9 • Recording Studio

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Third Person Point of View

After three days of intensive writing, Alex had finished the song she had sang for London. She was really happy with it and immediately got Jackson and London to go into the studio with her to record the music. Today, they were going in so Alex could record the vocals.

London was driving them all since she was the only one who actually owned a car. The others had their driving licence, they just didn't buy a car. Alex never seemed to have the time to get around to it but Jackson was just too lazy to drive anywhere when London could do it for him.

"You know, I just realised that we don't actually know any of the guys' songs" Alex commented, breaking the peaceful silence. London shrugged but remained focused on the road. "We heard them sing 8 letters at the festival" she stated. She was right, but Alex wanted to hear more of their songs now that they were friends.

"Still, let's listen to their other songs" Jackson said from the back, voicing Alex's thoughts. When she heard this, Alex took out her phone and plugged in the AUX cord. "Oh, play Trust Fund Baby. Everyone keeps saying that we'd like it so why not" London chimed in.

Alex scrolled through her Spotify until she found the song London was talking about. She hit play and locked her phone, placing it on her lap. When the music rang out through the car, Alex raised her eyebrows in surprise, not having expected what she heard. It was very different to 8 letters and she guessed it was different to their usual style as well.

"This is cool" Jackson said, tapping his foot to the beat of the song. Alex was tapping her to hers against her leg and London was bopping her head. It was a little different to what they'd usually listen to but in a good way.

Alex put the song on loop, suddenly not caring about hearing the other songs yet. As it played over and over, Alex began to pick up the lyrics and started singing along, adding her own twists like she always did with songs.

Before long, they had reached the recording studio and had to turn off the song. "Thats really catchy" London commented as she locked her car and started walking to the building.

"It's gonna be stuck in my head all day" Alex said, only half complaining. Jackson chuckled at her and threw an arm around her shoulders as they walked together. "As long as you can sing our song, I don't care what's stuck in that head of yours" he remarked.

Alex rolled her eyes but continued walking, opening the door to the room they had booked. "Eddie!" she exclaimed, walking inside with her arms stretched outwards. Eddie was the producer that worked with them on Voices.

"Hey guys. I just need to go talk to Jenna for a sec, you can go set up" Eddie said, leaving them alone in the room. Alex eagerly ran inside the booth, adjusting her microphone and putting on the headphones.

Jackson and London sat on the couch, scrolling through their phones, while Alex stood at the microphone. As she waited, the tune of Trust Fund Baby popped into her head. She began humming and tapping her foot absentmindedly.

"I don't really want no trust fund baby
I like my women independent
And I say to people, "That's my lady"
And we don't need nothing else
I don't want no trust fund baby
Save your money, don't spend it
And I say to people, "That's my lady"
And we don't need nothing else"

Alex had begun to sing the chorus without realising. However, she didn't notice that London had recorded her singing and sent it to Corbyn, Jack, Jonah, Daniel and Zach.

"Alright, let's make a song" Eddie announced, walking back into the room. They instantly started recording, wanting to finish today. After a while, they switched out. Now, Jackson and London were recording the backing vocals as Alex took a much needed break.

It took a grand total of five hours, but they finished recording. All they needed was for Eddie to edit it all together and send it to them. Now, they were all laughing at something stupid Jackson had said as they left the building and got in London's car.

"Hey, Jack wants to FaceTime" Alex announced as they drove down the open road. "Answer it!" London exclaimed. Jackson chuckled at her forwardness and Alex rolled her eyes, clicking the answer button.

"Hey!" Alex said cheerily while waving at the camera. She could see Jack's familiar curls appear as the camera cleared. "You sang our song!" a voice yelled in the background. Alex furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about.

"What?" she asked while London smirked beside her. "Shut up Zach! Sorry, he's really happy about that" Jack explained, sending her a sympathetic look. Alex looked to London and then back at Jackson, wondering what Jack was talking about.

"What is he talking about?" she finally asked. Knowing what London did, Jackson laughed from the back of the car. This earned him a glare from the driver.

"Trust Fund Baby. You were singing it at the studio" Jack stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Alex's eyes widened in realisation and fear. She had sang the chorus in the studio while she was bored, but how had he heard it?

"How did you know about that?" she frantically asked, trying to hide her embarrassment. Jack frowned slightly, only now realising that Alex didn't know about the video London had sent them.

"London recorded you" he stated, throwing her under the bus. Alex narrowed her eyes at her best friend. "I'm gonna kill you when the car stops" she said lowly.

London rolled her eyes and smirked, knowing Alex couldn't hurt a fly. "Don't hate her. I'm glad she did. You were amazing" Jack rushed, complimenting her while trying to avoid a fight. "You sounded better than we did" Daniel yelled from behind Jack.

Alex flushed a deep shade of red, not used to receiving compliments from someone other than London and Jackson. "Thanks I guess" she eventually managed to stutter out, avoiding eye contact with Jack.

"Hey, you guys should come over again tomorrow. We can have a mini pool party" Corbyn said, joining Jack on the screen. "Sure" London said before Alex had a chance to think about it.

As everyone continued talking, Alex grew more and more self-conscious. She didn't know how she was going to make it through tomorrow considering she never went swimming in public. She'd just have to sit on the side and sunbathe. Somehow, she didn't think it would be that easy.

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