and smiled, "I'm going to Vienna to sign the accords. I wish you'd talk Mr. Fossil over there into it." I chuckled, "Maybe."
"I love you Maebelle," she sighed.
"I love you too Aunt Nat," I laughed with a wink.
Steve looked at me and laughed. He once told me I was the only person next to Buck that kept him sane. Sharon smiled at me, she told me that I would make a great agent. I told her once I learned my powers I'd take her up on that.
"Steve there's something going on in Vienna," Sam said.
"What happened?" Steve looked nervous.
"Something blew up at the accords," he whispered, but with my hearing aids I could hear it.
"Is everything alright?"
"They're saying the Winter Soldier did it."
I froze, my dad doesn't do that. He hasn't for awhile. I pulled Steve's arm like a three year old and demanded to know where in the world my father was. Steve didn't seem to care or notice so I did it again.
"What Mae?!" he said.
"Where did Stark take my father!" I demanded at the top of my lungs. "Bucharest," he sighed.
"WELL THEN LET'S GO!" I yelled.
I knew by their faces, I was just hopelessly dreaming. I just want my dad back, is that too much to ask for? Apparently when the Avengers have almost killed the population on multiple occasions. I mean apparently Sokovia was still being rebuilt. It's too much to ask for your dad back.
We headed off for Bucharest, but I couldn't go inside with my Steve. I fought (tried too at least) Steve, but he refused. Having Sam and me guard and watch out for the agents trying to kill my dad. I was nervous this was my first mission, in a way.
My dad ran out of his apartment, I screamed Sam grabbed me as I almost fell. He began fighting some guy dressed as a cat. I tried using my powers nothing

seemed to work. Steve grabbed me and ran into a underground tunnel where cars were, I saw my dad. He was fighting that cat guy and took a motorcycle. Steve began fighting as did Sam. Agents began swarming in and caught my dad, they kicked his legs and he put his hands up.
"DADDY!" I screamed as an agents grabbed me and put me in a car.
We got back to this weird building Tony was there as was Sharon. Tony
grabbed my arm, I was crying I wanted my dad. I wanted someone to hold me and tell me I'll be okay.
"You dragged the kid into this," Tony yelled at Steve.
"Mae is his daughter!" Steve yelled. "She's not yours so quit acting like it!" "She's not yours either," he scoffed.
"Bucky would've wanted me to take care of her if he wasn't able too."
I didn't like the feeling I was feeling. I knew something was going to
happen, it was going to be over my dad and me. I wish they'd understand all I want is my dad back...

A/N: Team Cap or Team Iron Wannabe Man?

enjoy this Toy Story reference-Lydia Shae + Kassidie Annabelle❤️

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enjoy this Toy Story reference
-Lydia Shae + Kassidie Annabelle❤️

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