Chapter 6

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(Your POV)

We were walking through the Forest of White Dreams. Hawk complaining the whole time. Elizabeth looking terrified. While Melie and I looked like it was nothing.

"Meliodas, do you think we are going the right way. We have been walking for 3 hours. And it looks like no one is here. I haven't seen an animal or human anywhere." Hawk continued to complain.

"Yes we are going the right way. Now shut up." I said annoyed because he has been complaining for three hours straight. I started to get irritated. 

"Hawk I think your right. Sir Meliodas, Lady Y/n do you think we will find one of the Seven Deadly Sins here?" Elizabeth asked.

"Probably." Melie said walking up the hill still. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. 

~Time Skip~

As I walked threw the forest the fog started to get thicker. I sighed knowing that I ended up loosing the rest of them. 

I shrugged it off knowing that they will find me sooner or later. I kept walking threw the fog until I say something in the distance. I picked up my pace and saw that it was a girl. As I got closer I saw it was Diane. I smile to myself knowing that I found her first.

After I was close enough to Diane, I decided to lay down and take a nap. 

'I wonder what the others are doing.'

~With the Others~

(3rd Person POV)

Meliodas, Hawk and Elizabeth continue to walk threw the forest. They continue to walk until Meliodas noticed something. 

"Where's Y/n?" He questioned aloud catching the others attention. They both looked around and noticed that they were indeed missing Y/n.

"How did you lose her?!?!" Hawk exclaimed as he continued to look around. Meliodas shrugged his shoulders. He has never lost his wife before so this took him by surprise. 

The trio started to look around for the h/c haired woman. Meliodas seemed to be calm on the outside, but on the inside he was freaking out. Out of the many years Meliodas and Y/n spent together married or not, this is the first time ever he has lost his h/c haired wife.

As they continued to looked for Y/n, they hear a voice in the distance. Meliodas recognized the voice immediately and started to head off in the direction it came from. 

Elizabeth and Hawk followed after him. Not once have they seen him like this. So it was a shock to both of them. 

Meliodas found the source of the voice and saw that Y/n was hanging off a cliff. Meliodas quickly pulled her up. Y/n hugged him tightly, scared that she was going to die.

"Love, I was so worried. I thought I was going to die. I didn't want to die." Y/n said in a shaky voice. Meliodas held onto her, scared to let her go. 

Elizabeth and Hawk finally caught up to Meliodas and saw that he had Y/n safe and sound. The two of them let out a sigh of relief. 

"Lady Y/n. I was so worried." Elizabeth said giving Y/n a hug after Meliodas reluctantly let go. 

"Where did you run off to?!?" Hawk exclaim, he was worried about Y/n she was like an older sister to him. So kind, yet so mean. 

"I-I just walked in front of you guys a little and them I-I took a wrong turn and fell." Y/n said while fiddling with her ring. 

Meliodas caught a glimpse of what she was doing and noticed that something wasn't right. His Y/n never fiddles with her ring. Even if the ring was bothering her or hurting her. She loves it to much and she always wants to be able to read the little message on it. The message that Meliodas wrote on it

"Hey it's okay now. You're okay now. So let us get on our way." Meliodas said walking off. Everyone looked at him and started following behind Meliodas. 

Y/n walked behind him. Something that she never does even if they are mad at each other. Meliodas noticed this and turned around to face his wife to see her looking at the ground. 

"Hey is there something wrong?" Meliodas questioned. Y/n looked at him with a look that physically said she was confused. "Your not walking next to me. You always walk next to me." 

"Oh, I guess I didn't realize. I'm sorry, hun." Y/n said walking faster to be by his side. She grabbed his hand and they continued to walk. Meliodas made sure that his hand was covering the ring and the message on Y/n's hand. 

"Hey, Love?" Meliodas asked gaining the h/c haired woman's attention. "This is a silly question, but what does your ring say?" The h/c haired woman physically froze at the question. She looked down at their joined hands and saw that Meliodas was covering up the ring, more like the message. 

She looked at his ring that was showing and tried to read it. Then she looked into Meliodas's eyes and knew that he was serious.

"U-um my-my ring says 'I Love You'." She said with a shaky voice. 

"No, it doesn't." Meliodas said pulling his hand away. The h/c haired woman looked down at the ring and saw that it was blank. She was confused. 

Why did his have writing on it, but her's didn't?

She then turned the ring over and saw that it had nothing on the other side. She was still confused. 

They made sure that they copied the real Y/n from the tip of her widows peak to the bottom of her high heels. 

Elizabeth and Hawk were surprised by Meliodas's action where about to say something before they saw 'Y/n' change into her true form. 

A hide-en-seek started running in the opposite direction they were going. Once Meliodas saw where they were, he noticed a cliff just a couple of feet form them. 

The trio ran after the hide-en-seek and saw two more come behind it. They thought the real Y/n was on her way, but to there surprise she wasn't. 

Meliodas noticed something in the distance. It was a girl and he had an idea on who it was. As they got closer Hawk noticed the girl too but soon found out that it was a giant. And the hide-en-seeks were trying to wake her up.

"Lady Diane! Lady Diane!" The hide-en-seeks kept shouting to wake up the giant. "Some Holy Knights got in!" 

Then Diane's eyes shot open. She stood up quickly, and looked down at them. "Some Holy Knights got in huh?" 

"No wait you got it wron-." Elizabeth was cut off once she noticed that Meliodas had disappeared. Hawk and Elizabeth started to look for him, but then noticed that Diane was holding him. 

"Your in big trouble, Holy Knight." Diane said in a threatening tone. Hawk and Elizabeth tried to plead with Diane and hope that she doesn't eat him or anything. 

Then out of no where a threatening aura was sensed. Hawk and the hide-en-seeks were scared and Elizabeth was looking around to try and find where the aura was coming from. Meliodas and Diane recognized the aura immediately and tried to find her and quickly apologize. 

"First you wake me up from my nap. Second you start to be loud. Third you almost crushed me. Fourth, YOU WOKE ME UP FROM MY NAP!!!" Everyone's heads turned towards the voice that was behind or to the side of them. 

There stood Y/n with a dark aura around her. Diane quickly let go of Meliodas and they both bowed down and starting to ask for forgiveness. 

Elizabeth looked at Meliodas and Diane then back to Y/n. 

She then looked at Meliodas and Diane then back to Y/n again.

She was confused. Not once has Elizabeth seen Y/n this angry or upset. She was surprised that Y/n was able to make two seven deadly sins, beg for mercy. 

'Who is she to the Seven Deadly Sins?' Elizabeth thought. 

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