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christmas mornings were always zach's favorite. he actually enjoyed being woken up by his son, telling him that santa had come. watching miles' face light up as he opened his presents was one of zach's favorite moments.

miles had woken both him and jack up so they can go downstairs with him to open up his presents. jack didn't seem to mind, he gladly took miles' hand to take him downstairs.

zach watched as both jack and his son sat on the floor with wrapped presents surrounding them.

"daddy, look! i got the batman lego i wanted!" he exclaimed, showing the box to his dad. zach smiled and sat down next to jack, their knees touching.

"see? that means you've been a good boy," he replied, ruffling the little boy's hair. miles giggled and continued opening up more presents as his parents watched.

he had gotten an art set, a few puzzles and some toys. to say he was happy was an understatement.

"wow, miles, you must have been on the top of the nice list," jack said, looking at all the little boy's presents.

miles only smiled at him as he opened his lego box.

"jack, want to help me?" he asked, giving the little guide book to jack.

"of course." the older male looked at zach.

"i'll go make some breakfast," he said, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

the herron family didn't wake up until later on christmas mornings, ever since miles was born, it was only him and zach in the morning till eleven or so. he didn't mind, he liked being with his son.

while zach was in the kitchen making breakfast, jack was pointing to the pieces miles needed to put together in order to complete the set.

miles looked so concentrated it made jack's heart melt. he could tell that his son loved building and drawing, the drawing he showed him last night was not too bad for a three year old.

they were half way to being done when zach called both of them to join him at the island of the kitchen. the two got up and jack waiting for miles to finish up. the little boy got up and grabbed jack's hand so they can walk together.

miles really did like jack, probably more than he liked corbyn. and he really liked corbyn.

"oh, what do we have here? waffles?" jack asked, smelling the air.

"no, jack, it's a checkered pancake," zach answered sarcastically.

"you know? in a way they are checkered pancakes so jokes on you." jack stuck his tongue out and picked miles up to sit him down on his chair.

"i like waffles. they're my favorite!"

"i thought pancakes were your favorite, bud," zach said, pouring himself and jack a cup of coffee.

"pancakes are my favorite, too." he grabbed his sippy cup and drank milk out of it.

"both of those are my favorite." jack placed a hand on his chest when saying 'my', nodding at his son. "they're really good."

"yeah, and with chocolate they're really good, too!" he cheerfully added, looking at zach. "can i put some on, daddy?"

"sure." the teen dad grabbed the nutella jar and opened it, spreading some of it onto miles' waffle.

"ooh, i want some on mine, too," joked the older male, winking. zach blushed and pushed the jar of nutella towards him.

"do it yourself, you big baby." he laughed and sat down after giving jack his coffee. "i already made you breakfast."

they began to eat breakfast in a comfortable silence. miles was too busy eating to make conversation and his parents didn't know what to talk about.

the three year old finished his breakfast quickly and looked at both his dads.

"can i go finish my lego, jack?"

zach looked up and raised an eyebrow. why was he asking jack? it's not like he's the one who raised him.

jack glanced at his ex, noticing his face. "uhm- i don't know, baby, ask your dad."

miles turned to zach. "daddy, can i go finish my lego now?"

the nineteen year old only nodded and continued to eat. when miles had left the kitchen he once again raised an eyebrow at jack.


"sorry, it slips out. he's just so small and well behaved it makes me soft," he confesses, scratching the back of his neck. "you and daniel did a good job at raising him, that's for sure."

zach felt his stomach turn because of guilt. he felt bad lying to jack but he had to. it was for miles' safety.


"i think we should hang out again. with miles," he suggested, drinking his coffee. zach choked on the piece of waffle he had just placed in his mouth, which made jack get up quickly and go pat his ex on the back.

"oh my god." he drank some coffee. "sorry, what did you say?"

"that we should take miles out somewhere," he restated. zach looked straight ahead.

him and jack? alone with miles? maybe it was a good idea, maybe it wasn't.

but maybe it was the fact that it was christmas day that made zach think it was a good idea. maybe it was that that made zach accept jack's offer.

so originally this was going to be a long ass chapter but then i didn't like where it was going so i deleted all of it and restarted and now we're here but imma start on the next chapter right now :D

love u guys

dedicated to StupidSeavey1 <3

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