Chapter 20

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(3rd Person POV) 

The Seven Deadly Sins and company had reached the Village of the dead after being rejected from the Necropolis. Y/n was cry softly knowing that she won't be able to see her baby girl for a while. 

Meliodas tried to comfort her the best he can with tear of his own coming down his face. 

"Sh, sh, sh, there, there Love." He said holding her tight. The other sins watched the scene before them. Not knowing what to do. Ban turn away and saw Guila was standing there. 

"Hey look, the bitch is here." Ban stated, causing everyone to turn around and look at her. 

"I see, she got into the Necropolis by putting her in a state of near death." Meliodas voice, while rubbing Y/n's back making her calm down a bit. 

"Doesn't that mean she is gonna be waking up pretty soon." Hawk exclaimed fearfully. 

"Then we should get away from here." Elizabeth said. 

"I say we should kill her when we have the chance." Ban suggested. 

"You animal." King uttered. 

"Nah, Let me handle it guys." Meliodas declared.

~Time Skip~ 

(Your POV)

We went to the Boat Hat and traveled away from the Necropolis. Ban and Meliodas were drinking while Diane cooked some food for herself. Elizabeth and Hawk sat down and rested. 

"D-Diane are your injuries healed already?" King asked worried. Diane blushed and covered her face with the fish she cooked. 

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." She said bashfully. 

"She only pretended to be injured to get attention from Mom." Ban said, already drunk. 

"Shut up. Diane isn't that type of person." King said defensively. Unaware to the face Diane was making behind his back. 

"Cut it out you two. Acting like an old married couple." Y/n said bring out some food of everyone. 

"Anyways, who is she?" King asked pointing at Elizabeth.

"King I told you it is not nice to point. Anyways, she is the third princess of Liones. Princess Elizabeth." I explained handing Elizabeth her plate. 

"A princess. You should of told me. I would've made myself more presentable." King said in a panic. 

"You don't have to-" Elizabeth was cut off when she saw King transform into his old self. This caused Ban to spit his drink out, onto me. 

"Wow, you changed your clothes." Meliodas said in awe.

"Look closer." Ban exclaimed. I looked at Ban with a death glare ringing out my skirt. 

"You know it takes a great deal of magic to change into this form." King said. 

"What a pig." Hawk muttered with a mouthful of food. 

"Hawk, I told you now to talk with your mouth full." I lectured him.

"I am King. The Grizzly Sin of the Seven Deadly Sins." King formally introduced himself. "Glad to make your acquaintance." 

"The pleasure is all mine. But please don't stress in my presence. Just make yourself comfortable." Elizabeth said kindly.

"I'm going to take a shower." I muttered to myself as I began to stand up and leave.

"If you insist." Then King when back to his original form. Causing Ban to spit out his drink on me again.

"What the actual fuck!" I exclaim stomping towards the Boar Hat. 

(Meliodas's POV)

"Wow, his clothes changed back." I said looking at King.

"Look closer, damn it." Ban yelled at me. 

"I must say you are really powerful Sir King. You too Lady Y/n." Elizabeth complemented King. She turned around to look at Y/n, but only to find her missing. 

"Lady Y/n?" Elizabeth questioned. 

"She went inside to take a shower." Ban said taking another sip from his drink. 

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause Ban spit his drink on her. Twice." Diane said. 

"Ooo~. Mom is gonna be mad at you~." King taunted. 

"Oh! I have been meaning to ask you guys about that. Why do you guys call Lady Y/n 'Mom'?" Elizabeth asked. 

Ban, King and Diane all looked at me. "What?" I asked.

"You haven't told her?" King asked. 

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. 

"Well, she is a motherly person to us." Diane said. 

"Yeah, she was there for me, when I first got my scar from the Cap'n." Ban said pointing at his neck. 

"I remember that. She made me sleep of the rocks for a week." I said chuckling at the memory. 

"She was the only one that would calm me down when I got into a fight with Ban." King said smiling softly. 

"Yeah, she was always putting me in a corner. And made me 'think about what I done wrong.'" Ban chuckled using air quotes. 

"Oh! Do you guys remember the time some bandits tried to attack us on a mission and one of them destroyed Mom's outfit that she just made." Diane said. I chuckled at the memory. 

"Yeah, I thought she would have killed them, but instead she made them go to the village market and buy her more fabric, needles, and thread." King said. 

"Wait, really?" Elizabeth asked. I nodded my head.

"Yep. She never liked violence, but if something happened to one of us or the clothes she made, it will end badly." I explained. 

"And who was that girl in the Necropolis, that Lady Y/n was so attached to?" Elizabeth asked innocently. All of our laughing came to a stop. I was about to reply, but a voice beat me to it.

"She was my daughter." Y/n said sadness in her voice. 

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