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zach was sitting next to miles' bed, holding his little hand. his eyes were puffy and red; he looked awful. his family was able to visit him once in a while, the number of visitors was limited, which was stupid.

it was horrible seeing his small son like this, with needles in his arms, hands and even legs.

"zach," he heard daniel say, making the smaller one look up.

"hi," he whispered, his voice cracking.

"how's miles?"

"the doctors said he won't be waking up just yet." zach felt daniel walk in front of him, and kneel down.

"everything will be fine, zach. he's in good hands." he paused and grabbed his boyfriend's hands. "good thing jack was there, or else miles would've-" he didn't finish his sentence. he couldn't.

the nineteen year old looked at him, daring him to finish that sentence. but he was right. miles was okay because of jack.

i'm so stupid.

"where is jack, anyway? didn't he arrive with you?" daniel asked, looking at the door. he hadn't seen jack since they left zach's house, and that was a while ago.

"i don't know."

"what do you mean?"

"we had an argument, that's all. i don't even know if he's still here or not," he answered, looking down at his hands, which were still intertwined with daniel's.

"about?" the other questioned.

zach didn't know what to tell him. he didn't know if he should tell him about their little hangout or not. he was afraid that the moment they shared would slip out, and he didn't want that.

"i," he paused, thinking about what he should say. "i don't want to talk about it. it was stupid, anyway. it's all my fault."

daniel didn't say anything after that, he just let go of the younger's hands and stood up.

"i'll go find him." was the last thing he said before walking out the door.

he ran down the hallway and asked a nurse for directions to the waiting room. maybe jack was there. maybe they didn't let him in because he had no relationship with miles or zach.

at least, that's what he thought.

he received directions and got there in no time. he was right. jack was there. he was sitting down, looking at nothing and playing with his nose ring.

"jack," daniel called out walking towards the curly haired boy. as soon as he saw the blue eyed brunet, he stood up.

"daniel. h-how's miles?" the little boy had been on his mind the whole time he was there.

"he's asleep. the doctors said he has pneumonia, but they inserted chest tubes to drain out his lungs, so he should be fine," daniel answered.

jack let out a breath he'd been holding since they got there. "thank god."

"yeah." the other nodded in agreement. "why haven't you gone up there to see him?"

"they won't let me, i've tried." he rolled his eyes.

"you could've called zach."

jack felt his heart hurt when he mentioned his ex. zach.

"he doesn't even wanna talk to me so i didn't bother," he replied, sitting back down. daniel joined him, sitting in the seat beside the shorter male.


"he thinks it's my fault that miles has what he has."

"i don't understand."

"i took them out a couple of days ago to an old forest preserve zach and i used to go to. yes, it wasn't as cold as other days this winter, but it was still chilly. he says miles got sick because of it." he clenched his fists.

daniel sighed. "well, you gotta understand him, jack. he wasn't think straight, he was freaking out."

"i know he was freaking out. daniel, he cursed, zach never curses," he stated, watching as a doctor came by and asked for the family of a patient. "but it still didn't give him a reason to blame me." the family had broken into tears and jack looked away.

that must feel horrible.

"just talk to him, he seems better now. he's more relaxed." daniel stood up. "let's try to get you in this time. tell them you're . . ." he thought for a second. "his uncle. which, i guess you kind of are, huh? i mean, you are zach's favorite friend."

jack smiled and the blue eyed boy and stood up as well, both walking towards the receptionists.

"hello, we're looking for miles herron?" daniel said, looking at the lady in front of them.

"are you family?"

"yeah. we're his uncles," he answered. the woman raised an eyebrow. "he's our godson."

jack raised an eyebrow. why didn't daniel just tell her that he's his dad? it was true anyway, right? maybe he did it to help me.

she sighed and opened a drawer, searching through file folders. "miles j. herron?" she asked, glancing at the two.

"that's him," jack answered, wondering what the j in his name stood for.

the small woman pulled the folder out and looked inside. she gave them the room number and they thanked her. they didn't need to ask for directions since daniel remembered his way to the room.

jack was nervous. he hated arguing with zach, it was the worst. when they were together, they had a few fights here and there, all were small but they felt like a major kick in the gut. jack hated when the younger one was angry at him.

"hey, thanks," jack spoke, focusing on the floor as they walked down the long hallways.

"for what?" daniel asked.

"for helping me out. it must be kind of awkward being around me, not gonna lie." he shrugged. daniel furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"what? why would i feel awkward around you?"

"well, you're zach's boyfriend and i'm his ex. usually, those relationships get weird and ugly," he responded.

"wait a minute, you're zach's ex?" he asked, stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"you didn't know that?"

"no?" he thought about something. "so you're the one that left zach, right?"

"i didn't leave him on purpose," the boy murmured. daniel ran a hand through his hair.

"wait, does that mean you're-?" before he could finish the sentence, his phone buzzed in his pocket. it was zach. "forget it, let's just go see miles." he picked up the phone, answering his boyfriend.

now jack was the one that was confused. what was daniel even talking about? nonetheless, he continued to follow him, he only wanted to see miles.

they finally reached the hospital room, where the little boy was sleeping. jack's heart hurt at the sight of him, needles everywhere. zach was still seated beside his bed, resting his head on it.

jack swallowed hard and gained confidence to walk in there and speak to zach, despite the other one's hurtful words.


so um yeah idk what to say

❝miles❞ - jachary [✔]Where stories live. Discover now