This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-We had made it to Tatara and Axel's house and we saw the little boy playing with drunk Tatara and we walk over to Axel who was rubbing his forehead multiple times- "Oh good you guys made it"Axel said "Of course what exactly happened"I said "Ok so Tatara and I were walking down on our way home and then we ran into this little kid"Axel said -Drunk Tatara walks up- "Me son"Tatara said "Tatara go to sleep"Axel said "No I will put me son to sleep"Tatara said "But we don't have a bed for him"Axel said "Oh yeah well you are going to be sleeping on the couch come on me son let's go to sleep"Tatara said -Tatara and the little boy walks away and Axel sighs- "What did he name the boy"I said "His name is Marco"Axel said "Do we know who the parents are?"I said "No and I may or may not have a thought on who the parents are"Axel said "Ok tell us"Izzy said "Let's go somewhere more private I don't want to tell Tatara"Axel said "Ok then let's go"Izzy said -We walk out of the door and walk to the park and once we make it we sit on the park bench- "Now tell us"Izzy said "You guys can't tell Tatara"Axel said "Ok we won't"I said -Izzy nods- "The boy is mine"Axel said "What how?"Izzy said "What's the story behind it and how do you know it's yours"I said "Yes and I know because his mother contacted me three years ago"Axel said -We look at him- "Before I met Tatara I had a girlfriend she was wonderful and we were happy until one day she got so upset with me and I didn't know why but then it turned out that she was pregnant with my kid and she didn't want me to be there for him so she broke up with me and she said the reason was that I was gone all the time helping my dad and your grandfather Marie so she said if I was like that with her then I would do the same for the kid and recently she called me and told me about him and she didn't name him she wanted me to take him because she had gotten really sick and couldn't take care of him anymore so she left him here with an address with my house and it seems like he lost it but didn't remember who his mom is since she changed how she looked cause of the sickness"Axel said "What did she look like before she got sick?"Izzy said "I think I still have the picture of her"Axel said -He pulls out his phone and looks through and then shows us the picture of her that looks like this-
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"Wow she was beautiful"I said "Yeah we were happy but now that I have fixed my mistakes from the past I had found someone even better"Axel said "Awww that means a lot I'm sure if Tatara knew he would be happy"Izzy said "I know I'm just worried if I told him that I had a son that he would be upset about it"Axel said "I don't think he would I mean look today he literally was rubbing my belly and telling you he wanted a baby"I said "That was just the alchohol talking"Axel said "No we all know that when Tatara is drunk and starts doing something like this it means he really wants something"Izzy said "Yeah I think you should tell him about the boy since he did name him and heck I think that I like it that name what was it again"I said "Marco"Axel said "Yeah it's so cute see unlike me you guys have a name for your child I certainly don't"I said -Looking down at my stomach- "You will get it you and Liam"Izzy said "Yeah you will"Axel said "Thanks guys well I should probably head home it's getting pretty late and this little guy is kicking me like crazy"I said "Aww that's so cute here I'll drive you home"Izzy said "Thanks that means a lot"I said "Anytime"Izzy said "Talk to him Axel in the morning while you take care of his hangover"I said "I will"Axel said "Ok see ya"I said "See ya"Axel said -We leave and drive me home once I get there I put on my Pj's and head to sleep- ~Timeskip to the morning~ -I walk down the stairs in this outfit-
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-I made it to the car and then the driver took off- "Where to miss?"The driver said "To my parents I haven't seen them in a while and I can't wait to see them"I said "But isn't your father gone?"The driver said "Oh yes I know but my mother is still there and my little brother"I said "Ok sorry ma'am we will go right now"The driver said "Thank you"I said "Anytime miss"The driver said -I look out the window while rubbing my belly- ~Timeskip to when they make it there~ "I will call you when I need you"I said "Yes ma'am I will be waiting for that call"The driver said -I nod and he leaves and I walk up to the door and I knock and my mom comes to answer- "Oh Marie it's great to see you oh and the little guy as well please come in"Mom said -I nod and walk in- ~Meanwhile~ -Axel's POV- -I walk into me and Tatara's room and see the boy who looks so much like her and Tatara gets up- "Hey love can I talk to you"I said "Oh of course"Tatara said -He gets up rubbing his head and walks over to me- "Alone without the child"I said "Oh you mean Marco"Tatara said "Yeah"I said -He nods and we walk to a different more private room and I look at him- "What is it"Tatara said "I love you Tatara but before I met you I had a girlfriend and she was pregnant with me kid and then she became sick and couldn't take care of the kid anymore and she sent him here but I guess he lost the address"I said "Ok and where is he"Tatara said "He is Marco But you named him he didn't have one till you named him"I said "Well isn't that great we will keep him and I will love him as much I love you but I will always love you more"Tatara said "Really you want him even if he isn't ours"I said "He is ours now and I'm happy I wanted a kid but someone with your blood even better"Tatara said -I go up to Tatara and just kiss him- "I love you so much and I am so glad you want my son"I said "Of course and I love you too now let's take our son to the store to get him clothes and toys and a bed for him to sleep on and put our desk into our room"Tatara said "Ok"I said -We then go back to our room and go wake up my son- "Hey Marco"Tatara said -He wakes up- "I have some news for you and I think you are going to be happy"I said "What?"Marco said "I'm your dad your mother had told me about you and I'm glad that I can have you"I said "She did and yay I have a daddy"Marco said -I smile and he hugs me- "And hey this will be your other daddy to he is my fiancé and he is glad to have you too"I said "I have two daddy's that even more better!"Marco said -We look at each other and smile- "Now let's go get you some things at the store"I said "Ok!"Marco said -We get up and hold his hand and leave to the store-