The funeral

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-Marie's POV-
-It's been a month since mom died I woke up a day after that day and I still can't  believe her and Mai are gone,Phillip didn't get to spend that much time with them as what I wanted now is the day  Mom and Mai's funeral.Aaron still hasn't came out of his office since that day and Izzy has tried to give him food and he hasn't eaten and he has her worried like crazy and hopefully he comes out of his office today.Dad wanted us to wear red  he thinks mom and Mai wouldn't want us to wear the boring black so I am wearing a simple red dress and Phillip is wearing a red little suit and Liam is wearing a red suit we are heading to the ceremony right now.I sit there staring at me and my mom's picture and cry and I hear little footsteps coming towards me and I wipe my tears away-
"Mommy?"Phillip said
"Yes sweetie"I said
-I turn around and see Liam leaning on the door looking at me worried-
"Do you have any pictures of me and grandma"Phillip said
"Yes actually the day you were born"I said
-I show him the picture and he smiles and I start to cry and I walk away-
"Umm Phillip I think mommy needs to be alone for a little"Liam said
"Ok Daddy"Phillip said
-He walks away and I continue crying till Liam comes up to me and hugs me-
"Is this how you felt when your mom died"I said
"Yes I did but she  died of sickness least that's what my dad said at this point I don't even believe him"Liam said
"Yeah"I said
"It's ok we will get through this together I promise"Liam said
"Ok"I said
"Let's go"Liam said
"Ok"I said
-He grabs my hand and leads me out and we leave to the funeral-
~Timeskip to when they make it to the funeral~
-We exit the car and I see Dad and Izzy-
"Hey Dad"I said
"Hey honey"Dad said
-He doesn't make eye contact with me and just looks down-
"Dad look at me"I said
"I can't"Dad said
"Why not"I said
"You look like her"Dad said
"Dad..."I said
"Let's get this started"Dad said
"Ok where's Aaron,Izzy"I said
"He's finally out of his office but he's just sitting there blankly won't even talk to me"Izzy said
"Ohh well let's go sit down and start this ceremony,Dad is Grandma and Grandpa here?"I said
"Yes they are and so is Eliza"Dad said
"I see well we should get started then"I said
"Ok"Dad said
-We walk in and see two coffins and one is my mom and the other Mai the priest goes up and starts talking then has dad walk up to say his speech-
"She was the love of my life I wanted her to be happy and I did just that we had three wonderful children and then later on we became grandparents she was so happy on how big our family had become words can't express how I feel right now with me losing the woman I love"Dad said
-I began to cry and Liam leaned me against his chest and I cried more and more and Dad comes back to sit down then Izumo goes up and says his speech-
"My wife was also the woman I love me and her did everything together we were best friends and we were so happy to know that we were having our first kid Tatara who is here now and then our family got bigger not only did I lose my wife I lost my adopted sister but to me she was something else my friend my family to lose them both is upsetting"Izumo said
-Izumo comes back and sits down-
"And now for the children of both sides first we will start with the oldest Marie and then Tatara"The Priest said
-I walk up and go over to the stand-
"I don't know how I'm going to live life without my mom I loved her so much she made me who I am today and she was so kind and sweet,I couldn't have asked for a better mom she taught me to be open to others to make friends and to always be there for family"I said
-Izzy starts crying and Aaron hugs her-
"She taught me and my brother's everything,she would sing to us each night and she would do anything to make us happy"I said
-I walk back to my seat and then Tatara goes up-
"I lost my mom as well the woman who loved and didn't care on what kind of person I was and who I dated she just told me to be the best me I possibly could me and who cares what other people think,I also fought by her side and I would've done it to the greater end if it was up to me but she didn't want that for us she wanted us to start our own family or have our family get bigger so she express more to others"Tatara said
-He walks back to his seat-
"Now we will start with the middle children from both sides"The priest said
-Aaron goes up and I hug Izzy-
"Marie was right Mom was the best she tried her hardest to keep us safe and she taught us to respect others and she had told us to never give up hope something greater will happen to us in the future and sometimes you don't always need to be satisfied to get what you want to achieve"Aaron said
-He goes back to his seat and I let Izzy go and she hugs him and then walks up-
"My mom had taught me that it was ok to be shy and stay on the sidelines as long as I had a golden heart and keep others safe and be there when they need me and to never give up on my dreams or hopes,she also taught me that it's ok to be who you and not what others want or want to see"Izzy said
-She starts crying and Aaron gets up and goes over to her and brings her back to their seat and the priest begins to talk more and we pray then we start to head towards the burial site and we say our goodbyes and leave roses on their gravestones once it's complete and we head to lunch and Phillip fell asleep and I kept him on my lap as we ate and talked about Mom and Mai's memories-

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