This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-Liam's POV- -I couldn't sleep because I was so angry so I got up carefully without waking up Marie and I go into my office and I look up Katsumi Takahashi and see if any news has occured over her and their is nothing so I get up and lock all the doors and leave to Scepter Four with my uniform on and I walk in and go up to Angelica- "Sir I thought you headed home"Angelica said "I did but something happened and it's pissing me off"I said "What happened sir"Angelica said "Someone broke in our house and put bloody roses around my wife as a warning"I said "Oh my god is she ok"Angelica said "She is fine but can you get me the location of Katsumi Takahashi"I said "Of course sir"Angelica said -I nod and she walks away and heads to go get her location and I go to my office- -Marie's POV- -I wake up and I don't see Liam next to me so I get up and go unlock the doors and I go into Phillip's room- "Good Morning little man we have to get you ready for school"I said -Phillip gets up and rubs his eyes- "Ok Mommy"Phillip said -He gets up and I get him ready and then I go get the girls ready and then we leave for to take Phillip to school- "Ok sweetie have a great day at school we will see you later"I said "Ok Mommy see you later"Phillip said -He gets out and I see him go to into the school and I drive off to Liam's work- "Ok girls we are gonna head to daddy's work it will be the first time you girls will be there"I said -Knowing they aren't going to respond- ~Timeskip to when they make it there~ -I push the stroller in with the twins and I go to the front desk- "Good Morning Mrs.Munakata"The front desk lady said "Good Morning I'm looking for Liam"I said "Oh he is on Patrol so what can I do for you"She said "Oh well I was wondering where he was since he wasn't home this morning"I said "Oh he is on a case on what happened to you last night he was here for a long time"She said "Oh was he well can I wait him for to arrive back"I said "Of course ma'am and you may go to his office as well"She said "Oh thank you"I said -She nods and I head up to his office with the twins- -Liam's POV- -I head to the adress that Angelica have given me and I knock on the door and someone answers- "Oh why if it isn't Liam"Katsumi said "Hi Katsumi may I ask you a few questions"I said "If this is about your father I already know he is dead"Katsumi said "Oh and how did you find out"I said "Me and him were very connected I can feel when he leaves this earth"Katsumi said "Oh well I'm sorry I didn't tell you before"I said "It's fine so please come in"Katsumi said -She lets me in and I walk in and see pictures of them two together on the wall- "So what did you have to ask me Liam"Katsumi said "I came to ask about your whereabouts as of last night"I said "Why I was here"Katsumi said "Can someone vouche for you"I said "Your really gonna ask me you widowed stepmom on if someone can vouche for me"Katsumi said "Wait Stepmom"I said "Your Father and I got married and started our family with a daughter"Katsumi said "You can't be serious"I said "Oh I'm serious,Olivia sweetie can you come down here"Katsumi said -I hear footsteps and see a little girl that looks the age of Phillip that looks like this-
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"Yes Mamma"The little girl said "I want you to meet someone your big brother Liam"Katsumi said -She looks up at me and her eyes begin to sparkle- "Big brother?"The little girl said "Yeah he is now introduce yourself Olivia"Katsumi said "Hi big brother my name is Olivia Munakata"Olivia said -I kneel down- "Hi Olivia I'm your big brother Liam I just came here to ask your mom a few questions"I said "Ok big brother and have you seen Daddy"Olivia said "No I haven't but if I do I will have your mom know right away¨I said ¨Ok Big brother¨Olivia said -She gives me a hug and I look up at Katsumi- ¨So were you here as of last night¨I said ¨Yes I sure was taking care of this little one¨Katsumi said -I get up and make eye contact with her and Olivia walks away and heads back upstairs- ¨I will have more questions for you later¨I said ¨Ok¨Katsumi said -I leave and head back to headquaters and I walk in my office to see my wife holding my twin daughters- -Marie's POV- ¨If you are just going to stare then why don't you come closer¨I said ¨Oh I'm sorry that my wife is so beautiful I can't keep my eyes off of her¨Liam said ¨Where did you go?¨I said ¨I um went to go talk to Katsumi¨Liam said -Walking closer to me and I put the twins down- ¨Why?¨I said ¨Cause she is one of my suspects in your case¨Liam said ¨Oh and what did she say¨I said ¨Well it turns out that she was married to my father and they um have a kid¨Liam said ¨What how old is she¨I said ¨She is a year younger than Phillip,Marie she is my younger sister¨Liam said ¨Did you tell Asami about this discovery yet¨I said ¨No I haven't but Marie she gave me a hug and called me Big brother¨Liam said ¨It must be hard isn't hard isn't it¨I said ¨Yeah how would you have felt if you found out that you had a secret half sister that you didn' t know about¨Liam said ¨I would be upset and wanting to take care of her¨I said -I get up and hug him- ¨I want her to be safe and help her and take care of her¨Liam said ¨I know¨I said -He moves and I let him go and then he looks at the twins- ¨Should I call Asami and tell her¨Liam said ¨Yeah she needs to know¨I said ¨Ok¨Liam said -He pulls out his phone and dials Asami and puts her on speaker- ¨Hey what's up¨Asami said ¨Hey umm I have something to tell you¨Liam said ¨Sure what is it?¨Asami said ¨I just found out that Katsumi is our stepmom and that we have a little sister¨Liam said ¨What your kidding right?¨Asami said ¨I'm not kidding this is serious we have a little sister¨Liam said ¨I need to see her myself¨Asami said ¨So do I Asami me and you are in the same boat here¨I said ¨Ok I will take you guys to her,Asami meet me here¨Liam said ¨Yeah I'll go drop the girls off with Aaron really quick and meet you guys back here¨I said ¨Ok sounds like aa plan¨Asami said -She hangs up and I leave and drop off the girls and head back and we leave in Liam's car-