Chapter 13

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(A/n: So I have concluded tht I will update every Monday and Thursday. So enjoy the updates and if I forget to update then you guys will get a double update the following update day)

(3rd Person POV)

Diane just finished taking out the Holy Knight Freesia, when she looked at Hawk who was apologizing to Elizabeth.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth. If only I was stronger." Hawk said. Diane then walked over.

"She is hurt pretty badly. We need to get her into town." Diane said. Looking at the princess.

"No, hold on. I want you to take me with you. Please." Elizabeth asked, still very week.

"I don't think that is a good idea Elizabeth. Y/n told you not to save the boy, but you went against her wishes. So I don't think that is a good idea." Meliodas said kneeling down next to Elizabeth. He knew what it was like to go against you and it's not pretty. 

"I just want to go. I made a promise. I can't brake that promise." Elizabeth said. Diane looked at her trying to figure out what she was going to do. 

"I can't let you break a promise. Diane, can you put her in your backpack?" Meliodas said. Diane took off her backpack and looked at the stuff inside. 

"It may be bumpy, and badly affect her injuries. Are you sure about this Elizabeth?" Diane asked before she picked up the princess and place her into the bag. 

"Yes, I am sure." And with that the sins headed off, with Elizabeth in Diane's backpack, safe and sound.

~Time Skip~

"Are you sure she's in this tower?" Y/n questioned as she was in the entrance of Baste Prison. 

"I made sure myself, darling." Meliodas said to Y/n to reassure her.

"Yeah, and who would lie to me cute face?" Diane asked.

"Who would? Anyways where is Elizabeth?" Y/n asked changing the current topic. Diane then took of her backpack and opened it to let Y/n see a sleeping Elizabeth. Y/n gave off a soft smile and reached her hand into the bag to brush back some pieces of hair. 

"Come on, lets go." Y/n said as she walked away from the stairs. Everyone following after her.

~Time Skip~

(Your POV)

We walked through the halls of the prison. Luckily enough Diane was able to fit so we didn't have to leave her behind. 

"That's weird, it's like no one's here." Diane said. Walking through the halls behind us. 

"Y/n must scared them off when she kicked that Holy Knights ass." Hawk said. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Well that's my Y/n alright." Melie said, as he snaked an arm around my waist. I kissed the top of his head.

"Awe~. You're to sweet, Melie. I love you." I cooed. He smiled at me and tightened his grip on my waist. 

"I love you too, sweetheart." He said to me. Pulling me down for a passionate kiss.

"Eww! Get a room you two!" Hawk exclaims as he continues to walk ahead of them. 

"Don't be mad that I have a wife. And you don't." Melie said, picking me up bridal style. I let out a childish squeal. 

"Melie! Put me down!" I exclaim with a smile on my face. He only chuckles and holds me tighter. And we run off into the Prison still looking for Ban and Dana's daughter.

~Outside Baste Prison~

"Looks like they all went inside." Jericho said to Golgius. An army behind the two of them. "What do we do now, Sir Golgius?" 

"I will admit, I'm rather impressed, but their great strength has brought the Seven Deadly Sins an agonizing death." Golgius said as he pulled out a spell bead.

"Is-Is that a spell bead?!" Jericho questioned in shock stepping back a little bit. Golgius then throw the bead on the ground in front of him activating it. "That's-" 

"An eternal sealing spell. An indestructible barrier, so powerful that they couldn't break it even if they had ten Tyrant Dragons." Golgius said, confident in the spell he just casted. "They will wither away in this locked cage."

~Inside Baste Prison~

We approached the cell that held Dana's daughter. 

"Is this her?" Hawk asked.

"This is her."  Melie conformed. 

"Well then let's get her out." I said then turned to Diane while I was still in Melie's arms. Diane then reached to the cell gate and broke it. Scaring the doctor's daughter and making her faint in fear. She then grabbed her and placed her in her backpack carefully. 

"Will she be okay?" Hawk asked as Diane pulled down the cover of the backpack. 

"Yeah, think she is going to be just fine." As we watch Diane buckle up the backpack we hear foot steps approaching. I turned my head to see a tall figure with burgundy pants. They had holes in the legs. 

Melie looked in my direction to see the figure getting closer. He set my down and looked at the figure once more. Getting ready for a fight.

Soon, I saw the familiar silver hair and chiseled chest approaching us. I smiled wide. 

Melie recognized the man in front of us. "Ban?"

"Hey Captain. Nice to see you again, Mom." Ban said looking at the two of us.

"Same goes to you Ban." I greet him.

Melie and Ban started to glare at each other. My smile still on my face as I kissed Melie on the cheek and walked towards Diane and Hawk.

"They both seem upset. I have a bad feeling about his." Hawk said backing up a bit. 

"Yeah, you're right. You should get behind me." Diane said to Hawk as he ran to stand behind Diane. 

"W-wait. What about you Y/n? Shouldn't you be taking cover too?" Hawk asked, still hiding behind Diane. 

"Oh. I'm fine." I said while watching the two. "Besides, who is going to stop them when they get out of hand."

Melie and Ban continued to glare at each other, until...



They ran at each other arms up high, and started their little hand shake/greeting. 

"What's that, like a game of patty cake gone wrong." Hawk said watching the two. I gave a light chuckle as I continued to watch the childish boys. 

Then Ban slammed his fits into Melie sending him through the walls. I chuckled again, trying not to notice the soon to be torn clothes. 

"Hahaha! My turn! Me next!" Ban yelled jumping up and down. Then Melie came crashing into Ban's abs, sending him into the opposite walls.

"Do I want to know?" Hawk questioned. 

"Just roll with it." Diane stated. Getting a little bit bore. I chuckled again. 'I love these guys.'

The two of them were laughing too. 

"That's good, thought Y/n was making you soft on me." Ban said. I walk towards the two, with a smile on my face. 

"Like hell, I will become soft." Melie said back. "And speak of the devil." 

(3rd Person POV)

Ban and Meliodas looked at Y/n as her heals clicked against the cobblestone floor.

"Yeah, yeah. The wife is making the husband soft. Whatever." Y/n then turned to Ban and held her arms out to get a hug which he gladly accepted. 

"It's great to see you again, Mom." Ban said softly into the top of Y/n head since she is shorter than Ban.

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