This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-Liam's POV- "Fine it's Katsumi,Katsumi Takahashi"Katsumi said "Well then Katsumi why do you need my father to begin with"I said "Because he is my boyfriend or oh wait he didn't get a chance to tell you"Katsumi said "All he said was that you are his mistress"Asami said "Oh woops did I say Mistress I mean my secret girlfriend that I have once your mother passed away"Dad said -I get mad and blue flames begin to come up- "Woah so it seems your mother's death hit a spot"Dad said "You know you did father because we loved our mother"I said "Yes I did and guess what I loved her but she was crazy"Dad said "My mother isn't crazy that was the sickness the cancer father that was what it was"I said "Wait you mean Mom had Cancer"Asami said "Yeah she did ohh did I forget to say it in the letter I sent you"Dad said
"I can't believe you sent me away when I was little away from my big brother and now you tell me my mother died of cancer"Asami said "I wanted you gone away from here because you had issues and I wanted a perfect king and Liam had that built in his brain because your Mother died and I knew that if he wasn't happy and I was a jerk then I knew your brother here would resist me and wouldn't want to be like me and with you here,you were getting in the way"Dad said "You are a pscyopath"Asami said "I know I killed your brother's wife father but he came back"Dad said
-I get more angry and then blue flames come around me- "Liam don't he wants this just go upstairs everything will be fine he will be out of here in no time"Asami said "Fine guards don't release him till Katsumi fills out the right reports and if she doesn't put her in the cell"I said "Yes sir"The guard said -I leave and head upstairs to Marie and when I walk in I see her looking out the window and I walk closer to her- -Marie's POV- -I look out the window and then at my hand and thinking what is so special about the purple clan,my clan.I then look back out of the window and then I suddenly hear the door open and footsteps walk toward me and then arms wrap around me-
"Sorry it took so long my father kept me down there with his mistress"Liam said "It's ok and are you ok I know your father cheating on your mother must be getting to you"I said
"I'm fine just hate the man even more"Liam said "I know but we don't have to deal with him anymore"I said "Yes hopefully his mistress or his girlfriend takes him away from us and me and Asami don't have to deal with him anymore and me and you can start our own family"Liam said
"I hope we can start our family as soon as he is gone"I said "Me too"Liam said -I turn around and smile at Liam and he smiles back and he hugs me and then we separate and then I look down- "What is wrong"Liam said "Nothing I am just thinking of how all the clans have different powers but what is my power what is my clans power what will other people who join my clan have and what is special about my clan"I said "I am sure the power of your clan will come when the time comes I promise my love and those people who will come to your clan will be delighted to be with you and how you will rule and everything will be fine and great"Liam said -While looking down at me cause I am shorter than him- "I know I am just afraid that my clans power won't be powerful enough"I said
"I understand that but I believe that your power will be amazing"Liam said "Thanks love"I said "Of course I believe that you are the one that is powerful and I love that about you"Liam said "I love you too"I said -He leans down and kisses me and then I into the bathroom and begin to get into some comfy clothes and they look like this-
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"Wow you look wonderful anyway I should go back and see what the progress is on my father I'll be right back"Liam said "Oh well fine I am going to just go to sleep then while you are busy"I said "Oh well I love you I'll be right back as soon as I am done ok"Liam said "Ok wake me up when you get back"I said -Liam walks away and then I lay down and our room looks like this-
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-I fall asleep- -Liam's POV- -I walk downstairs-
"Sir your father has gotten his papers filled out by Katsumi do you want us to release your father out of his jail cell"The guard said
"Let me see the paperwork"I said
-He hands me the paperwork and I see everything is filled in its proper form- "Ok set him free but on one condition father"I said
"And what is that"Dad said
"You will not be doing anything to hurt me or my family or anything that involves us anymore"I said
"Fine consider you guys gone"Dad said -I nod at the guards and then look at the guard and he unlocks the cell and my father leaves and Asami comes over to me- "So will we be discussing my coming back party"Asami said "Of course we will in the morning how about that I have a wife to be going to who is a little upset about her clan and what her power will be"I said
"I'm sorry to hear about that but here is a thought"Asami said "What?"I said "How about I join Marie's clan"Asami said "That would be great I'll tell her the great as soon as I wake her when I go upstairs oh and your room is still the same way you left it so make it as you please"I said "Will do now go to your wife"Asami said
-I nod and go back upstairs and then I walk over to Marie and push her hair out of her face and she wakes up-
-Marie's POV- -I wake up and look at Liam and smile-
"Yes my darling"I said "I have some news for you"Liam said
"And that is"I said
"Asami wants to join your clan"Liam said "OH MY GOD really"I said "Yeah she does I told her about how upset you were about the power of your clan and she wants to join"Liam said
"That's amazing well I'll tell her in the morning that I said yes to her offer of joining my clan, Eck!I'm so excited"I said "I bet"Liam said "Well let's go to sleep"I said "Ok"Liam said -He leaves and goes get dressed and then we go to sleep-