17 • The Release

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Third Person Point of View

Jack and Alex had speant hours in that small coffee shop, laughing and joking around. They didn't even notice as the time slipped by and, somehow, no fan seemed to spot them.

That wasn't anything new for Alex - The Renegades weren't that widely known and a lot of their fanbase was in the UK anyway - but it was new to Jack.

"You did what?" Alex cried out in between fits of laughter. She was clutching her stomach from laughing too hard as Jack grinned. "I spat my water on her" Jack repeated.

Evidently, Alex had gotten Jack to finally stop telling cheesy pickup lines and he had now moved on to retelling a story from his past.

"So Mila Kunis walked in, and you spat your drink all over your date?" Alex eventually said once she had calmed down. Jack continued to grin at her and nodded his head. "Yup. She never spoke to me again" he continued.

"I'm not surprised. Who freaks out that much over Mila Kunis?" Alex teased, smirking across the table. Jack scoffed and shook his head. "Please. You would freak out if you saw your childhood celebrity crush" he retorted, still unable to stop the smile spread across his face.

Alex smirked at him once again. "Well, I didn't meet Johnny Depp but second best counts right? I met Orlando Bloom on the beach once. He was great. We talked for ages. I even got his number. Not in a pervy way or anything, he's like forty, but just to hang out whenever" she simply answered, taking a sip from her coffee as if it was no big deal.

Jack's jaw dropped open instantly as his eyes widened. "You're messing with me right now" he eventually stated after having recovered from his shock. Alex giggled at his disbelief and shook her head.

She pulled out her phone and scrolled for a few seconds before landing on a picture. She turned the phone to face him, revealing a selfie she had taken with none other than Orlando Bloom. "This isn't from the beach, that's further back. This is from the time we hung out last month" she explained.

Jack leaned in to look at the picture as a smile tugged at his lips once more. He shook his head again, still somehow not fully believing what he was seeing. "You are something else, Summers" he mumbled, staring at the picture.

"As are you, Avery" Alex retorted, taking her phone away once more. However, before she could put it in her pocket, the familiar ringtone of Backseat Serenade erupted through the small cafe.

"Hey London" Alex said as she answered the call, putting the phone up to her ear. "Where are you guys? We're getting ready to watch your video when it comes out" she heard London say. Alex's eyes widened as she looked down at her watch, only now realising how long they had been there.

"Bloody hell. Sorry. We're on our way now" she rushed out while Jack sat smiling at the girl's Britishness. She stood up abruptly, signalling to Jack that it was time to leave, as she listened to London's complaints about her being late.

By the time they had gotten an uber back to Jack's house, they had only five minutes to spare until the video went live. "We're here!" Alex announced as she burst through the front door and made her way to where her group of friends were sat around the TV.

"Took you long enough" London mumbled. Alex shot her a playful glare before sitting next to her on the couch. "Sorry. Too busy listening to Jack's story of how he spat water on his date because of Mila Kunis" she taunted, shooting Jack a playful smirk.

Corbyn, Zach, Daniel and Jonah all began laughing at this, remembering the story clearly. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want" Jack said, rolling his eyes and sitting next to Alex. "But did you guys know Alex here is practically best friends with Orlando Bloom" he continued, still in shock over the story.

Zach began choking on his drink as Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel all whipped their heads to look at her, complete surprise written on their faces. "Ah, good ol' Lando. We need to hang out with him again soon" London said, looking at her best friend who simply smiled in agreement.

"She just called Orlando Bloom Lando" Zach mumbled, still in complete shock. Alex giggled and rolled her eyes at them all. "Shut up. It's live!" Jackson announced, playing the video that had just been uploaded to YouTube.

The group sat in silence, watching intently. Both Alex and Jack had a wide grin plastered on their faces; it had come out even better than they had expected.

A chorus of surprised yet impressed mumbles could be heard at each of the lifts - which they had pulled off expertly, despite the awkward clothing they had been wearing.

A few minutes later, the screen faded to black and the room instantly filled with cheering and clapping. "That was amazing!" Daniel exclaimed.

"I'm disappointed we didn't get a Jalex kiss" London said playfully. Alex's eyes widened as she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. She elbowed her best friend sharply and avoided looking at the curly-headed boy beside her.

"Well, I'd say we smashed that" Alex eventually said, smiling at Jack. The boy looked back at her in utter confusion, not having a clue what she meant. "You what?" Corbyn asked, voicing the thoughts of the five guys who weren't used to Alex's British slang.

"Alex, your British is showing" London reminded her, laughing slightly. Alex chuckled slightly as she realised what her best friend was saying. "It means we did really good" she explained. The five guys simultaneously let out an "oh" now that they finally understood.

"I don't think I'll ever understand British slang" Zach complained. Alex, Jackson and London all laughed at this. Jackson and London had thought the same when they first met their blue-haired friend, but they caught on quicker than they had expected too.

"Hey, at least we got her to stop saying fit" London teased, trying to imitate an English accent. Alex snorted and rolled her eyes again. She was used to people teasing her about her accent and the slang she used. "Fit?" Jack questioned, looking at the two girls.

London looked at Alex with a smirk on her face before answering. "Let's just say she called you fit once" she stated.

Alex's eyes immediately doubled in size as her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. She hid her entire face in her hands, hoping Jack wouldn't see her blush. Let's just hope he wouldn't look up the meaning of fit.

Voices • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now