This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-Liam's POV- -Marie is now on a hospital bed they patched up her stomach and they said nothing wasn't badly damaged enough for it not to heal in time. Akane is here with me and Phillip even though Phillip has no clue what is going on but I sit by her, her hand in mine her eyes shut and a machine keeping her heart beating- "It's not your fault Liam"Akane said "Yes it is I wasn't there to stop that person who did this to her she was asleep she was trying to protect Phillip and I wasn't there"I said "She is a strong woman I know my daughter"Akane said "But Akane I promised to keep her safe her and Phillip and I failed she got hurt how am I supposed to be a King if I can't even protect the woman I love"I said "Wow this kid sure sounds like me doesn't he"?? said "Mikoto!"Akane said -I turn around and see Mikoto and Mikoto Jr holding his hand- "Daddy is big sissy ok?"Mikoto jr said "Yes she is,she is just hurt"Mikoto said "Ok daddy"Mikoto Jr said "Hey Liam come on a walk with me real quick"Mikoto said "I got Marie and Phillip go"Akane said "Ok"I said -I get up and walk with Mikoto- "Look kid I was in your same shoes when Akane passed out and went into a coma I thought I failed as a King and a husband and I had to explain to Marie and her sister that mommy is sleeping and isn't gonna wake up for awhile when they were just little kids and had no clue what is happening"Mikoto said "Oh Marie never told me about that"I said "That's because she was so little I don't think she even remembers"Mikoto said "So I am a lot like you then but without the explaining part"I said "Yeah your lucky Phillip is just a little guy and has no clue what is even going on around him cause he is asleep half the time lucky squirt"Mikoto said "Haha yeah but I just worry about her I hope that she is ok and everything will just go back to normal"I said "It will ok well we will stay with you here if you like in case she wakes up"Mikoto said "That would be great thank you"I said "Of course your family now Liam"Mikoto said -We walk back to Akane and Marie and I still see her there in this condition and I get my phone and make a call- -Marie's POV- -All I see is darkness and only hear voices coming all around me like someone is singing I feel as if I'm getting closer to the person and it turns out to be a blonde woman that looks like this-
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-And she sings this song-
"Excuse me"I said "Why hello there"The woman said "Where am I and who are you"I said "Why my name is Ayaka Kusanagi"The woman said "Kusanagi so that means"I said "Yes I am Izumo,Elizabeth and your mother's mom or your grandmother"Ayaka said "Your my moms adopted mom and how do you know who I am"I said "Why cause I've been watching over you and my other grandchildren and my children and you guys grew up so wonderful"Ayaka said "Well wonderful to meet you I'm sure my mom would've loved to see you again"I said "I do too but things happen I will see her sooner or later who knows when but I'll still watch over them and hey tell your mom I love her and Elizabeth and Izumo I miss them oh so much"Ayaka said "I will"I said "Well you should probably wake up now it looks like they are waiting for you"Ayaka said "Yeah well nice to meet you"I said "You too"Ayaka said -I hug her then everything becomes bright and blurry and then I see Liam in front of me- "Marie oh my god your awake"Liam said "Hi I need to talk to my mom"I said "Ok I'm just so glad your ok"Liam said -He leans in and kisses me and I kiss back then he separates and goes get my mom while I hold Phillip- "Marie you wanted to see me"Mom said "Yes mom this May or May not sound strange but I saw your adopted mom"I said "Ayaka she was the best mom I could possibly have what did she say"Mom said -Starting to tear up- "She said to tell you and Izumo and Eliza that she loves you guys and misses you dearly"I said -She cries and I try to comfort her but is in pain and I wince- "I'm sorry honey it's just your grandma the one that raised me was such a wonderful mom I miss her everyday"Mom said "I know I can tell it's just you will see her sooner or later"I said "I know"Mom said -Liam comes back in with Phillip,Dad and Mikoto Jr- "Look daddy big sissy is awake"Mikoto Jr said "Yeah she is why don't you go give your sister a hug"Dad said "Ok daddy"Mikoto Jr said -Mikoto Jr walks over to me and hugs me and I try to hug him back- "Does everyone else know"I said "No I haven't told them they don't even know I'm back"Dad said "Well we should tell them when I get better plus I don't want to stress out Aaron and Izzy since they just had a baby"I said "Yeah I see what you mean"Dad said "Big sissy I made you something"Mikoto jr. said -I look at Mikoto Jr- "Yeah what is it?"I said -He hands me something- "What is it?"I said "It's a braclet"Mikoto Jr said -I open in it and it's a blue and red braclet- "This is amazing I love it"I said "Aww thanks big sissy"Mikoto Jr said "Of course this is cute"I said -I try to hug him and I wince and Liam sees and runs over to us- "Hey little guy let's not give big sissy a hug right now"Liam said "Why not?"Mikoto Jr said "Remember big sissy is hurt Mikoto"Mom said "Oh I'm sorry big sissy"Mikoto Jr said "It's ok"I said "Well honey you should rest"Liam said "No I want to talk to you guys why do I need to rest"I said "Because of your injury"Liam said "Ugh your lucky I'm in pain"I said -Liam comes over to me and kisses my forehead and I fall asleep- ~Liam's POV~ -I walk away from her bed and I head out in the hallway holding Phillip in my arms and make a phone call- ~On the Phone~ "Yes sir"Himori said "Rally up everyone and have them meet me in the lobby immediately"I said "Yes sir"Himori said -I hang up and go over to Marie and kiss her on the forehead one last time and I give Akane Phillip and tell her that I have work to do and she nods and I leave and head to the lobby to see my men lined up and I start to sing-
-Girl part is played by an oc cause Seri Awashima is now retired she got tired of working after Liam came to power so the girl part is played by Angelica Awashima Seri's daughter who looks like this-
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-At the end of the song I return to the hospital to my wife after telling my men to train till further instructions- -Marie's POV- -I slowly begin to wake up and see my mom,dad,phillip and mikoto jr- "Where is Liam?"I said "He is working but he should be here shortly"Mom said "Oh ok may I have my son please"I said "Oh yes dear"Mom said -She gets up and walks over to me and hands me Phillp and I stare at him- -Mikoto's POV- -I feel my phone start to vibrate and see it is Honami- "Umm honey I will be right back Honami is calling me"I said "Ok dear"Akane said -I answer it- (A/N:Fun fact: Honami is Anna's aunt and also Mikoto and Izumo's former teacher in high school she is very protective over Anna and she let Mikoto and Akane take care of her growing up because she wasn't very prepared for a child with the money she had so she let Mikoto take care of her but still visited her and she was also threatened by Koshi Mizuchi the former gold king) "Hey what's up"I said "Yes have you speaked to Anna lately I know she calls you and Akane Mom and Dad"Honami said "No I have not talked to her but I think she last talked to my daughter Marie"I said "Ohh may I speak to her"Honami said "Umm I don't think she knows who you are"I said "Then tell her duh"Honami said "Oh ok hang on"I said "Ok"Honami said -I put her on hold and tell Marie who she is on the phone and hand her the phone to Marie- -Marie's POV- "Hello Honami I heard you are my dad's former teacher and my sisters aunt"I said "Oh yes have you speaked to Anna lately"Honami said "Oh yes I have she said she was arriving on a plane last I heard"I said "Oh ok cause she hasn't arrived yet and how long ago did you talk to her"Honami said "Umm yesterday before I got hurt"I said "Oh then she must be arriving pretty soon ok thank you for the help you can hand me back to your dad"Honami said "Ok and your welcome and nice to meet you"I said "You too I've seen pictures of you from Anna and you look so much like your father and mother"Honami said "Aww thanks ok here is my dad"I said "Your welcome and ok"Honami said -I hand Dad the phone and he says goodbye to her and I go back to sleep with Phillp in my arms-