Chapter 39

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(3rd Person POV)

Meliodas' scream had such a force behind it that it cause a wind from inside the tavern. All the sins were quick to action, they refused to let their mother be taken from them. 

Meliodas grabbed his sword and raced out the tavern. Ban and King quickly following behind.

"Who the hell was that?!" Ban demanded. Gowther a few paces behind him. 

"It was most likely a mage, with the ability to appear and disappear in the blink of an eye, using advance teleportation." 

"Captain!" Diane yelled trying to grab his attention. 

"To the capital. NOW!" He yelled back at her. 

"Why?! What's going on?!" Diane exclaimed. Ban and King came rushing out, causing her to look at them for answers. 

"A mage took mom!" King yelled in reply. Diane eyes widened. She became angry like the rest of the sins.

"I'm heading to the capital to save her now, I have no time to talk." Meliodas said, he started to run, but Diane caught him. 

"I'll throw you guys." She said. Meliodas nodded, Ban coming along instantly. Gowther decided to tag-a-long as well.

"I might be a little off." Diane said.

"Just get us close enough." Meliodas exclaimed. 

Diane nodded, "And make sure you bring mom home without a scratch." 

"Of course." Meliodas agreed. Diane took a running start then launched the trio towards the direction of the capital. Almost going at the speed of light.

"Awesome." King said in admiration.

Elizabeth walked out of the Boar Hat, watching at the trio speed off towards the capital. 

"Do you think Lady Y/n will be okay?" She asked the fairy and giant. 

"For once, I'm not sure." Diane said. King looked at her puzzled.

"Is there something wrong Diane?" King asked looking his crush. Sensing her worry.

Elizabeth looked at the two sins, confused. "Why wouldn't Lady Y/n be okay?" 

"Because I think mom is pregnant." Diane voiced.

~Time the Flying Trio~

"Were dead." Ban said as the wind sped past him. 

"What you say?" Meliodas asked.

"Your gonna need to speak louder." Gowther stated.

~The Grand Masters~

Hendrickson and Dreyfus were staring each other down. Dreyfus ready to draw his sword. But a low level knight interrupted them.

"Grand Masters, there is an emergency. There is an abnormally large amounts of magic power coming from the northwest of the kingdom." 

"Have you figured out what it is?" Dreyfus asked, getting out of his fighting stance. Looking at the knight.

"It's an unidentifiable source of magic, but the amount that is coming this way is unforgettable." 

"Could it be the Seven Deadly Sins?" Dreyfus asked. 

"If so, then we have the missing fragment." Hendrickson smirked. "Dreyfus, we'll continue this a different time." 

"Don't forget. I'm never going to forgive you, for what you did to my son." Dreyfus stated, hand ready on his sword. 

"I have a good memory myself. Rest regard." 

~Outside the Castle~

"Attention Holy Knights! The Seven Deadly Sins may be approaching! Tighten defences against the north gate and western ramparts! Holy Knights should also be deployed at locations besides the north gate." A voice announced. 

Holy Knights started to move and block off to instructed places.


In the sky the trio was approaching. The Holy Knights that were in correct area rose their guards. 

"That must be them." Someone shouted.

"Prepare for battle!" Another yelled. 

As soon as their feet touched the ground the trio started running. They knew that they had no time to waste. 

"We are here to save Y/n, that is all. So try to keep the fighting to a minimum." Meliodas yelled. 

"Roger that." Gowther replied.

"We can still kick some ass right, Captain." Ban questioned, keeping his emotions hidden.

"Go straight for the kill!" Meliodas exclaimed. 

The trio finally encountered the Holy Knights. 

"Aura Burst!"

"Inferno Curse!"

"Plant Whip!"

"Bullet Squall!"

"Wind Shooter!"

"Death Breath!"

"Flick Stone!"

As the Holy Knights fired off their attacks at the small group, Meliodas fired off his own, "FULL COUNTER!" As if there was a shield in front of the trio, the attacks suddenly turn around and attacked the large group of Holy Knights. 

"The forces at the north gate have been breached!"

Another Holy Knight stands in front of the trio, challenging them, but Meliodas was quick to stop them from attacking with one quick blow to the face. 

Meliodas, Ban and Gowther keep racing towards the castle knocking down all the Holy Knights that dare to stand in their way. 

"I'm coming Y/n." Meliodas voiced. 'And I won't let them touch you or our son.'

The three come to a sudden stop. 

"What's wrong, they giving up or something?" Ban asked. The three then sensed a strong force of magic coming from the castle. "What the hell is that?"

"It seems to be coming from the other side of the castle." Gowther stated.

"I have no clue but we have no time to stand around." Meliodas yelled.

The small group kept making their way towards the castle.

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