Chapter 4

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(Your POV)

I rushed after Mead. To make sure that he doesn't get in trouble or worse, hurt. 

Once I arrived to the village I saw two knights standing in front of the sword, while everyone else is standing back. 

"Now listen up, you peasant scum!" The taller knight shouted at the people, "If you don't have this sword pulled out before sun down, we are going to tax you 10 times the product tax!" 

The villagers were angered, by the knights which caused some of them to protest. 

"10 times the amount! We can't even make one bottle, non the less 10 times that amount!" 

"That's insane!"

The fatter knight then spoke, "That is your punishment. Not only for insulting a Holy Knight, but also claiming that your friends with those criminals, the Seven Deadly Sins." 

The villagers were beginning to get more angry at the knights. I was about to step in, but then I saw Mead run past me and to the sword. He tried to pull it out on his own.

I smiled at him, while the rest of the people were shocked. The two knights then started to get into Mead's face with smug looks on their faces. 

"Little big mouth. It won't be any fun if he is the only one." Said the taller knight, as he squat down to be the same level as Mead. 

"So we are going to charge 20 times now." The fatter one, replied getting really close to Mead's face. I was about to say something, but the Chef beat me to it. 

"Alright that's enough! Who insulted our great skills and wounded our pride as ale makers? Was it Mead? No! Wasn't that boy expressing the emotions that we had bottled up?" All of the villagers became ashamed of their selves as they looked to the ground. 

Soon the men of the village walked over to Mead and went to help him pull out the sword. They tied some rope around the handle and started pulling with all of there might. 

As Mead pulled along with them, he started yelling at the sword to come out. This action made the knights laugh their asses off, while drinking some booze. 

I huffed at them and walked over. I saw Melie from the corner of my eye and nodded towards him. Letting him know that I got this. He walked back a little bit to show that he won't intervene. 

I reached the knights, just when they were about to hit their mugs together. I skillfully take the mugs out of their hands and walk away. 

"Bastards like yourselves make me sick. And anyone who can't enjoy good quality booze, doesn't deserve to drink it." I told them while walking in the direction of the sword. 

Just when I was about to reach it the ropes snapped off. Which caused the villagers to fall back. I chugged the rest of the knight's booze and threw the cups at them. Thankfully they didn't crack. 

"That hit the spot." I said to myself, still making my way towards the sword.

I then grabbed the handle, and pulled on it. The blade of the sword coming with. I held the sword high in the air, showing them that I was the one who pulled it out. I then made my way to the knights on the floor, holding their heads. 

"Here, I think this belongs to someone on your side. And one more thing, don't ever come back to this village again, or I'll be the one your dealing with." And with that I threw the sword on the ground. The knights quickly picked up the sword and ran away. 

The villagers cheered, because they got there water back. So they can make booze again. I went to walk over to Elizabeth and Melie, but Mead stopped me. 

"Hey, hey! Lady! That was awesome, are you really a-."

"Yep! I am a co-owner of a fine drinking establishment." I said cutting him off. Mead looked disappointed in my answer, but I paid no mind to that. "Hey isn't there something you should do." 

I then pointed to the villagers behind him. Mead turned around to face them and then the Chef started speaking.

"Mead... What we did was wrong of us. Can you ever forgive us?" 

"What right do I have to forgive you? It's not like I'm apart of the village." Mead said, looking away from them. He was hesitant to run up to them, I could tell. 

I then gave him a little push, he looked at me with a confused look. I gave him a soft smile, and whispered to him, "Go on, and forgive your family. It's a pretty big one so it will take a while." 

Mead started to tear up, and then turned around and ran to the villagers, crying. My smile still soft as I walked to Melie and Elizabeth. 

I looked at them, once more. Happy to see that Mead, had forgiven them. Melie, Elizabeth, Hawk, and I walked back to the tavern. Knowing that we had work to do.

~Time Skip~

To say that the tavern was full, was an understatement. 

The whole village had came to celebrate, me pulling out the sword from the ground. Cheers and laughter filled the whole tavern. 

I would cook the food and Melie served the people at the bar. Occasionally, I would deliver some food to a table and chat for a bit. Letting them know, I appreciate their gratitude. 

As I got back to the kitchen, I saw Elizabeth nervous. She held the wooden tray behind her back in a nervous type of stance. 

"Um, I don't think I'm ready for this." She said while covering her face with her right hand. I chuckled at her shyness and started to push her out of the kitchen. 

"You will do fine. Just for tonight, only focus on serving people. Don't worry about gaining information." I told her, my tone soft as a feather. Her nervousness washing away and being replaced with determination.  

I hand her a mug of ale and a meat pie to send her on her way. She walked out of the kitchen smoothly, but soon tripped and fell. Making the booze and food land on the customer. I gave a sigh and went back to cooking. Knowing that we are going to need a lot of food to get threw with night. 

I finished serving one of the customers, as Elizabeth stood in the corner. I walked over to her, with a gentle smile. As I got over there I saw Mead was there too. 

"Ha, you haven't worked a day in you life. A blind man, can see that you suck at this job. Why can't you be like Big Sis. She wasn't dropped a single thing and she can carry twice as much as you." I heard him say to Elizabeth. As I make my way over to them, I hit Mead on the head with the tray, lightly. He turned to me, with eyes wide. 

"Now, now Mead. You best be nice. And who is 'Big Sis' that you mentioned earlier?" I questioned him, while the tray hung at my left side and my right hand on my hip. 

"Um, y-you are." He said with shyness in his voice. My eyes widened a little bit, but then turned into a soft gaze. I took my right hand and ruffled his hair softly. Then Mead's 'Auntie' walked over to us.

"Mead don't you go bad mouthing people, or we will send you to the Forest of White Dreams and leave you there." She said, having both of her hands on her hips. 

I looked at her with confusion. And I guess Elizabeth did too since we both asked, "What's the Forest of White Dreams?" 

"It's a scary place where even Holy Knights stay clear of. Oh, please Auntie, anything but that. I'll behave." Mead pledged with his 'Auntie.'

After a few more accidents Elizabeth ran out of the tavern. I was about to go after her, but then someone asked for a refill. I looked at Melie and made a motion to go after her. 

But, before he left, I felt disturbance in the air. I was sure Melie felt it too. After I served the last customer I headed outside to where Elizabeth was. Melie not far behind me. 

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