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A/N WARNING: there is a suicide attempt in this chapter so if you are triggered by that please skip this chapter.
Mae has been getting better at English and learning so today is her first day at Midtown and she gets some unexpected news from Tony but he doesn't take it well after her reaction...
anyway on with the show! (quite literally)

Midtown High School, Queens, New York. Far from Avengers Tower. I wanted to be unnoticed on the first day. Sadly, when you're Tony Stark's ​adopted daughter, that's impossible. Natasha and Tony escorted me into the school, posing at my parents. They weren't and the school knew it. Still they went along with it.
They left while I was waiting with the principal. The principal called in two boys about my age. One seemed very nervous and significantly smaller than the other.
"Hi I'm Ned, this is Peter, he's nervous around girls," Ned smiled shaking my hand.
"DUDE!" Peter yelled disapproving of what his friend just said.
I smiled and chuckled softly at them.
"I'm Maebelle Stark," I shook Peter's and Ned's hand.
"Maebelle is our new sophomore here and I want you two to make her feel welcomed," the principal sighed at the two boys.
The two boys nodded, I still felt a pit in my stomach. I was smart but I just didn't feel right in a high school. My whole life I was used for missions and bait, I knew everything about math, science, and other subjects.
"So Maebelle where are you from?" Ned asked, while Peter seemed rather uncomfortable.
"I'm from Vienna, but Mr. Stark adopted me when my dad was captured in Afghanistan," I smiled.
I rehearsed that line many times in case someone were to ask me that. Peter smiled, he didn't know. I felt my phone vibrate it was Tony, my face went bright red as I made up some excuse to take the call.
"Romanoff and Rogers found Barnes," his voice boomed through my iPhone. "You're kidding me right?" I sighed trying not to get my hopes up.
"Oh shit I called you Mae," he chuckled.
"Yeah, ya did," I laughed.

"Well we found your dad and we're bringing him in for questioning," he sighed, I could feel him smiling but also fearing losing me.
"That's awesome!" I smiled.
The day went on, I had almost every class with Peter who offered to carry my stuff. I said no, he chuckled and said, "Ah you and your Yankee ways." He really lessened my nerves about high school. I ran out the doors when school let out. Happy honked at me.
"Come on Mae!" he yelled. "Tony's not going to be very happy if we're late!" "Can it Hap! I want to see my father!" I squeaked.
"Okay!" he laughed.
We arrived at the tower! I ran excitedly to the elevator and told JARVIS to take me up. I got on the floor where everyone was, I was greeted by Tony who grabbed my shoulders.
"Can I see him?" I begged.
"Not right now," Tony sighed.
"Come on! Tony please!" I begged.
"NO!" he yelled.
I ran off crying, Natasha followed. Steve yelled at Tony, "Was that really necessary? I mean you just told the girl, you found her father and she can't even see him?" They continued to squabble for hours.
"Nat why can't I see him?" I begged.
"It's just... he's... Tony doesn't really know what he can do," she sighed playing with my hair.
"Let me talk to him," I sighed.
"I don't know Mae," she smiled.
Later that evening Nat snuck me to where my dad was, he was in a cell like the one I was in the first few days I lived here. I pressed my hand against the glass, he turned his head to look at me. I smiled weakly.
"Daddy," I sobbed.
"Printsessa," he spoke.
"They found you," I mumbled just wanting to hug him more than anything.
"How did you find me?" he looked at me.
"Nat," I hugged Nat.

I talked to him for what seemed like seconds, were hours. I eventually dozed off talking to him, Nat carried me upstairs, I woke up and Tony was sitting in his chair. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, but Nat seemed rather pissed off at something. "Come on Mae," Steve helped me to my room. Feeling tired, I couldn't stop stumbling around.
"Okay," I yawned.
I arrived in my room. I couldn't sleep, so I watched Tony and Nat's argument. In hopes I'd fall asleep, I didn't.
"Why wouldn't you let her see him?" Nat yelled.
"She's a child!" Tony yelled back at her.
"SHE'S HIS CHILD TONY!" she became enraged.
"I RAISED THAT KID FOR A YEAR NOW MAYBE I'M HAVING A HARD TIME LETTING GO!" he took a drink out of something, I don't remember what it was.
"Tony, you need to let her go, she's fifteen," Nat sighed.
I turned the monitors off and went into my bathroom, nothing seemed important to me. I opened a pill bottle and looked at the pictures of me with everyone. I felt like Tony was never going to let me see my dad again, so I wanted to show him how it felt to have something you loved taken from you. I swallowed the pills and fell on the ground. Darkness was everywhere. I felt like no one could ever hurt me again. No one could. I felt my breath grow weak, I felt the room grow darker.
It was almost as if I waited for someone to find me. I didn't care if someone did or not. I heard a faint knock, that's all I remember...

A/N: Cliffhanger ooohhhh!
What happened to Maebelle?
Updates will normally be Tuesdays & Thursdays!

if you don't follow RDJ on Twitter you might have missed this but this is just one of the funniest things i've ever seen

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if you don't follow RDJ on Twitter you might have missed this but this is just one of the funniest things i've ever seen... bc my dad sent this to me right before RDJ tweeted about it haha!
-lydia shae & kassidie annabelle💕

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