Chapter 24

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(3rd Person POV)

All the contestants went into a little hut on the side of the ring. They waited there for further instructions. 

"And now we will hold the lottery for the match ups." Love Helm said holding a cup with different size sticks. 

Everyone put their names down and drew a stick. Randomly being paired with someone for the fight. 

"The first match is Griamore vs Matrona." Love Helm said. The trio looked at 'Matrona' with curiosity. 

"Hey it's that girl from earlier." Meliodas said. He then caught her looking at him, only for her gaze to be ripped away. 

"The second match is Howzer vs Taizoo." 

"I know him." King said thinking. "Now I remember he's a Holy Knight. I saw him with Gilthunder lots of times." 

"So what's he doing at a festival like this?" Meliodas asked. "It would really suck if we get recognize."

"Hold on. You signed us up for this right? You didn't enter us by our actual names did you?" King asked Ban. 

"Don't get your panties in a wad. I totally have this handled." Ban said patting King's head.

"More like, I have this handled." Y/n said approaching the group.

"What do you mean by that?" King asked.

"You will see." Y/n said as she listened for the names.  

"And here is the third match, Caine vs Harlin." Love Helm said. King looked at Ban. Then to Meliodas. 

"No fair, his name should have been 'Old Fart'." Ban whined. King too offence to that name. 

"You need to start being nice to him." Y/n scolded Ban.

Ban just rolled his eyes at Y/n, which didn't unnoticed by her. 

"So you are going to roll your eyes at me? I hope that eye rollen helped you find a brain in that scole of yours, so I can beat some sense into you." Y/n threatened. Ban became pale. Since he was immortal she wouldn't have any trouble holding back on the beat down he is going to receive later. 

Ban tried to apologize to Y/n but she kept on ignoring him. As Ban kept trying he came to a realization. 

"Wait, I haven't heard my name yet." Ban said.

"Or mine." Meliodas said. Then it clicked to the two of them. 

"The fourth match is Melie and Ba'an." Love Helm said. The two of them looked at each other. 

"Were in the first round. That was easy." Ban said to Meliodas. Y/n shook her head at the two of them. 

"Why didn't you fix my name?" Ban asked, pointing a finger to himself. 

"Because your name was extra dumb and I thought it was funny." Y/n voiced. She never looked at him though. 

"Wait Y/-Isabell, I haven't heard your name." Meliodas said. Then as if on cue, Love Helm announced the final match. 

"And the final match is Isabell vs Ace." Love Helm announced. The quad then turned at the sound of footsteps approaching them. 

Once Y/n fully turned around she saw a man with raven black hair and light blue eyes. He was about 13cm (6 inches) taller than Y/n. 

"Hi, I'm Ace

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"Hi, I'm Ace." He said. 

"Isabell." Y/n said casually. Meliodas, Ban and King were glaring daggers at him, but he didn't seem phased. 

"I better get going. Just wanted to check out the person I'll be versing. Such a shame I have to fight a beautiful maiden." Ace said. He had a cocky grin on his face. 

"Such a shame indeed, when this beautiful maiden, beats your ass." Y/n said. She hated bastards like this, who thing they are the shit. 

"So feisty~. Maybe I'll just steal you away from here, instead of fighting you." Ace then stepped closer to Y/n trying to pull her closer to him. She was quickly pulled back by Meliodas. He stepped in front of her, is eyes glaring daggers. 

"Hands off, asshole. She's my wife." Meliodas said as he grabbed my hand with the ring on it. 

"Tch. Whatever." Ace said. He then walked away with his hands in his pockets. Meliodas continued to glare at him until Y/n put both of her arms on Meliodas's shoulders and whispered something in to his ear.

"Your demon is showing my sexy dragon." Y/n felt Meliodas untense at the sound of her voice. He breathed out calming his nerves. 

The other sins looked at Ace, the same thought going threw their heads. 

'He's dead.'

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