This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-Marie's POV- ~After waiting for so long Aaron and Izzy has called us and their baby is here so me,Liam,Phillip who is three months old now,Izumo, Mai,Tatara,Axel and Marco my parents are out of town on our dad's buisness trip with our grandpa so they won't be here they should be back in two days anyway we make it to the hospital and head to Aaron and Izzy's room.We walk in- "Yay you guys made it wanna meet our daughter"Aaron said "Of course"I said "It's my grandchild so yes!"Mai said "I'm gonna be the best Uncle!!"Tatara said "Not if I beat you of being the best aunt"I said "Ok ok guys come on come meet her"Aaron said -We walk over to Izzy and see her holding a baby girl- "What's her name?"Izumo said "Her name is Kairi Akane Suoh"Izzy said "You named her after Mom"I said "Yeah mom is our role model she has done so much for us and I wanted to name my daughter after her"Aaron said "Aww only if Mom was here to hear what you just said"I said "Me too but she is busy with Dad well more like taking care of Mikoto Jr"Aaron said "Whose says I'm not here"Mom said -We turn and look at her and she has tears in her eyes- "I can't believe you named her after me"Mom said "Of course Mom"Aaron said -She runs up to him and hugs him and he hugs her back-
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-This is what Kairi looks like- "Oh my god she's a blonde like me!!!"Izumo said -Mai hits him on the head- "Would you hush it she was born she doesn't need to be hearing you yell this early in her life"Mai said -We all laugh at them- "Anyway Mom what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be with Dad"I said "I am but since Liam had called me just a couple of minutes ago that my other grand baby is being born I left Mikoto Jr with your dad and headed here as soon as possible"Mom said "Oh well I'm glad your here"Aaron said "Me too but you have to get back to Dad as soon as you can cause I don't think he can take care of Mikoto Jr for that long"I said "I mean he's handled you guys"Mom said -Me and Aaron laugh- "Yeah your right"Aaron said "Well Izzy can I hold Kairi"Mom said "Oh yeah"Izzy said -She hands Kairi to Mom and Mom smiles- "She's so precious"Mom said "Yeah"Aaron said -We all take turns holding her and then I look at Liam- "Thanks for telling my mom I'm sure she would've been upset on missing this"I said "Of course anything for you"Liam said -While holding Phillip in his arms.Phillip has gotten bigger in the last two months and I am a little upset but I can't wait till he can walk and crawl and speak to us- "We need to go"Liam said "Why"I said "I just got a call and I need to go talk to Yukari at the prison"Liam said "What about"I said "About his wife and the boy"Liam said "You mean Jake"Mom said "Yes I forgot that you guys fought with him"Liam said "Yeah how did he become so evil"Mom said "It must be that girl that did I need to speak to the Green King"Liam said "Ok let's go"I said "Your coming but not to the prison"Liam said "Why not"I said "Your too close to this"Liam said "Am not"I said "Yes you are you and Phillip are going upstairs and staying there"Liam said "Ugh I hate being on the side lines"I said "Your not plus you will help me when it comes to fighting"Liam said "Fine"I said -We say goodbye to everyone and congrats to Aaron and Izzy again and leave- -Liam's POV- -I head down to the prison and walk up to Yukari- "Oh hey little runt"Yukari said "Shut it I'm not here to play around I came to ask questions about your wife"I said "What about her she's gone"Yukari said "Yeah I know there was a boy that came to get her and a woman who were they"I said "The boy is my son Jake I'm sure Akane has told you about him that little traitor"Yukari said "Yeah well now he's evil so the girl who is she"I said "The girl is my daughter"?? said -I look to the other prison cell and it's the Nagare speaking- "Your daughter and why is she here to take Melody"I said "She's here to take to get rid of your wife's family"Nagare said -I begin to walk away- "Her name"I said "Her name is Amelia Hisui my daughter and the new green queen my sword has left me"Nagare said "I take it your influence on her made her this way"I said "Yes those eyes are slowly turning green"Nagare said "I see well I will stop here she won't hurt my wife and her family"I said -My uniform sways when I turn and I leave the room and head to my office- -Marie's POV- -It gets later and Liam isn't back so I head to his office with Phillip in my arms- "Hello Ma'am where are you heading"Akira Hidaka said "To my husband he has been out to late and I want to know why"I said "Please ma'am head back to your quarters I will get him for you and I will deliver a message for you on what he says"Akira said "Ok thank you let me know immediately"I said "Yes Ma'am"Akira said -I walk back to our room with Phillip in arms- -Liam's POV- -I'm sitting at my desk looking up Amelia Hisui and her past when I get a knock on the door- "Come in"I said -Akira comes in- "Yes what is it"I said "Your wife sir"Akira said -I get up- "What is it is she alright"I said "Yes sir but she wants to know why you are out in the office so late"Akira said -I sit back down- "Tell her that I have work to do"I said "Yes sir"Akira said -He leaves and I continue my work and her background says she helped her dad with very recent things even some when she was just a kid but no other information on her as of today- -Marie's POV- -Akira comes back and tells me what he says and I put Phillip in his bassinet and I roll my eyes- "Fine then tell him I'm heading to bed"I said "Yes ma'am right away night"Akira said -I nod and shut the door and head to sleep- -Liam's POV- -Akira comes and tells me what she said and I feel guilty- "I will apologize to her in the morning when I go to her"I said "Yes sir"Akira said "Dismissed"I said -He leaves and I continue working- -Amelia's POV- -I phase through the walls and make it to a room where I see a red haired woman sleeping on a bed and I walk over to her- -Marie's POV- -I hear someone near me and I wake up and it's a green haired woman and I get my husbands sword and aim it at her- "Who are you what are you doing here!"I said "You'll know soon enough"The woman said -She stabs me in my stomach and I fall and everything gets blurry and I see her leave- -Liam's POV- -I walk up to our room and then hear Phillip crying wait Marie would've taken care of him by now I run in and see her blood on the floor and I pick her up and see she's bleeding out of her stomach- "Guards!"I said -They come in- "Sir!"they all said "Take her to the hospital now!"I yelled "Yes sir!"They said -They Take her and leave to the hospital and I grab Phillip and we leave-