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it has now been a full month in the hospital. miles was definitely better, he was allowed to get up from his bed and go into the hospital's play room. zach was more than happy to see his little one out of that horrible and uncomfortable bed, although miles seemed to have trouble walking since he'd been in it for four weeks straight.

he was going to be released today, which made everyone excited. miles' chest tubes were pulled out already, his wounds were healing and turning into scars.

"are you excited?" the doctor asked, smiling at the little boy. she was there to make sure that miles was free to go.

"yeah, i can sleep in my bed again," he replied with happiness in his voice. he may not know what had happened to him, but he did know that the hospital beds were not comfortable at all.

"oh, really?"

"yeah. i have a race car bed," he showed off. the doctor chuckled in awe.

"wow, that must be nice. i wish i had a race car bed," she joked, nudging the little boy.

"i like it, it's cool." he gave her a toothy grin. "what bed do you have?" he asked, curiosity in his voice.

"me? i just have a plain, boring bed." she sighed. "i'm going to go get your daddy, okay?" miles nodded and sat there.

she walked out and smiled at zach, who was waiting outside of the room.

"he's all set," she said.


"yup. he's free to go. although, make sure he wears a mask for the first few days back home. also, if he ever gets sick again, you have to be alert; pneumonia can come again and most likely even worse. all you need to do is take care of him." she placed a hand on his shoulder. "he's an amazing child, it was my pleasure being his doctor."

zach didn't know how to thank her. she had saved his son and for that he will be eternally grateful.

"thank you so much." he smiled at her. she nodded and walked away, allowing zach to go into the room.


"are you ready to go home, sweetie?" he asked, picking up a bag jack brought in days before.

"yeah, yeah, yeah!" he exclaimed, extending his arms out so zach could carry him.

the nineteen year old picked his son up and swung the bag over his free shoulder. he made sure to put a hospital mask on him before heading out and into the car.

"why do i have to wear this?" he asked, touching the mask that covered his nose and mouth.

"don't worry, bub, it'll only be for a few days," zach assured, placing him in the car seat. he buckled him up and set the bag down on the seat next to miles before closing the door and getting into the driver's seat.


they finally got home. after a month and a few days, they were back in their own house. zach's family greeted the little boy with a bunch of hugs and kisses, they even baked cupcakes for him.

to zach's surprise, his friends and daniel were there, too. everyone was there to welcome the little boy home, he couldn't be happier.

"grandma! grandpa!" the little boy ran to mr and mrs herron, hugging them both tightly.

"oh, miles, we're so glad you're out of that bed!" myta exclaimed, kissing the little boy's right temple.

zach smiled and set his bag down on the couch, greeting his parents with a hug as well.

"home sweet home." he sighed happily.

"we baked something for you guys," said josh, putting an arm around his son. "let's go eat some of thos cupcakes, yeah?"

"definitely. hospital food is not the way to go." zach giggled and entered the kitchen with his dad.

miles had already said hello to daniel, jack and his friends. even though he saw them almost everyday, it was nice to be able to physically wrap his small arms around them.

"guess what?" the little boy asked jack. the older male knelt down to be at level with his son.

"what?" he replied, tilting his head.

"i get to sleep in my race car bed again!" he exclaimed, bouncing up and down. jack gasped and 'yayed', doing jazz hands. miles laughed and jack smiled.

and there it was. the resemblance.

daniel raised both eyebrows. how did he not see it before? miles looked like zach, true, but he had so many physical traits that yelled out jack's name, he felt dumb. out of nowhere, he walked up to zach and grabbed his arm lightly.

"yes?" zach asked, a mouthful of chocolate cupcake.

"can i speak with you?" daniel requested, gesturing towards the exit of the kitchen. his boyfriend swallowed the bit of cake he had in his mouth and nodded, afraid of what daniel wanted to talk about.

they walked out into the living room, but daniel decided to take things outside to be more private.

"what is it?" the younger male rubbed his arms. it was still cold outside and he'd forgotten to bring his coat.

"is jack miles' dad?"

zach froze completely, wide eyed. that was a question he didn't want to hear from daniel. it was the question he hoped wouldn't come up ever.

"what?" he laughed nervously.

"zach, i'm being serious. i mean, the night miles went to the hospital and i spoke with him, he said he was you're ex. you said you only dated one person before me, and you were already  pregnant when we started hanging out. so is he or is he not miles' dad?" daniel looked him straight in the eyes.

it's not that he was jealous of jack. that wasn't the case at all. he was disappointed in zach for the fact that he didn't tell neither him or jack.

zach swallowed hard and clenched his jaw. this secret has been hidden for too long, it was bound to get out sooner or later.

"yes." his voice broke as he looked down at the floor. "jack is miles' other dad."

"so then why haven't you told him?" the blue eyed brunette placed his hands on his hips, waiting for an answer.

"there's no point. he's going to leave again soon, very soon, and i just didn't want miles to get attached. i don't want my son to be hurting after he leaves."

"but he has the right to know!" daniel said, gesturing to the door as if jack were standing right there.

"i know! don't you think i know that? i guess i'm just scared of how he'll react," he confessed.

he finally admitted it to himself. it wasn't all completely fear of being left behind that esd holding zach back. it was fear of rejection.

"you gotta face that fear, zach." he put his hand on the younger one's shoulder. "he has to know."

"i know," the small brunet mumbled. "i just need more time."

daniel sighed.

"fine. but if you don't tell him before he leaves, i will." he didn't mean for it to sound aggressive but it did. deep down, he knew zach wasn't going to tell him, but he had hope.

"i will."

that was a lie.

however, daniel wanted to continue speaking, but about a different topic. this was it. the end of the two year relationship they shared. he thought now was the best time. he took in a deep breath and put his hands in his pockets, looking at the floor. 

"i'm breaking up with you."


uh wHaT??? also, the last sentence from the last chapter will be answered in the future sooo :D 

fINALLY the secret is oUT 

zach u stoopid for thinkning daniel was dumb :/

❝miles❞ - jachary [✔]Where stories live. Discover now