19 • Q&A

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Third Person Point of View

"Hey guys! It's Jasey Rae and I'm joined today by none other than Alex Summers from The Renegades and Jack Avery from Why Don't We!" the interviewer from iheartradio exclaimed towards the camera while gesturing to Alex and Jack sitting next to her.

Alex's eyes widened immediately as her lips parted. "That's an All Time Low song!" she stated eagerly, pointing at the woman. Jack broke into a smile and chuckled at Alex. Jasey did the same, apparently loving her enthusiasm.

"Oh my God that was a horrible way to start an interview, I'm so sorry. I'm a huge fangirl" Alex explained in a worried tone. Jasey offered her a grin and shook her head, signalling it was okay.

"Aren't we all? I mean, who doesn't live All Time Low?" she laughed. Alex giggled now too, immediately becoming more relaxed since Jasey hadn't taken it in a bad way.

"Anyway, you guys have a new cover out, Just Give Me a Reason. How did that happen exactly?" she asked, clearly wanting the backstory just as much as all of their fans did.

Alex exchanged a knowing look with Jack, remembering the mini pool party they had had with their friends earlier that month. "It's actually a very strange story" Jack said, smiling at the memory.

"Do share" Jasey said, eagerly awaiting an answer as she rested her head on her hand. Alex grinned before speaking up. "We were having a mini pool party at Jack's house" she began, gesturing to the boy beside her. "I saw their piano and I couldn't resist playing it. Just Give Me a Reason is my go-to song to play so I started singing it."

"I went inside to look for Alex and I heard her singing. She was so good and it sounded so beautiful, so when I realised Nate Reuss' part was coming up, I had to join her" Jack said, taking over the story. The entire time he told his story, his eyes never left Alex as he smiled happily down at her.

"It all kind of went from there" Alex then giggled, not even nothing Jack's gaze on her. Jasey smiled sweetly at the story before moving on. "So, how was it working with each other?" she asked.

"Oh, it was horrible. Jack is the absolute worst" Alex said seriously. Both Jasey and Jack looked at her awkwardly, slightly shocked by what she had said.

Alex tried to keep a straight face before bursting into laughter and hitting the boy lightly on the arm. "You really had me going there for a second" Jasey said, relieved that Alex was only joking. "Me too" Jack breathed out with wide eyes.

Alex giggled at both of them and patted Jack on the back for reassurance. "In all seriousness, it was amazing. Jack is so talented and to see him creating music in a studio was truly a great experience" Alex stated, smiling at Jack.

"Awe, what about you Jack?" Jasey asked, turning to face him. "Intimidating" he instantly said. Jasey laughed immediately as Alex frowned up at Jack.

"I'm serious" he laughed. "Have you heard this girl sing? She's so talented. That high note you heard in her solo was done in her first take, straight off the bat, no practising. It's intimidating to work with someone that talented" he continued to explain.

A grin spread across Alex's face as she began to blush - something she seemed to be doing a lot of these days. "I can see how it would be. However, I've been dying to ask, how did you guys pull off those lifts?" Jasey asked once more.

Alex giggled as a look of horror washed over Jack's face. "Now that was terrifying" he stated. Alex shook her head at him and rolled her eyes. "It wasn't that bad - for me at least since I took dance classes as a kid - but this twit was shaking with the fear" Alex teased.

A slight frown appeared on Jasey's face, but she quickly covered it up. However, Jack noticed it and began to laugh. "Your British is showing, Alex" he stated, quoting London from a week ago.

Alex's eyes widened in realisation and she shot an apologetic look to Jasey. "Sorry, I meant idiot. Hard to break out of my British slang sometimes" she explained. Jack couldn't help but smile, loving the sound of her accent.

"Okay, now it's time for what you've all been waiting for! #AskJalex!" Jasey exclaimed. Both Alex and Jack's eyes widened as they realised the hashtag that had been used to get questions from the fans. However, Jasey had already moved on before they had a chance to process it.

"The first one comes from Cara Loves The Renegades. Did Jack ever get that rematch on Just Dance?" she asked, smiling at the question. Alex snorted as Jack's eyes widened, remembering what he had said on her live stream.

"No! We need to do that because I'm gonna beat you this time!" he stated, turning to face Alex with determination. Both Alex and Jasey began to laugh at this as Alex rolled her eyes.

"Okay, the next one is from Jalex Shipper. Oh, this is a good one. I'm sure everyone wants to know the answer to this" Jasey said, wiggling her eyebrows slightly. Alex raised an eyebrow, wondering what the question could be.

"Are you guys dating?" Jasey asked. Alex's eyes doubled in size as she tried to suppress a blush. She had no idea if it was working, but she hoped it was. She also hoped that Jack would answer this one, because she was absolutely speechless.

"Alex and I are best friends" Jack said, jokingly throwing an arm around Alex's shoulder. The blue-haired girl smiled in agreement. She had recovered from the shock of the question, but now something else was distracting her. She couldn't seem to think straight with Jack's arm around her, and he didn't seem to be moving it any time soon.

"This one's from I Love Why Don't We. Jack, how many tattoos do you actually have?" Jasey asked, moving on with the interview. Jack chuckled slightly and shook his head. "I honestly have no idea. A lot, I guess" he answered honestly.

"I want a tattoo" Alex mumbled absentmindedly. Jasey didn't seem to hear her but, due to their close proximity, Jack did. He smiled down at her, an idea playing on his mind. However, Alex hadn't even noticed that he had heard and remained clueless for the rest of the interview. She was in for a shock when it was over.

Voices • Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now