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"hey, zach," said jack, fiddling with his fingers.

the younger one looked up and pressed his lips together, not knowing what to say.

"i only came here to see miles, i understand you don't want anything to do with me at the moment." he walked over to the other side of the bed.

zach got up and made his way over to the far side of the room, away from jack. he wasn't made at him, he just felt embarrassed and ashamed. he had blamed jack for everything, when it wasn't his fault at all. he needed to figure out what to say but nothing came to him.

"hey, sweet child, i hope you wake up soon," whispered jack, kneeling down on the floor to be at level with the bed. "but hopefully you're not in pain, that'll break my heart."

zach was leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, listening to his baby daddy whisper things to his son. he couldn't quite hear it, after all, he was far away.

daniel came in again, approaching his boyfriend with a straight face.

"zach, i need to ask you something," he whispered. he needed to ask him about jack's real relationship to miles. what was he exactly to the little boy?

"can it wait? the doctors said miles would wake up pretty soon," he replied, rubbing his tired eyes. daniel pursed his lips to the side and nodded.

"yeah, sure. it's not that important, anyway." he leaned against the wall as well. "i'm gonna go get some coffee, do you want anything?"

zach shook his head in response and watched as the blue eyed boy walked away. he walked over to jack and tapped him on the shoulder, making the other one look up and got off his knees.

none of them said a word for a few seconds, they just stared at each other. zach finally sighed and rubbed his arm.

"i'm sorry, jack."

the older male stayed silent, knowing zach had more to say.

"i'm sorry for blaming you. truth is, the only thing you did was save miles, not get him sick. if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have gotten here on time." his eyes were threatened with tears just thinking about it. "and i have no excuse for what i did and why i did it. i should've been thanking you instead of blaming you."

jack gave him a small smile.

"your mind was some place else. i understand." he nodded. zach, too, smiled, hugging the older male.

jack was surprised at the sudden embrace, but nonetheless he hugged back, tightly. they stayed like that for a while; in silence, holding each other.

"daddy?" a small voice was heard. the let get of each other and looked at miles.

"miles," zach gasped, kneeling down in the same spot jack was at minutes before.

"daddy," he whimpered, "it hurts." he closed his eyes and let out a small breath.

zach frowned.

"i know, sweetie, i know. but you're going to be okay." he touched foreheads with his son. jack knelt down beside him and put an arm around his shoulders.

"we're right here for you, miles." he grabbed the small hand that was near him and kissed it. "you gave us quite the scare."

the little boy didn't resond. instead, he turned his head to look at the tv that was in front of him.

"can i watch tv, daddy?" he asked, his voice was weak. zach looked at jack, then back at miles and nodded.

"sure." he stood up and searched miles' bed for the control. once he found it, he turned the tv on and changed it to the little boy's favorite channel.

not too long after, daniel came in and went up to zach, pulling him away from jack.

"can i ask you something? it's about jack and miles," he whispered.

zach froze internally, hoping daniel wasn't going to ask about jack's role in miles' life.

i can't risk it.

"can it wait? i just wanna be with miles, he did just wake up."

"oh, right, sorry. my bad." he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "i'm gonna go use the bathroom."


that was close.


two days have passed. two long, boring days in the hospital. miles was slowly getting better, he talked more than when he first came, which was good. he was smiling again and that made zach happy.

he was also allowed to have more that 3 visitors at a time, which gave the herron family and jack's friends time to talk to the little boy.

"miles!" corbyn exclaimed, a stuffed animal in his hand as he approached the small child's bed. "hi, buddy! look what i got for you!" he showed the stuffed rabbit, making miles smile.

"for me?" he asked, receiving the bunny in his arms.

"uh huh. anything for my favorite child," he responded, rubbing miles' leg.

"thanks, corbyn," zach said with a smile.

"it's nothing, really."

daniel and jack entered, coffee and some pastries in their hands. the blue eyed boy froze and his heart sped up at the sight of corbyn.

"we're back," jack said, handing zach a coffee cup. "oh, hello, corbyn. did jonah come with you?" the fake blond shook his head.

"he said he'd come later, he's out on a date." he wriggled his eyebrows.

"what? he never told us he met someone?"

"maybe he didn't want to tell us yet." corbyn shrugged and looked at daniel, smiling. "hi."

"hello," he replied, all of a sudden feeling nervous. zach noticed how his boufriend's mood changed suddenly, furrowing his eyebrows and studying his body language towards corbyn.

it was almost like he could feel the tension between them.

but he ignored it. he didn't feel jealousy at all, which he thought was kind of weird. maybe him and daniel weren't gonna last much longer. deep down he knew it.

"aren't you guys leaving in, like, four days?" asked zach. corbyn and jack shook their heads.

"we postponed our flight after what happened to miles," answered the curly haired male.

"yeah, we'll be returning after miles gets out. we just wanted to be there for you, that's all." corbyn shrugged.

"well, i appreciate it." zach smiled.


frequent updates are over fellas, i have returned to hell [some people refer to it as school]

all good things come to an end :')

also ik it's short and crappy but it's almost gonna get to the good part i promise :D

dedicated to all y beautiful readers 💖

❝miles❞ - jachary [✔]Where stories live. Discover now