The attack at my house

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-Dad comes in with Liam behind him and I fought Reisi as hard as I can I have a cut on my arm and cheek and Liam runs over to me and blocks me and Dad helps me up-
"Thanks Dad"I said
"Of course go clean yourself up"Dad said
"Ok"I said
-I go and clean up my cuts-
"Mommy?"Phillip said
"Oh sweetie stay in your room don't come out"I said
"Why Mommy is it cause of that guy daddy is fighting with"Phillip said
"Yes honey now go hide don't come out till I get you"I said
"Ok mommy"Phillip said
-I walk him to his room and he goes and hides and I lock the door-
~Liam's POV~
-We take it outside and then Mikoto cuts in-
~Mikoto's POV~
-I cut in the fight with Liam and Reisi and I look in Reisi's eyes-
"It's a shame I had to kill your wife and your best friends"Reisi said
-I get more angry and my hands become on fire-
"Ohh feisty are we?"Reisi said
"Liam leave him to me he murdered my wife"I said
-He backs away but not far away-
-Marie's POV-
-I run outside and go to Dad and see Liam come towards me and he hugs me and then everything goes slow and I see Reisi's sword go through my dad and I start to scream-
"No!!!"I said
-I start to cry and fall to my knees and Liam grabs me and then someone goes and attacks him and I look and it's Izumo-
"No don't do it"I said
-I get up and run over to dad and hold him closer to me and I just cry-
"Stay with me Dad please mom told me about what happened to you last time"I said
-He looks at me-
"I'm sorry but she is calling me I love you and take care of Mikoto Jr and Phillip for me"Dad said
"I will Dad I will"I said
-He goes limp and I cry harder and then I look up and see Izumo die from Reisi-
"How dare you,you monster!!!"I said
-I turn and see Aaron and he goes over to Izumo and they talk then Izumo stops moving and I cry harder-
"What do you wanna do Aaron?"I said
-I go blank faced and look at Aaron-
"Burn them all"Aaron said
-I scream and my fire comes loose and I go and attack Reisi-
"Marie!"Liam said
-I look at him and flames are around me-
"I'm done bye bye kiddo see you next time"Reisi said
-He leaves and I fall to my knees and cry and then I start to break and sing-

-My hair turns brown and my eyes turn red-
-Liam's POV-
-I see her hair turn brown and her eyes turn red and fire goes all around her-
"Marie!"I yell
-I run up to her but her fire is too hot-
"Stay away from her"Aaron said
"Why"I said
"I did some research and this power it's dangerous you touch her you will burn she is trying to stop him she has no clue what is going on she can't control it"Aaron said
"Then what do we do"I said
"Nothing we have to stand back"Aaron said
"I can't what if she can't snap out of it"I said
"She will you haven't seen all her power"Aaron said
-I look at him and then I look at her-
"What if she gets hurt and I can't save her"I said
"There is no what if's she will defeat him and come home"Aaron said
"Fine"I said
-Marie's POV-
-I feel as if I'm with my parents flames within me and I start to attack Liam's Dad-
"You think this power is gonna stop me"Reisi said
-I then slice in the air and then Reisi's throat slices open and he bleeds and then my power goes away and then Liam runs up to me and so does Aaron and then I drop down and cry-
"Shh there there its over"Liam said
"I know but they are dead"I said
"I know that's hard to come but they died from him and you killed him and we can finally be some what safer"Liam said
"He's right now we just have to worry about this Amelia chick"Aaron said
"Yeah your right Aaron we call up the guys and tell them the news"I said
"That's my right to say not yours"Aaron said
"Right sorry"I said
-I get up and go to me and Liam's room and Liam gets Phillip and I cry and stay in my room-
-Aaron's POV-
-I have someone come and take Dad and Izumo somewhere so they can get ready to get buried and I head  back to Homra thinking of what Izumo said-
-I hold  Izumo and he leans and tells me while bleeding-
"Aaron take care of Izzy and Kimberly and my bar and tell the girls I love them so much and I didn't want it to end like this"Izumo said
"I promise you can rest now"I said
-He looks at me and nods then he goes numb and I start to cry-
~Flashback end~
-I walk in the bar and  see everyone staring at me-
"Where is Izumo and Mikoto"Yata said
-I look down-
"Tell us man what happened"Yata said
"They died Reisi killed them!"I yelled
"Then let's kill that bastard"Yata said
"He's dead too"I said
"Who killed him"Yata said
"Marie,Marie killed him out of sadness"I said
"What how?"Yata said
"Her power her flames they unleashed"I said
"I see where is she now"Yata said
"She's home with her son and Liam"I said
"I'm gonna go to talk to her"Yata said
"No she probably wants to be on her own"I said
"Fine but I will talk to her"Yata said
"Yes I understand"I said
"What did he say to you honey"Izzy said
"Your dad says he loves you and Kimberly and he didn't want it to end like this"I said
-She nods and then gives me a hug-
"I'm sorry this happened"I said
"I'm not the only one who lost a dad and a mom I bet you this hurts you as much as it hurts me"Izzy said
"Can we talk about this with each other later"I said
"Of course my love"Izzy said
-I hug her tighter-
-Marie's POV-
-I grab my phone and call Grandma and Grandpa-
~On the phone~
"Hey honey how are you holding up sweetie"Grandma said
"Actually there is a reason why I called"I said
"Why don't you come outside first"Grandma said
-I hang up and go downstairs and open the door and see Grandma and Grandpa and run up to them and hug them-
"Grandma,Grandpa,Dad is dead and I don't know how I feel right now"I said
"Oh honey first your mom and now Mikoto"Grandma said
"Yeah I just can't believe they are gone in just a short amount of time in Phillip's life"I said
"I know but we will still be here for you and Phillip and your brother"Grandpa said
"Thanks you guys wanna come in Phillip is upstairs"I said
"Of course we will come in and talk to you"Grandma said
-I open the door and they come in and I call Philllip down and he talks to them and we watch a movie while Liam cooks dinner-
-Mikoto's POV- ~In Heaven~
-I look at Akane in front of me -
"I didn't want you to come here so soon"Akane said
"I'm sorry he was the one who killed you"I said
"But still our kids and our grandkids"Akane said
"I know but we are together again plus I don't know what I would do if I lived without you"I said
"That's how I felt when you died the first time but you came back to me and I was with over joy now we left the people we love"Akane said
"I know and I'm sorry but I love you plus I was doing what was right to protect our kids  from him"I said
"Yes but Marie killed him"Akane said
"I know but now we can watch them from here together and see them grow"I said
"Yeah but only if we had more time"Akane said
-I hug her and kiss her and then we watch Marie and them-

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