Chapter 7

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(3rd Person POV)

After Meliodas and Diane begged for Y/n's forgiveness they began introductions.

"S-So, hey Captain. How long has it been?" Diane asked while hiding her face in the hair. Y/n had went back to sleep by now. So they were safe.

"10 years I think." Meliodas answered. Diane gave a smile then looked at the other two. Diane saw Hawk and thought that it was some food for herself.

"Awe Captain, you thought of everything." Diane said while reaching for Hawk, making him scared for his life. "You got me roasted pig." 

"HEY DON'T EAT ME!!" Hawk exclaimed. 

"How can I eat you, I have to cook you first." And in a flash Hawk was tied up and was placed over a fire. With an apple in his mouth. 

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!" Hawk yelled with the apple in his mouth. 

Then in another flash Hawk was down and blowing on his ass to cool off the burn. Diane hid behind her hair once more apologizing once more. Then her gaze turned towards Elizabeth.

"Who are you?" Diane questioned the princess. By this time Y/n woke up from her nap once more.

"That is princess Elizabeth from Liones. She is the third princess of the kingdom. She is trying to stop all the Holy Knights from starting a war, so she is trying to get all of the Seven Deadly sins together." Y/n had said, making every eye turn towards her. 

Y/n walked up to her husband, looking at his clothing to see if it was torn or messed up in any way. She them walked over to Elizabeth and did the same process, only to be satisfied at the clothing. She then turned towards Diane and looked at her, with a smile.

"Nice to see you again Diane. It has been a while." Y/n then looked at her clothing and gave a sigh. "I'm guessing I should remeasure you to see if you got any bigger." 

Diane gave a heart filled smile and nodded her head at the women, who is like a mother to her. "Yep! That sounds like a great idea. So we better start heading out!" 

But before they could even get out of the forest blue lightning wrapped around everyone. Then footsteps were heard. Everyone turned to the sound to see a knight in blue and silver armor with pink hair. 

Y/n had recognized him as Gilthunder, but everyone else looked at him with confusion. 

"It looks like we met at last. You Deadly Sins." Gilthunder said as he walked closer to the group. "It seems that you don't remember me. But that is not a problem." 

"This power." Diane mumbled.

"Yep, there is no doubt about it. Holy Knight aren't you?" Meliodas questioned. 

"Gilthunder, Holy Knight of Liones. Or how I remember you as Little Gil. What are you doing out here?" Y/n said while sitting down with her restraints. Elizabeth looked at the women in surprise. 

How was she able to remember him, even after ten years?

"This lightning is familiar." Hawk stated looking worn out by said lightning. 

"I know what you mean. When a certain someone, blocked up Vanya Ale's water and tried to blow the village away, that was you wasn't it?" Meliodas asked looking at Little Gil.

"Sir Meliodas your wrong! Gilthunder wouldn't do something like that!" Elizabeth defended Gil, but after she looked at him she saw the rage in his eyes. Elizabeth was shock, she always thought that Gilthunder would never do anything like that. 

Diane started to struggle against her restraints, but it didn't do anything. Y/n rolled her eyes at the giant women, knowing that she was holing back. 

"Diane save it." Meliodas said, looking at her threw the corner of his eyes. 

"Do you know why the Holy Knights are after the Seven Deadly Sins' heads?" Gil questioned Meliodas while his sword was up against his throat.

"Not really." 

"Half of them are looking for revenge. The other half wants a blood worth battle." Gilthunder explained. 

"Which half are you on?" Meliodas questioned.

"Both of them." 

(Your POV)

I was watching Melie and Lil Gil talk from the sidelines. I had already taken off my restraints so I was able to sit comfortably on the ground. No one has even noticed. 

"So are we going to sit here and talk or are you going to get some action going?" I asked making everyone turn to me.

Gil was shocked to see me free of the lightning restraints. He went to go and put me in the restraints again but I held up my hand stopping him. 

"Now now. I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay right here, and besides you have my husband, and three of my friends, there is no way that I'm going to leave them." I told him while getting more comfortable on the ground. He gave a nod and turned back to Melie. 

"You are going to pay for what you did to my father." Gil said darkly. I looked at him with a confused look, then started laughing.

"H-Hold on for a second, you think the Seven Deadly Sins killed your father?" I asked him in between breaths to clam down my laughter. 

"Yes. The sins are responsible for the death of my father. The past leader of the Holy Knights." Gil said, looking at me like I killed his family.

"Look, sweetheart, we didn't do it. 'Cause the last I remember from 10 years ago, is that all the sins were heading back to the castle to report the status of our mission. Since it was complete. And after that we were going to celebrate. But once we got there we saw that your father was stabbed with many different weapons. It shocked all of us, but before we could get any help, we became surrounded by Holy Knights. Melie made the decision to split up and get out of there. We would met up after, but it didn't go as planed. I was knocked out by someone, and woke up in a forest." I said. Taking a breath so I could keep going. "I then spent 5 years looking for Melie, until I stumbled across the Boar Hat where he was."

"See, the sins didn't do it." Elizabeth said. Lil Gil looked at her, the turned around.

"Princess Elizabeth, the kingdom wants to put you under protective watch, but I have no intention in doing that. Dead or alive, its all the same." Gil then let Elizabeth go from the lightning. "Now leave, the sins and I have unfinished business to attend to." 

Even though Elizabeth was able to run she didn't. She instead stood in front of Melie and Diane. Trying to protect them. Then Hawk started to crawl forward. Gil looked at him, then kicked him making Hawk fly away. Elizabeth ran after him, making sure he was okay.

I walked up to Gil and slapped him. He looked at me, with surprise.

"You can hurt me, and that's fine. But if you hurt any of my friends, the next time it won't be a slap." I warned him. I then walked over to Melie's side and stood there. 

Gil walked over to the two of us and looked down at Melie. 

"Are you sure about this? 'Cause in the olden days you could never beat me." Melie asked. Gil then bend down and looked Melie in the eyes.

"That was a long time ago. I am now stronger than all of the Seven Deadly Sins." 

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