This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-As time went on Liam and I watched Phillip grow up and we were so proud he is now 8 years old and Kairi is 8 as well and she is growing big too so today is the day Phillip starts Preschool and I am excited and so is Liam but he has been preparing his men to defeat the green queen and my wounds have healed and the doctor said no real damage was done I can still have kids if I wanted to but me and Liam are already pretty busy with Phillip on our hands anyway I am getting Phillip's backpack ready when I hear little footsteps running around and giggling from the other room.Oh and me and Liam have moved out of the headquaters and moved into our own house closer to my parents and Izzy and Aaron which is awesome- "Phillp!"I said -I hear giggling being heard I finish up Phillip's backpack and go into his room and see him getting tickled by Liam- "Ok boys that's enough we have to get going to someones school"I said -I look at Phillip and Liam and Liam gets up and picks up Phillip- "Mommy is right we have to get going we will play later"Liam said "Ok daddy"I said -I smile and we leave- " Are you ready for your first day of pre school with Kairi"I said "Yeah mommy"Phillip said -We drive up- "Well have a good day you know mommy and daddys number right?"Liam said "Yeah Daddy"Phillip said -Phillip leans over and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and leaves and me and Liam head back to the house- "You think he will be ok?"I said "Of course he will be fine"Liam said "Really?"I said "Yeah if he has your spirit he will be amazing"Liam said "Awww honey"I said -I hold his hand while he drives.When we make it home I go upstairs and grab somethings- -Amelia's POV- -After so long we have taken the colorless king down and we are gonna attack the Gold Kingdom with the new king and me and Jake are married now and he is happy and so am I- "Go burn them all and take the new gold king and bring him to me"I said "Yes Ma'am"Melody said -Asami's POV- -I am with Noah when someone comes in and starts attacking the gold kingdom and Noah grabs me and pushes me down somewhere dark to keep me safe and I make a phone call- ~On the phone~ "Hey what's up?"Marie said "Marie help it's-"I get cut off "No no you don't get out of this either missy you are very important your my neices clansmen"?? said -She grabs me and ties me up and puts me next to Noah who is also tied up and they put a cover us- -Amelia's POV- -Melody brings me the gold king and a purple clansmen- "Good job"I said -Me and Jake start to sing-
-After we finish I take the purple clansmen and unmask her- "So your the one my brother is stressing over"The girl said "Oh so the blue king is your brother"I said "Yeah and I already sent a stress call to my queen she will come for me"The girl said "I guess we will see take them away"I said -They take them away- -Marie's POV- -After the call wth Asami I run down to Liam as fast as I could- "Liam!!"I said "What what is it"Liam said "It's Asami she is in danger I need you to head to these coordinates I will get Aaron and Izzy"I said -I send him the coordinates and he looks and takes his men and leaves and I call Aaron and Izzy in the car- "Hey what's up?"Aaron said "It's Asami and Noah they are in danger and we need backup we believe it is Amelia the queen of the Jungle"I said "Ok send me the coordinates I will be there soon"Aaron said "Ok and I'm gonna call mom and dad and have them pick up the kids"I said "Ok"Aaron said -I hang up and drive and make it to where I see Liam and I get out wearing this-
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"Alright men lets head in"Liam said -They nod and we storm in and Aaron and Izzy catch up and we see Melody- "Oh look it's my Niece and nephew"Melody said "Yeah and I'm here to take my allies back"I said "Your allies so the colorless is your Allie to even though he planned to get both of your fathers to kill each other"Melody said "We don't care about him I only care about Noah and Asami"I said "It's a pleasure to finally meet you"?? said -The green haired girl comes walking down the stairs and I have a flashback of that night when I got stabbed and I get angry and Liam backs up and I launch myself at her and freeze her- "You think this will stop me"?? said -She escapes and I jump away and I go over to Liam, Aaron and Izzy- "Get them!"Liam yelled -His men go and attack the jungle and me and Liam, Aaron and Izzy go and Attack Melody,Jake and the girl who I found out from Liam is Amelia- -Akane's POV- -Me and Mikoto go pick up Mikoto Jr who looks like this now-
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-And then we head over to pick up Phillip and Kairi- "Grandma,Grandpa and uncle Mikoto"They said "Hey guys your mommies and daddies are busy so we are gonna play with you guys today"I said "Yay!!"They said -We drive to our house and Mikoto Jr goes to do his homework and we play with Kairi and Phillip- -Marie's POV- -We didn't get Amelia she escaped with Jake but we got Melody back- "Well now I'm gonna take her away back to headquarters and have extra security are you gonna go pick up the kids"Liam said "Yeah we are I'll see you at home"I said "Ok"Liam said -He kisses my cheek and we go pick up the kids- "How was he mom?"I said "He was great right Phillip"Mom said "Yeah we played tag with Grandpa"Phillip said "Oh yeah well I'm glad you had fun now let's go home to daddy huh"I said "Yeah!"Phillip said -We leave to go home and see Liam and we play together and help him with his coloring and spelling homework-