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zach grabbed a glass of orange juice before walking over to the couch where daniel and miles were sitting, watching finding dory. miles had enjoyed the movie so much, he watched it almost every weekend. zach was pretty sure he knew the whole movie by heart.

"finding dory. nice," zach said, plopping in the couch. miles sat closer to him and laid his head on zach's lap, making his dad smile.

"this is my favorite movie, daddy." miles grinned, not taking his eyes off the tv.

"i know, bub," zach replied, striking miles' brown hair with a smile.

"this is probably my fifth time watching this movie," daniel added with a chuckle. "i can't imagine how many times you've watched it."

"too many to count." the younger male laughed.

as the movie progressed, zach stopped paying attention. instead, he started thinking about what had happened hours before. seeing jack again made zach realize he still had feelings for him; that those feelings never left even after he met daniel.

as if on que, his phone rang in his pocket, making miles sit up with a frustrated look. his stomach made a flip as soon as he saw the name that popped up.


after all this time, he never delete his number. he hoped that jack would at least call or text, but nothing. thinking about the fact that jack lost contact with him made zach angry. yes, they had broken up but it wasn't a horrible break up. zach though they decided to be friends, but that thought went away after miles was born and still nothing from jack.

"you're not gonna pick up?" daniel asked, making zach's thought bubble pop.

"right." the rosy cheeked boy blushed and swiped right. "i'll be right back." he stood up and walked upstairs and into daniel's room.

"zach?" jack's voice made his heart run a marathon.

"hey-y," zach scratched the back of his head, feeling short of breath. "how are you?"

"i'm great, amazing . . . you?"

"same here," he laughed awkwardly.

"that's good. listen, are you doing anything right now?" jack cut right to the case.

"i'm watching a movie with miles," he looked at the door and then back at daniel's bed.

"miles? oh, right, your son."

"right. why do you ask?" zach questioned, sitting on daniel's bed.

"i just thought we can go out for a snack or something, you know, to catch up or whatever," he paused, "but it's okay, we can go another time, quality time with family is important."

zach thought about it. he wanted to say know but he knew that deep down he had been waiting for this since he saw jack today. miles could stay with daniel while he was gone. he sighed before speaking.

"no, it's fine. i have someone who can stay with miles."

"really?" he heard the happiness in jack's voice. "i'll pick you up. same house?"

"oh, i'm actually not home right now," he bit his lip. "i'll send you the address, though."

"sounds great. see you then, z." the call ended and zach sighed again. he sent the address to jack before going back downstairs.

miles was sitting on daniel's lap with his head resting on one should, still watching the movie. zach smiled and felt his heart warm up at the scene.

"who was it?" daniel asked with curiosity.

"an old friend. he wants to catch up, is it ok if i leave miles with you?" zach fidgeted with his phone.

❝miles❞ - jachary [✔]Where stories live. Discover now