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A/N: Mae is learning to speak some of the stuff she says is perfect some of it isn't...
so without further ado let's get on with the show!

I learned to speak but barely, my voice honestly sounded like a baby. I cried like one according to Natasha, (who I called Nat), because I just couldn't really say her name. Most of them, I gave names that I could say and they'd answer sometimes.
I sat in the lab next to Tony, who unwillingly took me in as his own. Until they found my dad, is what Steve told me. I sat most days working with him, it calmed my mind. He changed my last name to Stark even though I wanted to keep it Barnes.
"Seriously Tony? Making her work?" his assistant Pepper would often yell at him. "What she's not trying to kill me," he'd laugh at her stubbornness or as he called it well nevermind. I was never the one to kill someone, that was more my dad's thing.
Tony and I worked a lot in his lab together, I helped him with his Iron Man suits. While he taught me some words, some of them weren't very appropriate. Just to get a rise out of Steve. Who would often yell "Language!" at me or Tony or just anyone who said "potty words".
"Hey kiddo," Steve called me one afternoon.
"Blue...berry," I giggled as Tony almost died laughing.
"Very funny Tony," Steve muttered under his breath.
"I-I-I'm k-ki-kidding," I stuttered as Steve smiled happy knowing I was getting better at speaking.
Steve walked over to Tony and whispered something about "the Winter Soldier". I looked up from what I was working on. Tony looked surprised and Steve looked as if he could've expected that from me.
"Th-th-that's m-m-my da-da-dad!" I smiled hoping Steve would take me on the mission.
"No, Mae it's too dangerous for you to go out and fight with me and Romanoff," he sighed.

I looked down at my work and tears formed in my eyes. I felt as if they didn't understand how desperately I wanted to see my dad. My heartbroke listening to them go over mission orders. They were ordered not to kill him, but if they could, bring him in. I hated Nick Fury in that moment, he made me feel like I wasn't good enough for the Avengers. Didn't he see how much better I was getting? I was furious, maybe that's why they called him Fury. He made people furious, including their enemy's daughter.
"I-I-I c-c-could help?" I stammered biting my lip.
"No Mae, it's far too dangerous we don't even know what your dad can do," Steve said almost as if it pained him to say those words to me. "I'm sorry you'll just have to stay here with Tony and everyone else."
I went back to where I was working in Tony's lab, which according to everyone else was ​his​ space. So he must have ​really​ loved me, he sure didn't say it but he showed it. That's all I was thankful for, someone who showed me love rather than just say it. It doesn't mean much when your whole life you've heard or in my case read "I love you", and not been shown love. Tony and the rest of the Avengers showed me love. I didn't know if my dad could understand love after many years of being brainwashed and froze for years.
"Tony will you ever let the child play?" Clint Barton looked at me and I gave him a quick smile.
"I do, I let her sit in my lab now get out," Tony laughed, I smiled.
I looked at the monitors of the house in his lab and looked around as well. My mind was restful for the first time, I watched people in the house talk and I chuckled. As my mind was restful, I started to not like this feeling. I flashed back to when I was three and no one knew what I could do. When all of a sudden sparks flew out of my hands and hit a light, I fell down expecting the worst from Tony. "Wh-wha-what ha-happened?" I stuttered almost in tears.
"Mae," Tony looked at me. "I don't know."
"Tell ME!" I screamed tears burning my skin.
"That's why Rumlow and Paltrow wanted you all those years," he whispered, as I continued freaking out.
The day went on after that little incident, Tony had to call Bruce. He was probably more shook up about it than I was. Steve and Nat came back from their mission, I walked in hoping they would have some news on my dad. They shook their heads "No", Nat was wounded but I stayed close to her. She called me, printsessa meaning princess in Russian. She knew my mom, I had hope that maybe she could help me find my dad.
"We have to keep you hidden from HYDRA," Tony spoke at dinner that night. "Yes?" I smiled hoping for mission orders finally, but I was sorely mistaken after Tony grabbed a shirt.
"You're going to Midtown," he smiled holding up a Midtown High School shirt.
I about spit out my food right there at the table. High school? I'm not ready? Am I? "Tony isn't this a little drastic? I mean she has to control her powers, and well..." Steve said looking down at me, which made me want to go to school instead of stay here by myself talking to JARVIS or Pepper.
I got bored very quickly. They squabble about me all the time, like a old married couple. I was beginning to think they were well homosexuals, the way they acted at least.
Pepper and Natasha took me the next day shopping, they wanted to make sure I fitted in. I had fun shopping, but terrified to start at Midtown. Tony told me being as smart and lovable as I am, I should fit in, and if anyone has a problem take it to him. I didn't care if I fit in, I didn't want to go to high school.
"Goodnight Bug," Steve smiled shutting off the lights in my room.
"Night Dorito," I chuckled pulling the blankets off the end of my bed.
"You know Tony's doing this because he cares about you right?" he sighed standing in the doorway.
"Yeah, I know," I yawned.
"He's never seemed to care about someone this much," laughed Nat who was watching Steve and I.
"Well anyway goodnight Bug," he chuckled.
"Night!" I squeaked.

A/N: Sooooo anyway no funny meme or whatever but I just thought of this:

"Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth" -Tony Stark.
(but I don't have perfect teeth)

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