This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-Marie's POV- -After a month of waiting we get to see Liam we are heading to the airport Tatara is driving us since I'm getting to big with the twins and I also get to tell Liam that we are having twins today as well,Phillip I think is the most excited about his Dad coming home- ~Timeskip to when they make it there~ -We walk in the airport and then we see Liam and Axel walking up with there backs and Phillip runs up to Liam and Me and Tatara walk up to them- "Hi Daddy!"Phillip said "Hey Little guy did you take care of your mommy"Liam said -Rubbing his head- "Yeah I sure did Daddy why aren't you giving me a hug"Phillip said -He looks down and stays silent- "Anyway honey I have something to tell you"I said "What is it?"Liam said "I'm Pregnant with twins!!"I said -He looks at me- "That's wonderful can we go home I have lots of work to do"Liam said "Umm sure but Honey I'm pregnant with Twin girls"I said "I said that's wonderful now let's go home"Liam said "Fine"I said -I take Phillip's hand and head to the car and we leave with Tatara and Axel and they drop us off at home and I put Phillip to sleep since it's late.And then I see Liam walk down the hall and go into his office and I follow him- "What is wrong with you?"I said "It's nothing now go"Liam said "Not until you tell me what's wrong"I said "I said GO MARIE"Liam said "Have fun on the couch!"I said -He puts his hand out and grabs my arm and I yank it away- "Until you tell me what's wrong don't touch us"I said -I rub my belly and leave and go to our room and lock the door- -Liam's POV- -I watch as Marie leaves and don't follow her and I head back to my desk when in my head I see my mom,Marie and Aaron singing-
-Heidi Hansen-Liam's Mom -Alana Beck-Marie -Jared Klienmen-Aaron -Evan Hansen-Liam -Afterwards I leave the office and go to our room and try to open it but it's locked- "Marie please let me in"I said -Marie's POV- "Marie please let me in"Liam said "Why should I"I said "I'm sorry just please let me in"Liam said "I said what I said have fun sleeping on the couch"I said -I walk back to the bed I lay down- "Please Babe don't make me do this"Liam said "I said what I said"I said "You made me go to this"Liam said -I then see the door come down and I jump scared- "Get out"I said -Liam walks over to me and I start crying- "What happened do you not love us anymore"I said "I do my love it's just when we were in America they treated us very differently"Liam said "So doesn't mean you come back home and treat us like you don't love us you know what Phillip asked me when I put him to bed"I said "What?"Liam said "He said why didn't daddy give me a hug,does he not love me anymore"I said -Liam stays silent- "Honey he looks up to you and he's more excited to be a big brother to two sisters and in fact you didn't even get excited or have a reaction when I told you that we will be having twin girls"I said "I'm sorry honey I'll make it up to you guys I'll call off work and leave Angelica in charge I want to spend all my time to you three and Phillip"Liam said "Ok"I said "Ok now go to sleep my love"Liam said -I lay back down and start to close my eyes and Liam sleeps next to me- ~The next day~ -I wake up to the smell of something good.I walk down stairs and I see Liam cooking and Phillip eating Pancakes- "Hi mommy"Phillip said "Hi Phillip what do you have there"I said "Daddy made Pancakes"Phillip said "Oh did he"I said -I look at Liam and he puts my plate on the table- "Yeah I did I wanted to do something for my family"Liam said "Aww honey"I said -I kiss his cheek and he rubs my belly and smiles at me and I sit down and eat- "Are you almost ready for school Phillip"I said "Yeah mommy"Phillip said "Ok finish up and we gotta go brush your teeth and then you gotta go to school"I said "Ok mommy"Phillip said -Liam finally sits down and eats and me and Phillip go upstairs and brush his teeth then Phillip goes downstairs and I get dressed that looks like this-
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-Then I went downstairs and stood- "Oh honey look so wonderful"Liam said "Thanks ready to go"I said "Yeah"Liam said "Ok come on Phillip"I said -He comes over to me and we go to the car and Liam puts him in and I sit down in the passenger seat and then moments later Liam came to the front and we left to Phillip's school and then we head back home- "Since we know that we are having two girls you wanna come up with names"Liam said "Yeah I was thinking that we name one of them Mai and the other Elizabeth Lizzy for short"I said "That sounds wonderful want me to start making their room"Liam said "I can help"I said "No I want you three to rest,I've been gone to much for you to help me"Liam said "Ok"I said "Ok I will work on it you stay on the couch"Liam said "Ok but don't forget we are meeting Tatara and Axel for lunch again"I said "I know"Liam said -He walks upstairs and that's when I knew the man I fell in love with was normal again-