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2 years later

jack entered through the front door, a mcdonald's milkshake on one hand and a chick-fil-a bag on the other. he closed it with his foot and sighed, turning the light on and looking around. after taking his shoes off and placing them neatly on the mat beside the door, he walked into the kitchen and left the food on the table.

"you're back!" zach exclaimed, rushing down the stairs carefully.

"zach-" jack began, but was interrupted by the younger one's hugs and kisses.

"thank you, you have no idea how bad i was craving this," he continued, grabbing the chick-fil-a bag and walking towards the living room to sit on the couch and turn on the tv.

"don't run down the stairs like that, we've talked about this before," jack said, following his man to the living room and sitting next to him on the couch.

"i'm sorry," he apologized with his mouth half full. "i just had to come down and eat."

"whatever." jack laughed and kissed his cheek.

zach smiled and placed a hand on his bloated stomach, feeling his baby kick. he was seven months pregnant with a girl. when he found out, him and jack were beyond happy. jack was finally going to be able to take care of her and raise her with zach. it was like his second chance.

"she's kicking," he informed, looking at jack.

"she must really like chick-fil-a, then." the curly brunet placed a hand on zach's stomach and rubbed it. "i can't wait to meet her." he smiled widely.

"me neither," the younger one responded, grabbing a fry from the bag and dipping it into the strawberry milkshake.

it didn't take long for zach to finish his snack, he was basically always hungry. jack didn't mind getting him food most of the time, only when he made him go to the store at midnight or very early in the morning.

the two were now snuggled on the sofa, a blanket that jack had grabbed wrapped around them. the older male could not stop caressing the smaller one's stomach. zach found it entertaining to see jack speak to the baby growing inside and kissing the spots where she kicked. it also made him a bit sad to remember when he was pregnant with miles but without jack.

they watched tv until a few minutes before midnight. they went upstairs and brushed their teeth before entering their room. zach took his ring off and placed it on the nightstand next to his side of the bed.

jack had proposed to him just a few days before they found out zach was pregnant. it was the best moment of the younger one's life. he proposed in the forest preserve, the sun barely setting which made everything so much better. saying it was perfect was an understatement. it was more than perfect.

he laid down and sighed deeply. "this feels nice," he said as jack turned the lights off. when he laid down beside him, he looked at the curly haired male and smile. "goodnight, jack. i love you."

jack smiled. "i love you too."


the next morning, zach found himself reorganizing baby diapers and clothes after breakfast. he cleaned more than he should, which was normal. he was expecting and wanted everything in the nursery to be as close to perfect as possible.

jack, on the other hand, was still asleep, even though it was close to being noon. he was surprised zach didn't make him get up early to get him more food that will fulfill his needs. he didn't expect to wake up anytime soon, until he heard a loud thud, which made him get up and run down the stairs to check on his fiance.

"zach?" he called out, popping his head through the entrance of the kitchen. "what happened? are you okay?" he asked, worried.

the younger male looked at him and nodded. "yeah, the broom fell," he explained, looking at it. "since you're already up . . can you get it for me?"

jack let out a sigh of relief and picked the broom up, not handing it to zach.

"babe, please stop cleaning so often. you literally swept last night, there's no need for you to do it again." he put the broom away in the closet right outside of the kitchen and placed his hands on his hips.

"don't tell me what to do," zach replied angrily, mimicking jack's pose. "if i wanna clean, i'll clean. it's a free country, jack, i can sweep for as many times as i want."

the older male let out a breath and shook his head. "at what time is your family coming?" he asked.

"she said they'll be here at about one thirty," he replied, shrugging and opening the fridge. he didn't really know what he was looking for but nevertheless he kept the door open to see what he could eat.

"sounds good, i'm gonna go shower, then." jack made his way back up the stairs, leaving his fiance still staring at the fridge.

when it was finally one forty six, the doorbell rang, making zach get up from the sofa and open the door immediately.

"hi, mom," he greeted, giving her a hug. she kissed his cheek in return and looked at his bloated belly.

"she's getting bigger," she said, rubbing his stomach.

"yeah, she's also, like, a professional soccer player." zach rolled his eyes playfully. "her kicks won't let me sleep sometimes." myta laughed and entered the house, leaving zach at the doorway.

jack came down seconds later and greeted mrs. herron with a hug as well. he then heard a small voice squeal from outside, which made him smile and approach the door as well.

"daddy!" he exclaimed, running towards zach. the younger adult opened his arms and waited for the boy to hug him.

"hi, bub!" he responded, kissing the top of his head. jack bent down to be at level with his and smiled.

"hi, papa!" he hugged jack, too.

"how was disneyland?" he asked, ruffling the child's hair.

"i got on a lot of rides," he explained with excitement. "it was really fun, i wish you guys went."

"yeah? well, i'm glad you had fun, baby," jack replied. "now, c'mon, grandma's waiting."

zach closed the door behind them and followed jack.

"did you guys forget?" the boy asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"forget what?" zach joked.

"my birthday."

"oh." zach laughed. "wait. that's today?" he asked, seeing how the little boy got annoyed. "of course we didn't forget, sweetie."

"happy birthday, miles."


y'aLL THOUghT i was gonna kill miles

he's too pure for me to kill aha im sorRy

also dont ask how hes alive, its fanfiction people let's not get sigh-en-tifik here, i just didnt want yall to suffer bc i love you with my whole heart ♡♡

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