Chapter 9

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(Your POV)

"Baste Prison and the Necropolis huh? I guess we will have to go and check those out." Melie said walking next to me, and grabbing my hand.

"Thanks for the info Gil. It means a lot. And in return we will do you a favor, but not right now." I told him and we began to walk away, Diana in tow. 

"I think not!" Gil exclaimed and started to attack us. I gave a sigh and stopped him with another one of my shields. 

"Like I said, we will return the favor another time. Now good buy Gil." Then Diana picked him up and threw him, causing her brace to break. I looked at how far he went then turned on Diana's brace. 

"Oh, no. It got ruined. I make you a new one, okay?" I told Diane but she shook her head and told me it was fine. 

Then I heard Hawk come back, with Elizabeth. 

Hawk began to rant about Gil. While Elizabeth made sure we were alright. 

~Time Skip~

We were at in the Boar Hat, resting, well most of us. 

I was in my bedroom, making some new outfits for the on coming days. It was relaxing, very relaxing. Melie was in the shower I believe and Elizabeth was tending to Hawks wounds.

Melie then came out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walks over to our closets and took out some clothes to wear. 

I turned to him to see he was starting to dress. He first grabbed some boxers and put them on. I turned around to ask him a question, but got distracted. My eyes went from his face to his body, studying every detail like it was the first time. I guess he caught me since he started pose.

"Like what you see~." He asked more like taunted.

"Very much, Handsome~." I said. He made his way over to me and stood in front of me.

"Then let me give you a closer look." He then picked me up and took me to the bed tossing me onto it. He crawled over me. I giggled and pulled him closer to kiss him. I rolled him over and loomed on top of him. Started to kiss him from his jaw line, to his chest, to his 'V' line. Then I went back up. 

"Well, Sexy, looks like I gave you some hickeys. Oopsie." I said, then got off of him. 

"You are such a cock blocker, you know that." Melie said, getting off the bed and continue getting dressed. 

"Oh? But you love me." I said, going back to the clothing making. He sighed and continued to get dressed, and make a plan for getting Ban and King back.

~Time Skip~

(Meliodas's POV)

"Ban was thrown behind bars and King is dead and in a grave. Apparently." I said as I sat on Diana's shoulder. She was looking at the sketch of herself. "Think it's true?"

"Well I'm not sure. It could be." She said still looking at the sketch. 

"King isn't dead. I can tell you that much." Y/n said coming out of the tavern with something in her arms. 

"How do you know for sure, Lady Y/n?" Elizabeth asked. I got off of Diane's shoulder, to stand next to my wife. 

"Well, for one, Ban is dumb enough to be thrown in jail. Plus he didn't have anything to do for the past ten years. And two, King isn't dumb enough to be killed, much less die from natural causes. He is a fairy and doesn't go any were without his sacred treasure." She explained.

Elizabeth nodded her head, then looked down at the items in her hands. "What are those Lady Y/n?"

"Oh! These are the things I have been working on. But I have to see if they fit." She said holding out some of the items. 

As she was distracted I placed myself under her skirt. 

Then I felt an intense glare. 

Finally, I was punched into the tavern.

"MELIODAS IF YOU KEEP UP WITH THAT NONSENSE I WILL BEAT YOU NEXT TIME!!!" That was the last thing I heard before everything went black. 

(Your POV)

I huffed as I fixed my skirt and went back to the Boar Hat, yell at Melie some more, but as I walked threw the doors I see that Melie had a giant cut in his shoulder and was knocked out. 

I winced at the mess and the state Melie was in. I walked over to him and set his head on my lap.

"Mama Hawk, get to Baste Prison. Now."

~Time Skip~

I sat in the room Melie was being held in. Diane was outside looking threw the window. While Elizabeth and Hawk, watched from a corner. 

I was on his bed, holding his hand. As the doctor came in. With some medicine.

"I made this medicine myself. So it should take the pain away for sure." He said. 

"Thank you, Dr. Dana." I said as I rubbed Melie's hand with my thumb and study his face. 

"I'm quite surprised that he is still alive. In addition the large wound on his shoulder, it looks like he was struck by lightning. How could a child get so many injuries."

"He is not a kid. He is my husband." I said to the doctor with a gentle tone, to even rival a mothers. I could feel the doctor look at me with a tiny bit of shock, and maybe a hint of sadness. 

And made his way out the door, leaving us alone. I opened the window so Diane could talk to us, and she isn't just left alone outside. I adjust my position so I could lay next to Melie and my back was facing Diane and the window. 

"I haven't been this worried in this long." I said, barely above a whisper. Normally when I hit Melie I only give him a scratch or two. But I was able to knock him out and make him bleed. I almost freaked out at that moment but I was able to stay calm. 

"It's alright, Y/n." Diane said threw the window. 

"But, I could have killed him." My voice wavered, feeling the tears in my eyes begin to build. "I'm the only one who kill him, and I almost did."

Then my tears began to fall. They landed in Melie's arm. I shifted my body so I could lay on his chest. I felt his heart beat, it was slower than I remember. I then shifted my face to his. Giving him a kiss on the forehead, one of my tears landing in between him eyebrows.

"Get better, My Love." 

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