The meeting

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~After a couple of months I am now four months pregnant and today me and Liam have the clans meeting with the other kings or queens. Things have been pretty easy being pregnant and we found out that me and Liam are having a boy.We are so excited and we can't wait till he comes.So I am about to head downstairs and this is what I am wearing~

"Hi Marie I see you are waiting for Liam again"Asami said"Yes I sure am he takes longer than me and I'm the one that is pregnant"I said"I find it hilarious how you can get ready before he does"Asami said"Yeah so do I

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"Hi Marie I see you are waiting for Liam again"Asami said
"Yes I sure am he takes longer than me and I'm the one that is pregnant"I said
"I find it hilarious how you can get ready before he does"Asami said
"Yeah so do I. Hurry up honey we are gonna be late!"I said
"Ok I'm coming"Liam said
-He comes down looking like this-

"Looking amazing"I said"Yeah you do now how do you take so long when you aren't even the pregnant one"Asami said"Oh hush says the person who wears short dresses just cause her boyfriend likes it"Liam said"Oh no you didn't"Asami said-I look at Asam...

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"Looking amazing"I said
"Yeah you do now how do you take so long when you aren't even the pregnant one"Asami said
"Oh hush says the person who wears short dresses just cause her boyfriend likes it"Liam said
"Oh no you didn't"Asami said
-I look at Asami's dress that looks like this-

"Ok you two let's not fight right now,I'll let you two do it after the meeting"I said"Ok I'm down"Liam said"So am I"Asami said-We leave and head to the limo and meet at the gold king palace-"You haven't been to Noah's place yet  have you"I said"No...

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"Ok you two let's not fight right now,I'll let you two do it after the meeting"I said
"Ok I'm down"Liam said
"So am I"Asami said
-We leave and head to the limo and meet at the gold king palace-
"You haven't been to Noah's place yet  have you"I said
"No I have not he has only been to our place but I haven't been to his it sure is pretty tall"Asami said
"Yes it is and Marie how is our baby boy"Liam said
"He is good he is kicking right now"I said
"Oh let me feel"Liam said
-He feels my stomach and he feels the kick-
"Aww little one we will make sure to find a name for you promise"Liam said
-I smile and then Asami smiles and we stop and the door opens and Liam gets out and helps me and Asami out and we walk in-
"Welcome Scepter four and what shall the purple clan be named"Noah's dad said
"How about the pixie clan"Tatara said
-We all stare at him-
"What I'm gay we get it"Tatara said
"I'm making the decision I choose Perwinkle the Perwinkle clan"I said
"Ok then that is your clans name"Noah's dad said
"Thank you sir"I said
"No thank you"Noah's dad said
"Why are we gathered here anyway"Noah said
"Because son you will become the new gold king"Noah said
"You forgot about someone!!!"Tatara said
"Who Tatara who did we forget this time"I said
"My finace is the silver king dummy"Tatara said
-We all look Tatara again-
"Are you drunk?"Izzy said
"Yes,yes he is"Axel said
"So you really are the first king"Aaron said
"Heck yeah he is would I lie to you guys!!!"Tatara said
"Yes multiple times,everyday"I said
"Yeah yeah whatever he is just the best I love him so much"Tatara said
"Anyway yes I am the new  silver king it would've been your mom but he saw that me growing up and he kinda knew me as a sorta son to him"Axel said
"I understand and plus my mom was already the red queen and she didn't know about my grandfather till I was a teenager"I said
"Yeah well now it's my turn to take over and make things peaceful while making my fiance happy"Axel said
"Awww thanks boo"Tatara said
"He's still drunk how did he even get like this anyway"I said
"Oh he was so happy I became king that he took us out to eat and then he wanted to buy us drinks and then he just kept drinking"Axel said
-Tatara goes up to me-
"I have a problem Axel is being mean"Tatara said
"Tatara is a baby that's why"Axel said
"I want a baby"Tatara said
-He starts poking me all over and then started rubbing my belly and Liam gives him a look while having blue flames out-
"Honey it's ok,Axel take him home"I said
"Of course see you guys tomorrow"Axel said
-They leave and my dad and Izumo walk in-
"Hey guys sorry to interrupt something but we need Liam and Aaro"Why"I said
"Oh I forgot to tell you my love I am going on a business trip with your Dad,Izumo and Aaron for about a month"Liam said
"Where at?"I said
"It's in America we need to discuss business with Eliza and her husband for the company"Dad said
"I see well just let me know when you guys arrive I will miss you guys"I said
"I will miss you Aaron"Izzy said

"It's only for a month I'll be back before you know it"Aaron said
"Ok well see you guys in a month"I said
"Yes and honey let me know when the baby comes and text me and let me know what names you have in mind"Liam said
-Liam hugs me and kisses me then looks down at my belly and rubs it-
"I'm gonna head to the house to get my stuff"Liam said
"Ok I will ride with Izzy when you guys leave"I said
-He nods and I see Aaron hug and kiss Izzy and then I walk up to my dad and give him a hug and then Izzy does the same for Izumo then they leave to go pick up there stuff and me and Izzy discuss what will be happening with Axel is the Silver king and Noah as the Gold king-
-Axel's POV
-We are walking down the street and Tatara is talking to me about how he wants a baby and while we continue walking we run into a three year old boy on the street and we stop-

"Hi little one where is your family?"I said
"I don't have one"??? said
"Then what is your name"I said
"I don't have one"??? said
"You were called the boy this whole time I shall call you Marco"Tatara said
"Oh god what has happened"I said
"What do you mean now we have a child"Tatara said
"Let's just head home"I said
-Tatara holds Marco's hand and we continue to walk and I begin to call Marie-
-Marie's POV-
-My phone starts to ring-
-I was talking to Izzy in the car on the way home-
"I have something to tell that I haven't told Aaron yet"Izzy said
"What is it?"I said
"I'm pregnant"Izzy said
"That's great why haven't you told him"I said
"Because he has been busy with your dad and the business lately"Izzy said
"I see well I'm sure when he comes back he will love this gift"I said
"I think so to"Izzy said
~Flashback ends~
-I answer my phone-
"Hey Axel what is it"I said
"So Tatara has a problem"Axel said
"Yeah he's drunk"I said
"Yeah he's taken a kid"Axel said
"What how?"I said
"We were walking home when we ran into this boy and the boy said he didn't have a family or a name and so Tatara named him and now we are taking him to our home"Axel said
"We will be there soon"I said
"Ok"Axel said
-I hang up and we head to Tatara and Axel's house-

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