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the sunlight entering through the window was bright. bright enough to wake daniel up from his sleep. he breathed in deeply and turned the other direction, closing his eyes again but only to open one up and realize that it was already 10 a.m.

he groaned and sat up, stretching and rubbing his face. there was no one else to wake him up in his apartment. not unless miles and zach came over. he was quite lonely. if he didn't get up now, he probably wouldn't for the rest of the day.

he swung his legs over to the right side of the bed and yawned. slipping on his slides, he walked over to his bathroom to wake himself up and get ready for the day. not that he had anything special to do.

after brushed his teeth and washing his face, he put on a t-shirt and changed pants before going into the kitchen to eat whatever he had in the cabinets.

he had nothing. he really did need to go grocery shopping.

"well," he said to himself. "guess i'll go eat breakfast at the café, then." he shrugged and grabbed himself a coat, locking the door behind him. his family's café wasn't too far from his apartment, it was only about five minutes away if you walked.

it was actually a nice day for winter, which made daniel decide to walk it instead of taking his car. he got there in no time, inhaling the wonderful smell of fresh coffee being brewed.

he walked up to the register where his sister was working. she smiled as soon as she saw him and held her head up high in a jokingly manner.

"hello, sir, how may i help you?" she asked as if daniel were a stranger. he laughed and looked at the menu, acting like he didn't already know what was on there.

"can i have a um-" he made an extremely large pause to bother anna.

"alright, alright, daniel. mom's back there in the supply room, go ahead and make yourself something i've got customers to attend," she said, punching him in the arm.

"see ya, sis." he ruffled her hair, earning a groan from her while he laughed. he entered the big supply room and greeted his mom.

"daniel! hello, sweetie," she addressed, hugging her son. "do you need something? a cup of coffee, any pastries?"

"that actually sounds really nice, mom," he answered with a nod. "i'm actually in the mood for an éclair, got any of those?"

"of course we do, silly goose. there's some freshly baked ones in here." she grabbed one of the many éclairs from the rack of baked goods with a napkin and gave it to daniel. "i'll make you your coffee in a sec, you go sit down."

"thanks mom." he hugged her. "love you." he exited the room and walked over an empty booth by the window. he placed his pastry on the table and looked out the window as he waited.

"oh, fancy seeing you here, daniel," he heard a familiar voice say. he looked over to where it had come from and felt his heart speed up.

"corbyn, hi," he saluted, shifting in his spot. "what a pleasant surprise."

"mind if i sit down?" he asked, gesturing towards the seat in front of daniel. the brunet shook his head with a smile.

"what brings you here?" asked the blue eyed brunet, playing with the corner of his napkin.

"i just came here to get jonah and myself some coffee. he's being a lazy bootyhole and didn't wanna come," he joked, making daniel laugh. corbyn only smiled when he heard daniel's laugh. "uh, what about you? are you here with zach?"

"zach?" he raised an eyebrow. "oh," he chuckled. "right. no, i'm not, actually. i came here alone."

"oh." corbyn straightened himself up. "that's nice. me too. oh, you already know that." he laughed.

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