Chapter 14

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(3rd Person POV)

Ban and Meliodas looked at Y/n as her heals clicked against the cobblestone floor.

"Yeah, yeah. The wife is making the husband soft. Whatever." Y/n then turned to Ban and held her arms out to get a hug which he gladly accepted.

"It's great to see you again, Mom." Ban said softly into the top of Y/n head since she is 46 centimeters (18 inches) shorter than him. 

"It's great to see you too, my child." Y/n whispers back and they pull apart. "Well, I just wanted to say hi. Now I'll let the two of you continue your greeting." Y/n said will walking back to Diane and Hawk. 

"Honey!?! Where's my kiss." Meliodas whined.

Y/n just waved her hand at him and kept walking. 

"Now where we?" Ban questioned.

"Right, here!" Meliodas said. The two boys then grabbed onto each others hand and slammed their bodies into the ground and started to arm wrestle. 

"Ready..." Ban started.

"Go!" Meliodas finished.

The two started to arm wrestle. And the building started to crumble. 

"What's going on?!?" Hawk yelled over the noise. 

"Their just a couple of boys being boys." Y/n answered as she stood there observing the boys and their battle. 

"720 times. And if I recall correctly, which I do, I bet you 361 of those time." Ban barged.

"You must of lost your mind. I've won 361 times." Meliodas corrected.

As the arm wrestling match continued Baste Prison started to crumble more. The boys continue to wrestle and fall on a section of rocks. Y/n was sitting on another piece of rock as it fell with everyone/thing else. 

~Outside Baste Prison~

The barrier around Baste Prison became weak and vanished. This shocked all of the Holy Knights outside of the prison. 

"Impossible." Jericho said breathless. "The sins, just how much power can they actually control."

"Strategic amounts!" Golgius said while disappearing.

Jericho turned around to ask Golgius to clarify his answer but she was met with loneliness. The dust from the prison falling sucked her in. 

~Back into the Town~

"Father! Father!" 

"My sweet little girl. I'm so glad that you're okay." Dana said as he hugged his child. Tears in both of their eyes. 

"I was worried about you father. I assumed the worst." She said, still hugging him. 

Hawk and Meliodas walked past the room Dana and his daughter. Hawk was shocked to see the doctor sitting up and hugging his child. 

"No way! You're back from the dead!" Hawk exclaimed looking at Dana sitting on the bed.

"I know I'm surprised too. Look at this," Dana said removing his shirt to look at the scar on his chest.

"Wow, it's just like Meliodas's wound." Hawk stated looking at the scar remembering the scar on Meliodas's shoulder.

"Is that true?" Dana questioned. He lifted up his shirt to start the prosses of putting it back on. "Though I'm a doctor, I'm ashamed to say that I have no idea how I'm alive right now."

"Bottom line is, you're alive now. I say just take the win." Meliodas said to Dana. "Well we better get going. We may never know when more Holy Knights show up."

"But before you go, let me do something to thank you for all you have done." Dana said to Meliodas with a small smile.

"Well then, that sounds awesome!" Meliodas said as he walked out.

~Time Skip~

"How is Elizabeth doing?" Meliodas asked as he looked down at the sleeping girl.

"She is doing fine." Y/n said as she sat on the open window seal of the master bedroom window.

"Why is she in your room, Y/n?" Hawk asked looking at the h/c haired woman. "I thought she was on the third floor?"

"Well you see, Ban took over her bed. So she will have to sleep in hear for a little bit until we can arrange new places to sleep." Y/n answered.

(Your POV)

I walked away from Elizabeth and sat on the window seal to observe her from afar.

"What about you and Meliodas?" Hawk asked. "Where would the two of you be sleeping?"

"Well we can always share a bed with her or I can find another place for the two of us to sleep. It's not that big of a deal anyways." I answered his question.

I look back over to see Elizabeth waking up.

"D-did we save them?" She questioned softly.

"Yes. And you did a great job. Just gets some rest okay?" I told her. She nodded her head and closed her eyes once more. I walked over and tucked her in. I then placed a kiss on her forehead.

'What a sweet girl.'  I thought to myself. 

I make my way to the window seal once more and Melie is sitting in my spot. I smiled at him and walk over a little bit faster. I pulled him into a hug and he gladly hugged back. 

"I missed you." I said in his shoulder, holding so tight afraid to let go.

"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He said, holding me just as tight.

"You scared me you know that. After I punched you into the tavern and you just started bleeding I-I-."

Melie kissed my lips to stop me from going on about the incident. "I love it when you ramble. It reminds me of the first time we met." He said softly.

"Me too."


(3rd Person POV)

A (brunette/blonde/ginger/etc.) was walking on the green grass of the hills, on another side of a village nearby. She need a place to rest before regrouping with the rest of her squad. 

The sun started to set a little while ago, when she finally came across a tent with a fire going on. She slowly approached to camp site  to see if anyone was tending to the fire.

When she reached to fire pit, no one was there. The (brunette/blonde/ginger/etc.) walked over to the tent an opened it. Inside was a boy in his boxers and a severely toned chest. Her face turned a crimson red. The boy then turned around and saw the girl looking inside his tent.

"Can I help you?" The blonde boy said. He turned his body to face the girl better. 

"N-no! W-well yes!  I-I was w-wondering if, I could stay t-the night here. But I can see you were busy so I'll come back another time. Well not came back, but sit out there. Unless you don't want me out there then I'll be on my way and I'll find somewhere else to sleep. Oh, god! I didn't need to tell you that last part that was none of your business. Wait, I didn't mean to be rude. Fuck why the hell am I still talking. I didn't mean to intrude. I'll be going now I'm sorry." The h/c haired girl then turned around to walk out of the tent. But a hand caught her wrist causing her to turn around. 

"You are pretty cute. What's your name?" The blonde boy ask, now fully clothed, thanks to the long rant. 

"Y/n." She h/c haired girl said, the blush on her face going down a bit. 

"Meliodas."  The blonde boy said in return. 

They both shared a smile with each other.

~End of Flashback~

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