Chapter 40 - extra chapter

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The Seven Deadly Sins rest in the tavern. They had been traveling on a mission for a few days and they had grown tired.

"If I were a worm would you still love me?" Y/n asked while she cook the catch of the night. Meliodas was besides her making sure the fire is strong enough.

"What?" He asked, a dumb smile on his face.

"If I was a worm would you still love me?" Y/n repeated. She looked at Meliodas and saw his smile. "I'm serious!" 

"I-I know." Meliodas said laughing a bit, "but it's so random and funny my dear." 

"Ugh!" Y/n huffed and continued to cook dinner, ignoring Meliodas in the process. 

Meliodas finally lets out his laughter and is now in the process of rolling on the dirt floor. His loud laughter brought the attention of the rest of the deadly sins. They watched as their captain rolled on the floor and their vice-captain was making dinner in a huff. 

"What the hell?" Ban asked, being the first to see what's happening.

"It looks like the captain has done something to make the vice-captain angry." Gowther said, his voice deeper because of his suit of armor.

"Yeah I can see that but why the hell is Cap'n rolling on the floor like that." Ban asked the air, as he continued to watch the scene unfold. 

Y/n was able to finish dinner in the time frame that Meliodas' laughing has turned into light chuckles. 

The group gathered around the couple and grabbed their respective portions. They ate in relative silence. Ban was the first to actually speak and break the silence. 

"What happened over there?" He bluntly asked. Y/n huffed in reply and kept eating, Meliodas answered.

"Y/n asked me if she turned into a worm would I still love her. And I thought it was the funniest thing in the world."

"It's not funny. It's a very serious question that you still haven't answered by the way." Y/n exclaimed with sass.

Ban chuckled a bit, but stopped when Y/n gave him a death glare. He cleared his throat a bit and held a stupid grin, "It's a little funny." 

Y/n scoffed in reply, she turned her attention to Diane to see if she can have someone on her side. 

Diane was in the process of holding back her giggles and avoiding eye contact with her. King as well as Merlin had neutral expressions but on the inside they were dying of laughter. 

"Fuck all of you." Y/n exclaimed. She stood up abruptly and stormed off towards the woods to cool her head.

"See, I knew I wasn't the only one." Meliodas voice, laughing with Ban and Diane. 

The trio calmed down after a while, they then decided to go to bed, since they were going to start traveling again. 

Meliodas set up his and Y/n's spots. He looked around to see if Y/n had come back. As he kept looking around he had found no sign of her, Meliodas started to worry. 

First he thought she was trying to get back at him for not taking her seriously, but then his sin mark started to tingle, notifying him that she was in trouble. 

Meliodas raced into the woods and searched for his other half. As he continued to search his mark started to tingle a bit more, until it started to become a type of burn. 

"Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU!" Meliodas called, he started to become worried as the more his mark burned. 

"MELIODAS! MELIODAS, I'M HERE! HELP!" Y/n yelled in response.

Meliodas raced towards the sound of her voice until he stumbles upon a cliff. He looks over the edge to see a sturdy piece of the cliff with Y/n sitting upon it.

"My dear are you alright!" Meliodas called. Y/n looked up to see where the voice was coming from and only to see Meliodas.

"Just fine dear, come down!" She called a smile present on her face. Meliodas glared at his wife and jumped down to meet her.

"You scared me to death." Meliodas exclaimed in what should have been an angry tone, but the relief of her being fine was too great.

"I said I was fine. Anyways looked what I found," And with that she held up a worm that coincidentally blended with her skin, "It's worm me. Now would you still love me if I were a worm?"

"Y/n-" Meliodas started but was cut off by Y/n shoving 'her' wormself into his face.

"I'm not here, I'm the worm. Talk to 'me'." She said, turning her gaze away from Meliodas and 'her' wormself as to act if she was the actual worm. Meliodas gaze a sigh and turned his gaze to the worm.

"Y/n, you are the love of my life and I can't imagine one without you in it. Yes it would be a little weird if I was married to a worm but I wouldn't care. I love you and I'll keep on loving you until my soul has evaporated into the stars." Meliodas spoke, his voice holding love. He had switched his gaze from the worm to the woman. 

Y/n looked at Meliodas in his eyes, the moonlight making them more vibrant than they normally are. When her face twisted into a heart warming smile, Meliodas had to smile too. 

"That's all I wanted to hear, you dumbass." She said, placing the harmless worm on the ground and pulling her husband into a passionate kiss under the moonlight.

Meliodas pulled away first to grin at her, "I'll get to the point next time." 

He then pulled her down into a kiss that had more love than the last one.

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