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zach groaned at the sound of an alarm clock, placing a pillow on top of his head, hoping that would block the noise away. he was actually falling back to sleep, until he felt the bed move constantly around him. he furrowed his eyebrows and let go of the pillow he was holding.

"daddy!" he heard a little voice exclaim. "wake up, wake up, wake up!" the little boy stopped jumping around the bed and sat next to zach's head, shaking it lightly. zach smiled and chuckled.

"okay, okay!" he laughed. "i'm up." he sat up on his bed, and stretched.

"today we go shopping!" the child began to jump around the bed again. "i want to give grandma the best christmas present ever!"

"yeah? what will you get her?" zach grabbed him and he giggled. zach sat his child on his lap and ruffled his hair.

"no! you'll mess up my hair, daddy," he pouted, moving zach's hand away from his head. his dad just chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"so, what are you getting for grandma?"

"it's a surprise," the little boy whispered, smiling. zach's heart melted and he couldn't stop smiling. his son was truly his happiness.

"oh, really? you're not going to tell me?"

"no." he shook his head.

"alright," zach said, connecting his forehead with his son's for a moment. "let's go eat breakfast, and then we can get ready to shop."

"yay! i love brealfast!" the small being hopped off of zach's bed and ran across the hallway, into his room. he was a very cheerful three year old, he laughed and giggled at everything.

zach sighed, with a smile still on his face and got up. he walked into the bathroom inside his room and brushed his teeth. he made his bed and also made his way down to the kitchen.

it didn't take long for his son to come down, running with a stuffed bear locked in his right arm.

"is there anything special you want me to make, buddy?" he asked his child. the small boy put a finger to his chin and tapped on it, lightly.

"hmm, i want pancakes! the ones that look like mickey mouse!" he pursed his lips while saying 'mouse', making his way to a chair.

"pancakes it is." zach grabbed the materials he was going to need and began making breakfast. his parents and reese were off on vacation. they wanted to take zach and his kid, but zach refused to go because he had to work.

"is daniel coming over?" zach heard. daniel was his boyfriend, they had been dating for over a year. zach could tell that his child really liked him, and that made him happy.

"yeah, he's meeting us at the store," zach winked and placed a pancake on a small plate, walking over to the table.

"yay!" he giggled. zach placed the plate in front of the little boy and walked back to get his own food. he sat down and smiled.

"have you made a list to santa yet?" he asked, putting some syrup on his son's pancakes.

"yeah, i have it in my head. i need your help to write it," the petit boy replied.

"how about we do that after breakfast?"


they both finished breakfast rather quickly, the three year old was excited to write his letter to santa claus, and zach had to hurry if he didn't want his son to beg him.

after zach washed the dishes, they walked up and into the boy's bedroom. zach grabbed a pen and paper and sat at the small desk.

"what do you want to say to him, bud?"

"uh . . oh, i want to say 'dear santa, for christmas i want a big lego truck! like the ones i see on tv! i want a doggy, too! my daddy says we don't have room for it, but we do!" .

"hey, hey, santa doesn't make doggies at his shop!" zach furrowed his eyebrows with a smile.

"then i want a toy dog!" he hopped up and down. zach chuckled and continued writing as the little one kept listing what he wanted.

"that's a lot, buddy. let's hope santa can get you everything." zach started folding the card.

"wait! you forgot to say who it's from! santa won't know what i want if i don't have my name on it," the little boy scrunched up his nose.

"oops, sorry, my bad," zach said, grabbing the pencil again. "from, miles."

hehe see what i did there ;) no? ok well re-read the title and then read the last word zach says in the chapter lol.

ok, so miles is actually a boy version of this little 3 year old girl i teach in child development at school, she's soooooo cute bro i love her she literally says everything with exclamation point shes adorable.


❝miles❞ - jachary [✔]Where stories live. Discover now