This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-Marie's POV- -We all were dancing and laughing at Aaron and Izzy's reception and then Aaron came up to me- "Hey little brother what do you need"I said "Izzy and I were wondering if you can sing for us"Aaron said "Of course what song do you prefer"I said "I think you can figure it out hun"Liam said -I nod and walk up and grab the Mic and then start to sing-
-I start dancing while singing and I look out and see everyone dancing and smiling and Liam is dancing with his sister- -Liam's POV- -I start dancing with Asami and she goes up to my ear- "She sure sings wonderful you have done well brother how does father feel about you marrying his enemies daughter"Asami said -I look at her shocked that she knows about Marie's dad- "What father wrote me letters he even told me dear mother died and many other things but nothing about you marrying her"Asami said "And you care why he is gone in jail cause he tried to kill her and her family and me saved her when we were teenagers"I said "Better not start a commotion dear brother"Asami said "I'm not I'm just stating facts of what our father did he was gonna kill the women I love"I said "Yes and I'm glad the old man is gone in jail and we are reunited as siblings and now we are here me meeting your wife and her family and I will back you up no matter what dear brother"Asami said "Ok well then I think we can discuss other business later for now I want to be able to be happy with the woman I love"I said "Of course"Asami said -Marie had stopped singing and everyone was cheering and then I started cheering and she noticed this and began to walk off the stage and going to her parents and then I go up to her- -Marie's POV- "That was wonderful Marie"Dad said "Thanks Dad some of us were to busy talking to their sister to notice the rest of the song"I said -Liam looks down and I walk away beginning to leave- -Liam's POV- -I walk up to the stage and start to sing-
-Marie walks up and I get off the stage and she walks up to me- -Marie's POV- -Whenever I was upset or mad my father, he would sing that song to make me not mad or upset at him and then after he was done I would give him a hug and later on more in me and Liam's relationship I guess my father taught Liam that song that my father would sing to me and my mother so I walked up to Liam and kissed him and everyone cheered and then we separated and then the party continued- ~After the reception~ "That was some beautiful songs you two sang"Izzy said "Thanks Izzy"I said "Of course so who is she Liam"Izzy said "This is my younger sister Asami Munakata she just got back from America and her private school my father sent her to when we were just kids"Liam said "Well nice to meet you Asami my name is Izzy Suoh and this is my husband Aaron"Izzy said "Nice to meet you two newly weds"Asami said "And the same to you Asami"Aaron said "And I'm Tatara Kusangai and this is my fiance Axel Yatogami and his sister Jasmine Yatogami"Tatara said "Nice to meet you three"Asami said "Same to you as well"Axel said -We all start talking and then Aaron and Izzy left for their honeymoon and we started walking and still talking to each other- "So let me get this straight you two are the kids of the black dog and Marie you are the granddaughter of the silver king"Asami said "Yeah that about sums it up"I said "That is so cool the only King or Clansmen was our father but he is a loser so"Asami said -We start laughing-
"Yeah well your father killed my father before I was born but he somehow came back alive"I said "Yeah and so did these two right"Asami said "Yeah but they all lead up to the same story so it can't be that weird"I said "Yeah well we better go take care of your aunt back at headquarters"Liam said "Yeah well more like you Mr.Blue king"I said "Yeah yeah well let's get going"Liam said -Jasmine,Tatara and Axel leave and we head back headquarters and I go upstairs and Liam goes to the prison area- -Liam's POV- -Me and Asami walk up to our father's jail cell- "Why I'll be darned isn't it my two kids"Dad said "Yes indeed it is father I have returned and I'm not leaving"Asami said "I believe you I mean you are my daughter"Dad said "We have found your boss or one of your bosses Father"I said "I saw when your men brought her in but where is Marie shouldn't she be down here to talk to her Aunt or oh wait is that her father and mother's job"Dad said "She's upstairs in me and her room"I said
"Ohh so you married the woman huh"Dad said
"Yes I sure did and I'm glad you weren't there or else it would've been a disaster"I said "I bet but you sure didn't invite your sister over here"Dad said "He contacted me before he had the wedding and invited me but I was busy at the time and out of all things you would know what I was doing father"Asami said "Yeah I do just wanted to make sure that you know that no one you loved was there"Dad said "Yeah your right cause the only person I truly love is Marie and of course Asami if she wasn't busy that day"I said "Awww how sweet so we still haven't settled when I am getting out of here"Dad said "I do"??? said -Asami and I turn around andd we see a woman standing there looking like this-
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"Who are you"I said "When your guys mother died I was upset but then I met her she had made me feel very welcomed and it only took working with the enemy cause she works for the green clan"Dad said
"So she is your mistress father"I said
"Don't put labels on me Liam and that is right I know all your names your father has told me many things about you and it is wonderful to finally to met you"?? said "And yet you still haven't told us your name yet"Asami said "Well it soon it will be important to you cause I will be taking your father out of jail"?? said "If it is very important then why don't you tell us"I said "Fine it's"?? said