The Munakata Girls

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-At any moment I'll be having my twin girls.As of right now we are heading to Homra to hang out with Aaron and everyone since it is the weekend-
"Ok Honey I think you should be sitting down now you've been standing for awhile now"Liam said
"Honey I am fine"I said
"You are not exactly fine you are nine months pregnant you can have the girls at any moment"Liam said
"I know dear but why can't I stand and talking to my family"I said
"Because I want you to sit down and it will make me happy plus you can talk to them while sitting"Liam said
"Ok"I said
-I sit down on the couch and Liam sighs-
"She is fine Liam come here and have a drink"Tatara said
"No I can't be drinking these girls can come at any moment and I need to be ready"Liam said
-Liam walks over to Tatara and Aaron walks up to me-
"What has him so protective"Aaron said
"I don't know he wasn't like this with Phillip"I said
"Maybe it's different because you guys are having twins"Izzy said
"Yeah maybe but still he hasn't been sleeping because when I go to sleep he is awake and getting things ready"I said
"Well just stay here and maybe he will chill out for a bit"Aaron said
"Coming from you"Izzy said
"Yeah"Aaron said
"When I was getting ready to have Kairi he was always protective like he wouldn't want me to get things out of our bedroom"Izzy said
"Wow and I thought Liam is bad"I said
"Yeah"Izzy said
"Do you need a massage"Liam said
"No honey I am fine can we go out to I'm hungry"I said
"What are you hungry for we have food in the back Axel is cooking"Tatara said
"A burger please"I said
"Ok did you hear that my knight in shinning armor"Tatara said
"Yes I did coming right up"Axel yelled
"Ok Phillip come here"I said
"Coming mommy"Phillip said
-He gets up from the floor and walks over to me-
"Yes Mommy"Phillip said
"Yes honey can you get Mommy's phone from Daddy's"I said
"Ok mommy"Phillip said
-He goes over to Liam and gets my phone and brings it back to me-
"Ok thank you sweetie"I said
"Welcome mommy"Phillip said
-He goes back to playing with Kairi and little Izumo and I open my phone and call Asami-
"Hey what's up"Asami said
"Can you come over to Homra and calm your brother down"I said
"Of course I haven't seen you guys in awhile"Asami said
"Yeah it has been awhile and plus you can see Phillip I know you and Noah have been busy"I said
"Yeah we have with Gold King buisness and getting our kingdom back"Asami said
"Yeah well see you in a bit"I said
"See you"Asami said
-I hang up and I get up-
"Hey,hey why are you getting up"Liam said
"To give you my phone and your sister is on her way"I said
"You could've had Phillip bring it to me and ok"Liam said
"Phillip is playing with his cousins and I don't want to mess with him"I said
"Ok now go sit back down"Liam said
"Alright alright"I said
-I start to head back when I feel like I can't move-
"Honey what are you doing go sit down"Liam said
"I can't move"I said
"What do you mean you can't move"Liam said
"Honey the girls are coming now"I said
"Oh OH! guys we gotta head to the hospital now"Liam said
-He gets the keys and Aaron and Tatara lead my to the car and I start slow breathing and the kids go in Izzy's car and we all leave for the hospital-
"Honey are you alright"Liam said
"Shut up I am not alright just get to the hospital already!"I yelled
"Ok Aaron call my sister tell her we are heading to the hospital"Liam said
~Timeskip to when they make it to the hospital and she already had the babies~
"Congrats Mr and Mrs.Munakata twin girls now what shall their names be"The nurse said
-I look at them and they look like this-

-The right one is Elizabeth and the left is Mai-"The right one is Elizabeth Izzy Munakata and the left one is Mai Asami Munakata"I said"Beautiful ma'am"The nurse said"You named Elizabeth's middle name after me"Izzy said-I nod-"And you named her af...

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-The right one is Elizabeth and the left is Mai-
"The right one is Elizabeth Izzy Munakata and the left one is Mai Asami Munakata"I said
"Beautiful ma'am"The nurse said
"You named Elizabeth's middle name after me"Izzy said
-I nod-
"And you named her after mom"Tatara said
"And you named Mai's middle name after me"Asami said
-I nod and smile and hand Liam Elizabeth-
"Elizabeth's nickname is Lizzy"I said
"Aww that is so cute"Izzy said
"Ok honey give me Mai and go to sleep now"Liam said
"Ok"I said
-I hand him Mai and I go to sleep-
-Liam's POV-
-I hold both of my girls in my arms and Aaron brings in Phillip-
"Hi Daddy"Phillip said
"Hey Big guy I want you to meet your sisters"I said
-I bend down with them and I show him his sisters-
"Hi sissy's I'm your big brother Phillip and I'm gonna protect you guys just like daddy"Phillip said
-I smile and I look at him-
"Awww Phillip you are so cute"Marie said
-I get up and hand Marie ,Elizabeth-
-Marie's POV-
-I stare at my daughter-
"Ok Mrs.Munakata you are free to go"The nurse said
"Thank you so much"I said
-The nurse leaves and I hand Elizabeth to Izzy and Liam hands Mai to Aaron and he helps me up and then Izzy hands me Elizabeth-
"They are so cute"Asami said
"You wanna hold her Asami"I said
"No I shouldn't"Asami said
"Come on sis this is your niece"Liam said
-I hand Liam Elizabeth and he hands her to Asami-
"Aww she is so cute"Asami said
"Yeah she is"Liam said
-Liam and I smile and they pass around the girls and then later on we all leave to go our homes-
"Phillip do you like your sisters"I said
"I love them mommy I'm gonna protect them just like daddy protects us"Phillip said
"Well honey daddy has a very dangerous job so let's just protect them by being there for them as a good big brother"I said
"Ok mommy" Phillip Said
-We make it home and we get the girls situated in their cribs and then play around with Phillip till the girls start crying-

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