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february 2nd

jack grabbed his last suitcase and put it in the trunk of his mother's car. zach watched him while eating crackers. it was supposed to help with his morning sickness.

zach had found out he was pregnant days ago, after going to the doctor and taking blood and urine tests. he was in shock, him and jack had used protection, but that obviously didn't work out. he didn't feel the need to tell jack right that moment, he hoped he would see him again soon; he hoped that jack moving to a different state wouldn't be the end of their relationship.

jack closed the lid of the car and sighed, looking at zach. he gave him a small, sad smile; he was really going to miss him. zach opened his arms, asking for a hug from his boyfriend.

"bye, zach," jack hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. "i'm gonna miss you."

"you act like this is the end of the world," zach laughed, digging his face into jack's shoulder.

"it sort of is." jack pulled away, scratching the back of his neck. "zach, i think it's best if we end it here." it was hard for jack to say it was the end of the road for him and his boyfriend, but he didn't want to deal with a long distance relationship.

"what?" zach frowned, his heart beating rapidly. "what do you mean?"

"i-" he sighed, "i'm breaking up with you." jack looked down at the ground, feeling pain in his chest. "i just don't want this to be a long distance relationship, those never work out."

"you're giving up on us?" zach tried to ignore the tears that were forming in his eyes. "that's it?"

"zach, you gotta understand," jack replied, wiping a tear away from zach's rosy cheek with his thumb. "it's inevitable, you know?" zach nodded, he did understand. he was just afraid. "we can meet up in a few years, yeah?"

"hey, jack, we gotta get going," his mom called. she came out of their now old home and walked up to the two boys. she smiled politely at zach, patting his shoulder. "we'll miss you, bud. especially isla, she loves you guys." zach let out a small laugh.

"yeah, reese won't be too happy for the next few days," he hugged the woman. "see ya, kristin."

"c'mon isla, let's get in the car," jack's mom gestured for his little sister to follow her to the car.

"bye, zach." was all she said with pouty lips as she entered the car. zach smiled and waved goodbye.

"well, i guess i should be leaving then," jack hugged zach one last time.

"bye, jack." they pulled away and jack began walking to the passenger seat of the car, opening the door. "hey, jack." zach was determined to tell him about the baby he was expecting.


"i'm . ." he paused. he can't tell him. "i mean- uh, have a great trip to california." he smiled.

"thanks." that was the last thing jack said to him before leaving. zach watched as the car disappeared, feeling sad and scared.

he was terrified. how was his going to raise a child at 16?

cringeee. lol, here's my new book. i'm on Thanksgiving break so hopefully i get to update quickly. love you.


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