They are back

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-Mikoto's POV-
-It's been two months since the accident and me and the rest of the gang except for Yata and Touka and their kid aren't here.Izumo is cleaning glasses when the door opens and Yata comes in with Touka and their son-
"Hey Izumo where is Mai I came over to tell her I am back"Yata said
-Izumo sits there staring at the glass and the counter-
"Hey I'm talking to you now where's my sister"Yata said
"Yata that's enough"I said
"What where is she huh and where's Akane too"Yata said
"Don't you understand they are gone"I said
"What do you mean what happened?"Yata said
"They got in a car accident"I said
"And you guys didn't tell me or invite me to their funeral"Yata said
"Do you really think that we are in the right state of mind to be telling you what happens when we just lost the people we love"I said
-Izzy comes down then see's what's going on and goes back upstairs-
"She was my sister my only family by blood I had left how do you think how I feel!"Yata yelled
-Aaron gets off the couch and goes over and punches Yata in the cheek-
"What the hell was that for!"Yata said
"Your being to loud and reckless we all lost someone we love and we are just gonna have to deal with that fact aren't we"Aaron said
-Yata looks away-
"We will show you where they lay but you will never bring up there names"Aaron said
-He walks away-
"You call yourself a king yet you have no respect for your clansmen"Yata said
-Aaron stops-
"I do actually you are just never here to be part of it"Aaron said
-He walks away and goes to his office and locks the door-
"I'm sorry for the way I acted Mikoto I just can't believe that your son is leading"Yata said
"It's fine just please don't bring them up let's just hold there memories but not there name"I said
"I understand"Yata said
-I help him up-
"Besides my son is the perfect King he just acting like just how I was when big Tatara died"I said
"No kidding"Yata said
-The door opens again and Liam walks in with a paper in hand-
"I have found the car"Liam said
"Ok and who's car is it"I said
"Don't hate me it wasn't my fault I was just following procedures"Liam said
"Spit it out"I said
"Ok it was a horrible person who I call my father he did it"Liam said
"How I thought he was in jail!"I said
"He was until his mistress came and bailed him out"Liam said
"And you didn't think to I don't know stop her"I said
"It's not fault it's what procedures call for"Liam said
"He killed my wife and my best friends wife and almost our children"I said
"I understand that he works for the green clan now ok and he made my wife upset she won't even come out of our room unless I drag her out with Phillip"Liam said
"We are stopping this green clan then and let me talk to her"I said
"Good luck that she hasn't talked since the funeral and fine we will get the green clan but we are working together"Liam said
"Ok and take me to her"I said
"Ok"Liam said
-We leave and we make it to the house and he shows me to there room and I knock on the door and the door opens-
"Marie your Dad us here to see you"Liam said
-She turns around and looks at me and her eyes are red and puffy like she has been crying for days-
"Hey sweetie Yata and Touka are back"I said
-She runs up and hugs me and I hug her back-
"Why don't we get you out of the house get ready I'll meet you downstairs"I said
-She nods and I leave with Liam-
"How long has she been crying"I said
"She doesn't when I'm home but every time I get home she looks like that"Liam said
"Do you comfort her"I said
"Of course I do she's my wife"Liam said
"Good that's what your supposed to and don't worry I'll get her to talk when I'm done talking to her ok"I said
"Anything I just want her to be happy again"Liam said
"Ok now we wait"I said
"Yeah"Liam said
-Marie's POV-
-I get dressed into a dress and do my hair and makeup that look like this-

Izumo is cleaning glasses when the door opens and Yata comes in with Touka and their son-"Hey Izumo where is Mai I came over to tell her I am back"Yata said-Izumo sits there staring at the glass and the counter-"Hey I'm talking to you now where's ...

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