This story comes off of the first K project and this is the kids are the ones in this book and the ocs and original characters are still evolved with this story so I hope you enjoy.
-Tatara's POV- -I was walking down the street lonely because Axel is with Liam in America fighting when all of a sudden I hear a baby cry I look around and then I see a baby boy in the trash can crying.I pick him up and hold him and he begins to stop crying and smiles at me and my heart melts and when he opens his eyes they are a light blue color.And the smile makes me melt even more and it made me realize what I had to do.So I take him begin to walk towards Marie's house- ~Timeskip to when he gets there~ -Marie lets me in and see's the baby in my arms- "Tatara what is that"Marie said "A baby duh you are caring one aren't or are you just fat"I said -She looks at me in anger but then starts laughing- "I am caring one but why do you have that baby"Marie said "I found him in a trash can and he smiled at me no one smiles at me anymore"I said "Are you gonna keep him?"Marie said "Yeah but what will Axel say when he gets back"I said "If he really loves you he will understand"Marie said "I know then I will keep him and if I name then Axel will love him"I said "Ok then name him"Marie said "His name shall be Dave"I said "Really?"Marie said "No his name is Izumo after my dad"I said "Aww Tatara,Do you want to go to my baby's doctor appointment with me tomorrow"Marie said "I am my own independent woman plus I have to make an appointment for little Izumo here and get him checked out and get custody over him to have him be me and Axel's son"I said "Oh ok"Marie said "Yeah sorry"I said "It's ok"Marie said "Well I better be going wanna get little Izumo here situated at the house"I said "Oh in your guys new house good thing it has an extra room"Marie said "Right and we still have baby toys but some are toddler stuff from Marco"I said "Then you should probably go get stuff for him and cuddle him tonight"Marie said "Ok I will he can take Axel's spot on the bed and put my hand and pillows next him"I said "Good idea I'll see you tomorrow at Lunch"Marie said "Of course"I said -I then see little Phillip come downstairs rubbing his eyes- "Hey Mommy who's at the door"Phillip said "It's your Uncle Tatara"Marie said "Oh hi Uncle Tatara why do you have a baby"Phillip said "You are so smart well this is your new cousin Izumo"Tatara said "Oh yay is he named after Grandpa Izumo"Phillip said "Yeah he is Phillip now go back to sleep you have school tomorrow"Marie said "Ok Mommy"Phillip said -He goes back upstairs slowly and Marie looks back at me- "Sorry about that"Marie said "It's ok he is just curious"I said "Yeah just like his dad"Marie said "I can tell well see you tomorrow"I said "See you"Marie said -I turn around and leave and head back home and walk inside and go to bed with little Izumo in my arms- ~Timeskip to in the morning~ -I walk in the Kitchen and see Kairi and Marco eating breakfast in their clothes ready for school when they notice I have a baby in my hands- "What's with the baby Dad"Marco said "Umm this is your guys new brother his name is Izumo"I said "That's Dad's name you don't have permission to use his name"Kairi said "I'm trying to keep his memory alive with this child"I said "He's not even yours so why bother"Kairi said -I stay silent and look down- "Dad is just trying to make things happy"Marco said "Tatara will never be my dad,only my real dad is"Kairi said -She walks out the door and leaves- "Don't worry Dad she will warm up to it eventually"Marco said
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-This is what little Izumo looks like- "I know time will tell now go to school"I said "Ok Dad see you later"Marco said "Bye"I said -He leaves to school and I go to the store with Little Izumo- -Marie's POV- -I drive Phillip to school and then I head to the doctors- ~Timeskip to when she goes to the doctors~ "Hi Mrs.Munakata here for your check up"The nurse said "Yes I sure am"I said "Ok come follow me"The nurse said -We walk down the hall and then go in a room- "The Doctor will be with you soon"The nurse said "Ok thank you"I said -She leaves- ~Timeskip to when the doctor comes in~ "Ok Mrs.Munakata lets check up on you"The Doctor said -He looks- "Well congrats Mrs.Munakata you are having twins"The Doctor said "That's wonderful May I know the gender"I said "Are you sure you don't want to wait for your husband to be back"The Doctor said "I want to be the one to tell him,when he gets back"I said "Ok well you are having twin girls"The Doctor said "Thank you so much Doctor I'll see you next week"I said "Your welcome see you soon"The Doctor said -I get up and leave after paying and head to lunch with Tatara- ~Timeskip to when she is at lunch with Tatara~ "Sooo how was the doctors"Tatara said "Good I have some news about the babies"I said "Oh yeah wait Babies!?"Tatara said "Yeah I'm having twins but you can't tell anyone"I said "I won't I promise"Tatara said "Ok don't break it"I said "I won't"Tatara said "Ok"I said "Do you know the gender of them"Tatara said "I do but I'm not gonna tell you that until Liam gets home"I said "Aww ok"Tatara said "Yeah I can't wait till they get home"I said "Hey don't take my man you have your own girl"Tatara said -Little Izumo starts crying- "Whose child is crying"Axel said -Tatara freezes- "When did you get back I thought you were supposed to be gone for two months"I said "Yeah I am but Liam had me come check on you guys,what is going on?"Axel said "My child his name is Izumo you can't make me take him back he was in a trash can and I don't think he wants to go back"Tatara said -While poking Izumo's nose- "Marie your letting him keep him"Axel said "He's not a dog Axel"Tatara said -He hands Izumo to Axel and he looks into Izumo's eyes- "Aww he is so cute"Axel said "See our chid"Tatara said "Anyway how is Liam"I said "He is fine he is worried about you and the baby"Axel said "I bet is he sleeping though"I said "Yeah me and him are bunked together since we are from here and the American's want to keep us together"Axel said "Yeah you guys are coming home soon right?"I said "Yeah they are thinking on sending us back in the next month because we have been so helpful"Axel said "That's great"I said "Yeah and Marie aren't you almost three months pregnant next week"Tatara said "Yeah I will be"I said "You are pretty big as is for how many months you are,should I tell Liam of this"Axel said "Oh no no please don't worry him me and the baby are fine"I said "Ok"Axel said "Yeah thanks for coming home to check on us"Tatara said -Hugging Axel and I rub my belly- "Send some pictures of you and Phillip and I'm sure he will be less worried"Axel said "Yeah I was actually gonna do that after Phillip was done with his homework"I said "Oh nice well see you guys soon"Axel said -Tatara grabs his arm- "Let's get married"Tatara said "Right now actually I can't I have to go back"Axel said -He yanks his arm away and leaves and that's when we knew that wasn't our Axel-