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the ambulance arrived after what seemed like forever to zach. as soon as he heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights, he picked miles up with the blanket around him and rushed outside, both daniel and jack right behind him.

"please help, he c-can't breathe," he cried out, watching as the paramedics pulled out a stretcher.

zach couldn't process what they were telling him, seeing how they took his son away from him and placed him on the bed. one of the male paramedics had waved at him to come with them, so he looked for company.

jack or daniel?

he swallowed hard and felt as if seconds became hours while he thought.

"jack," the younger one said, looking at him. he didn't have to say anything, jack knew what he wanted.

the curly brunet nodded and walked with zach, looking back at daniel who only gave him a small smile.

"i'll meet you guys there, tell zach i'll call his family," he said, walking backwards to his car. jack agreed and they got into the back of the ambulance truck.

zach held miles' hand as the paramedics tried to stabilize him. he was terrified. no. he was more than terrified. he had no idea why his son had stopped being able to breathe, which made him more than scared.

what if they can't stabilize him? what if he suffocates for too long? what if he dies?

zach felt his hand being touched by someone else's, that someone being jack. he looked up at him, noticing the older male's red eyes. he had been crying, too. he'd gotten attached to the little boy.

"he's going to be alright, zach," he comforted, rubbing the younger's hand with his thumb.

zach couldn't manage to speak, he would break down right then and there.

needless to say, the ride to the hospital was probably the longest ride zach had ever experienced.


both jack and zach rushed in with the others, the nineteen year old holding miles' hand once again and kissing his forehead multiple times.

but he had to let go. he didn't want to, but he had to. the doctors had taken him somewhere, zach didn't know where, but he forced himself to trust that miles was in good hands.

he stood there, in the middle of the hallway with jack beside him.

"zach-" jack began, placing a hand on the little one's shoulder, only to be attacked by the embrace of the smaller brunet. zach started sobbing, loudly.

jack could only hug him back, he had no words. soon enough, tears were running down his cheeks, too. he wiped his own tears and sniffled.

zach's cries were calming down, making his mind go someplace he would regret. this is all jack's fault. he pushed the older one away from him.

"this is all your fault!" he yelled, pointing a finger at him.

"my fault?" jack asked, a little offended. "how's it my fault?"

"if you hadn't taken us to that stupid forest, he wouldn't have gotten sick!" he scolded, getting a little too close to jack, who was beginning to get angry.

"oh, really? and who agreed?"

"well, whose idea was it? it definitely wasn't mine." zach shook his head as he said the last sentence. "couldn't you think of a better place? you know, where it wasn't cold? couldn't you at least think about miles?"

"i thought about nothing but you and miles!" this time jack was screaming. who does zach think he is, blaming him like that. "the whole time i was planning it, you and miles were on my mind. nothing else."

"then why did you take us there?! if you were truly thinking about my son, then you would've taken us to a fun place." he turned his back on jack. "don't even think about talking to me."

jack squinted his eyes at zach. "fine! be that way, blame it all on me. see if i care." he threw his hands up in the air in frustration and walked into a random hallway, hoping to get away from zach.

it wasn't his fault. it couldn't have been. he only wanted both to have fun, and it seemed like they did. until now.

is it really my fault? he asked himself, leaning against the wall, watching as the people who passed by him only glanced at his direction.


everyone had arrived at the hospital where miles was being attended. zach had broken down once again at the tight hug from his mom.

"what happened?" she'd said, wiping zach's tears away.

"i-i don't know, he, he was fine but then, i don't know, he couldn't breathe all of a sudden," the younger male had replied.

now they were all seated. daniel was beside him and jack was no where to be seen. zach wondered if he left the hospital after what happened. he kind of hoped jack was still somewhere in the building, asking for directions or something.

"family of miles herron?" a female voice spoke, looking up from her clipboard and adjusting her glasses.

as soon as he heard his son's name being called, zach stood up and walked over.

"i'm his dad, is he okay?" he asked, fiddling with his hands.

"sir, miles caught the respiratory syncytial virus." her voice was soothing, making zach feel a little less worried. "he has pneumonia, meaning his lungs contain fluid that has become infected. what we need to do is drain them with chest tubes."

"but is he okay?" he repeated.

she sighed. "we're going to put him to sleep so he won't feel us insert the chest tubes. after that, you are free to see him."

"so he's okay?"

"pneumonia on children is very, very risky, sir. we are trying our best."

"just tell me if he's okay, you're not answering my question," he said, trying to sound as nice as possible. "please."

"we're hoping he will be fine."


lol i was gonna write more but imma leave it here :D

what was the first wdw song u ever listened to?

mine was hooked

❝miles❞ - jachary [✔]Where stories live. Discover now