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everyone was ready and sitting at the living room, waiting for their guests to arrive. the herron family, except zach, was excited to be able to see jack avery again; they absolutely loved the boy and couldn't wait to see how he's grown the past three years.

miles was on the floor drawing with zach by his side. the doorbell rang minutes later, causing everybody -except for the small three year old- to get up. zach opened the door with a smile on his face, only to see jack and his friends standing in the door way.

"hey, zach!" he went in for a tight hug, surprising the younger male. zach slowly hugged him back, giving in. hugging jack now still felt the same as hugging him three years before. "good to see you again." he smiled.

"you too. come in, guys," he replied, letting go of jack and greeting jonah and corbyn.

"jack!" zach heard his mom yell. he turned around to see myta hugging jack to death. "oh, how we've missed you!"

jack chuckled and hugged her back. "i missed you guys too." zach could tell he could barely breathe. he watched as every single family member hugged jack and couldn't help but smile at their happy faces.

miles got up from coloring and smiled widely at his older dad. "jack! jack! wanna see my drawing?" the little boy asked, holding a yellow crayon.

"of course," the older male smiled and bent down to be at level with is unknown son. miles gladly picked up his sheet of paper and held it up so he could see.

miles had drawn a brown figure standing on what jack assumed was grass, surrounded by pink and red hearts and a yellow sun drawn on the corner of the page.

"it's the doggie i want santa to get me," he said with excitement.

"oh, well, you know what? i'm really good friends with santa, he told me that if you never end up on the naughty list, he'll get you a dog-"


"daddy, did you hear that? jack is friends with santa!" miles exclaimed, looking up at zach, who had his arms crossed, looking at jack. the older male got up when he noticed his beloved ex glaring at him.

"hey, miles, why don't you go say hello to corbyn and jonah?"

"torbyn is here? yay!" the little boy went running towards the blond male at the other side of the room.

"can you tell me why you're staring at me like that?" jack asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"stop getting his hopes up, jack, i don't have the money for a dog." zach sighed and began picking up the crayons. jack bent down and started helping him.

"i have a friend whose dog is pregnant, i'll pay for it," he suggested. "he won't charge that much, it's fine."

"no. i don't want you paying for a dog. miles can wait." zach put the crayons back in the box and handed it over to jack so he could do the same. "he doesn't need a dog right this minute."

"but he does want one."

"you can't get everything you want." jack was about to reply something but the doorbell rang again, this time reese rushed to the door to get it.

"hey, reese!" daniel hugged the little girl as she giggled.

"hi, dani!" she exclaimed, poking his stomach. "long time no see."

"you're right, i've missed beating you at candyland," the blue-eyed brunette tickled her playfully and looked up to see zach smiling at him. he returned the gesture and watched his boyfriend start walking towards him.

❝miles❞ - jachary [✔]Where stories live. Discover now