This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-Aaron's POV- -I had Izzy call Tatara over to Homra while she was on her way to take Kairi to school and then the door opens- "Hey you needed me"Tatara said "Umm Tatara can I talk to you in private"I said "Of course"Tatara said -We go to the conference room and sit down- "Is this about my dad cause Izzy already told me about what he said"Tatara said "I know she did but this is about the bar"I said "That's also why I came I want to be what my dad was to yours"Tatara said "Really?"I said "Yes he and your dad were best friends and I want us to be that and work here together as one like they were"Tatara said "That would be great and fine with me"I said "Ok thanks so what are you doing to plan the funeral"Tatara said "I want them to be buried next to our moms so I've been waiting for the funeral home to call me"I said "Ok well let me know when it happens"Tatara said "I will"I said -He gets up and hugs me and I hug him back- -Marie's POV- -Grandma And Grandpa had left not that long ago now I am now in our room looking at old pictures and then I look at pictures of Mikoto Jr and Kimberly now-
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-Mikoto Jr-
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-Kimberly- -I think back of the other day and Liam comes in- "Liam what did I do when I attacked your dad"I said "Why do you want to know"Liam said "Tell me"I said "Your hair turned brown and you had fire all around you and your eyes were red"Liam said "I felt like I wasn't in control of my body"I said "It's ok honey we are safe now"Liam said "Yes but we lost two more people in our son's life"I said "I know but we will get through this and he will be happy besides he has your uncle Mitsuo"Liam said "Yeah and honey I have something to tell you"I said "What is it dear?"Liam said -I hide the test behind me- "Honey?"Liam said -He comes closer to me- "I found out today ok"I said "Ok what is it?"Liam said "I'm pregnant"I said "That's great dear"Liam said "Really?"I said -I look down and he lifts my chin up- "Yes cause now Phillip will have a little brother or sister like he wanted"Liam said "Yeah but if we have a girl can we name her Mai?"I said "What about the middle name just like your brother did if the baby is a girl"Liam said "Ok"I said -He hugs me- "Well I better head to work now and have my men patrol"Liam said "Ok honey I got to go Phillip in a bit"I said "Yeah but aren't you going to Aaron and Izzy"Liam said "Oh yeah sorry I forgot"I said "It's ok well you better be going"Liam said "Yeah but I got to get ready first"I said "Yeah but you already cute enough"Liam said "Aww ok I'll just put my hair in a ponytail"I said "Ok well I better get going"Liam said "Ok"I said -He turns around and his uniform's cape moves and he leaves and I go in the restroom and put my hair in a ponytail and then I leave and then I park and go in the bar and see Izzy and Aaron- "Hey Marie"Izzy said "I have some news for you guys"I said "What is it?"Aaron said "I'm pregnant"I said "Aww congrats"Izzy said "Thanks"I said "Of course I think Phillip is gonna be happy that he is gonna have a little sister or brother"Izzy said "Yeah me too,I'm gonna tell him when I go pick him up after school"I said "That's wonderful"Izzy said -Aaron walks away- "Is he ok?"I said "Yeah he just gave Tatara the bar"Izzy said "Oh that's wonderful but is he still upset about them"I said "Yeah he's not ready to talk about just yet"Izzy said "Ok"I said "Well congrats Marie"Izzy said "Thanks I'll see you later for the park right"I said "Of course we always meet up to go to the park with the kids"Izzy said "Ok"I said -She hugs me and I hug her back- "I gotta go"I said "Ok see you later"Izzy said "Ok"I said -I leave and head back home and call up Tatara to make sure he is coming to lunch with me and Liam later- ~On the phone~ "Yeah we are still coming we are just making sure that Kimberly and Marco are getting along"Tatara said "Are they not getting along lately"I said "Just little arguments to me they remind me of you and Aaron"Tatara said "That was when we were teenagers"I said "Yeah and so are they"Tatara said "Ok and does Kimberly have her own room"I said "We live in a small apartment"Tatara said "Still does she have her own room"I said "No"Tatara said "See that is your problem"I said "Yeah yeah I know we are planning to move pretty soon here"Tatara said "Is that what Axel said"I said "Yeah we are house hunting today actually so we can meet up for lunch because I think we found the one"Tatara said "Ok as long as you guys are meeting up with us"I said "Yeah well see you guys soon"Tatara said "Yeah I'm going to Liam's work right now to see what he's up to"I said "Ok have fun bye"Tatara said "Bye"I said -I hang up and then leave for Liam's work- ~Timeskip to when she gets there~ -I walk in and see his men everywhere and I walk past them and go to the front desk- "Hi Mrs.Munakata do you want to see Liam"The receptionist said "Yep I came to get him for lunch"I said "Oh well he is in his office on the fourth floor"The receptionist said "Thank you"I said "Your welcome"The receptionist said -I walk over to the elevator and head up until it stops and then I walk down the hall and I knock on his door- "Come in"Liam said -I walk in and go over to his desk- "Hey you what you doing here?"Liam said "Came to get you for lunch"I said "It's already lunch"Liam said "Yeah and remember with Tatara and Axel"I said "Oh right I guess I been so busy"Liam said -I walk around and go next to him and see our wedding picture and our family picture when Phillip was a baby- "We are gonna need a new family photo when this baby is born"I said "Yeah I know"Liam said -He turns toward me and hugs my legs and looks up at me- "Come on silly let's get going"I said "I know but this is so rare for you to be here"Liam said "Oh really"I said "Yeah you are always hanging with your brother but never come to see me anymore"Liam said "Well it's not my fault we have been busy with family matters"I said "I know"Liam said -I move and he lets go and gets up and comes over to me- "Come on let's get going"I said "Ok ok"Liam said "This baby is hungry"I said "Which one"Liam said -I slap his arm and he laughs- "Come on you knew that was coming"Liam said "No I didn't actually"I said -He laughs and we leave the room and go down the elevator and head to the cafe to meet up with Axel and Tatara- ~Timeskip to when they make it there~ -We walk in and see Axel and Tatara sitting at a table and we walk over to them and sit down- "Took you long enough"Tatara said "Coming from you dear"Axel said "Hey it isn't my fault it's this one's it took him forever to get up from his desk"I said "I'm sorry your such a distraction"Liam said "Anyway I have also gathered you guys here for a reason not just because we always meet here"I said "Ok what is it?"Tatara said "I'm pregnant"I said "Oh congrats"Tatara said "Yeah Congrats"Axel said "Yeah I just have to tell Phillip when I pick him up from school"I said "I'm sure he will be happy I know that us two were when our parents told us that they were gonna be having Aaron and Izzy"Tatara said "Oh I remember that we were so happy"I said "Yeah and I bet Phillip will be the same cause I was sure happy I was gonna have a sister"Liam said "So was I"Axel said "How is your sister by the way Axel"I said "Oh she's great she is just hanging out with Dad and your grandpa"Axel said "Oh that does remind me my grandpa has been gone up in the air and I haven't been able to see him since Phillip was born I haven't even been able to tell him my mom and dad died"I said "I'm sure he will understand"Axel said "Yeah he will honey specially since you are his granddaughter and he will know that you've been under some stress"Liam said "Yeah your right unless Aaron already told him"I said "We never know"Liam said "Aaron did seem weird today or was that just me"Tatara said "Yeah he did I thought I was the only one to think that"I said "No when I went over there cause he wanted to talk to me he seemed a little off"Tatara said "Hmm I will talk to him on my way home I'll stop by and see him cause I do have to offer a deal"Liam said "Oh what deal"I said "I'll tell you when I get the yes on the deal"Liam said "Ok"I said -We contiue talking and then we order and eat and once we were done me and Liam left and I took Liam back to his work and say goodbye and then I go home watch tv then after awhile I left to go pick up Phillip- ~Timeskip to when she gets to the school~ "Hi I'm here for Phillip Munakata"I said "Who are you?"The lady said "I'm his mom Marie Munakata"I said "Oh I remember you know sorry for that ma'am"The lady said "It's ok"I said "Phillip your mom is here"The lady said "Mommy!"Phillip said -He gets up and runs over to me and hugs me- "Oh honey careful"I said "Sorry mommy"Phillip said "Thank you"I said "Your welcome"The lady said -We leave and go in the car and I buckle him up and we leave and head home- "Hey Phillip I have something to tell you" I said "What is it mommy"Phillip said "Me and Daddy are gonna have a baby,that means you are gonna have a baby brother or sister"I said "Yay!! I was wishing that I would have a sibling"Phillip said "Oh were you"I said "Yeah all the other kids in my class have little brothers or sisters"Phillip said "Well I'm glad you are excited"I said "Yeah"Phillip said -We park in the driveway and I get out and unbuckle him and then he hugs me and then we walk up to the door unlock it and head inside- "Now go do that homework so we can go to the park with your cousin Kairi and your auntie Izzy and Uncle Aaron"I said "Ok mommy"Phillip said -He goes to the table and goes to do his homework and I go upstairs and go fold laundry and then I start to sing-
-When I finish singing I see Phillip at the door- "Wow Mommy you sing really good"Phillip said "Aww thanks honey your grandma used to sing that song all the time with grandpa"I said -I hug him and he hugs me back- "Ok let's get going to the park are you done with your homework?"I said "Yeah I am mommy"Phillip said "Ok then let's get going"I said "Ok!"Phillip said -We leave and head to the park and when we get there we park and then we see Aaron and Izzy and Kairi and Phillip runs over to them and hugs them and then Kairi and Phillip go and play and we sit down and start talking-