Chapter 33

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(Your POV)

I woke up in my bed. My head spinning. I sat up slowly and saw Melie walking in. 

"Sweet heart. Your up." He said. Melie pulled a chair towards me. He sat down and grabbed my hand. 

"How long have I been out?" I asked. 

"Just a week. Maybe less." He replied. A smile still on his face. 

"That's good. Is everyone okay?" 

"Everyone's fine you were the only one who worried us so much." 

"I'm sorry." I told him softly. 

"Y/n there is nothing to be sorry about. You saw I was in trouble so you did something about it. I was happy that Diane had stopped you in time. Or else the world would've ended." Melie remarked. I laughed at him. 

He chuckled a bit too. I'm so in love with him. 

We talked for a bit. Laughed. And just spent time with each other. 

It felt like old times.


I  was sitting on a log with a mug in my hand. I stared at the campfire. Watching the embers float in the air until they disappeared. 

I then heard a stick break. I turned my head to see Meliodas coming back with a dead buck over his shoulders. 

"Took you long enough." I said a  bit annoyed. This one man made my heart beat out of control. 

"It took me a while to catch this guy. He ran so fast." Meliodas smiled. I blushed and looked away. 

"W-Whatever." I said, cursing my stutter. 

Meliodas walked over to the fire and threw the buck down. 

"Are you gonna cook this or am I?" He asked. 

"Like hell I'm gonna eat your disgusting cooking." I spat at him. He chuckled and walked towards the tent. 

I rolled my eyes at him and started to cut and cook the buck.

~Time Skip~

The stars shine bright in the sky. We continued to eat in peace and quite. 

"Hey you know what I've noticed." Meliodas said out of the blue.

"What?" My tone cold and smooth.

"I've fallen in love with you." 

"So have I." 

~End of Flashback~

(3rd Person POV)

We found a village to stop at for a while. 

"This place will be good for a bit." Meliodas said. 

The Sins stopped and rested. They were a little far from the village but it was okay. 

Hawk's mom stopped and buried herself in the ground. Diane was able to get some shut eye for a bit.

~Inside the Tavern~

"Us guys will do all the hunting. Elizabeth, I need you to go into town and advertise for the Tavern. Hawk you can go with her." Meliodas noted. 

"Are you sure, Elizabeth can go?" Hawk questioned.

"I can handle it!" Elizabeth declared. 

"That's not what he means." Y/n said. Descending down the stairs. "Since the Holy Knights are after you it would be wise to stay inside." 

"But keeping her in will just make her sad." Meliodas voiced.

"I know that. So it would be wiser to disguise her." Y/n remarked. 

"Great idea!" Meliodas exclaimed, slamming his first into his palm.

Y/n walked up the stairs to go grab the outfit that would disguise Elizabeth perfectly. While she was gone Meliodas dressed Elizabeth up in multiple outfits. 

After the third outfit Elizabeth had enough. 

"I think me walking out like this would be too noticeable. So I'll just wear a shall." Elizabeth voiced. She ran off and changed. 

Elizabeth and Hawk were walking out, her shall already on. She turned around and called back to them, "Alright! I'll be going now." 

Then the duo disappeared from sight. Y/n finally descended down the stairs. 

"It took a while for me to find it, but here you are." She said talking to herself. Once Y/n looked up at where Elizabeth  was previously standing, she is met with an empty spot. 

Y/n looked around and noticed that no one was in the tavern. She sweat drops at her lack of awareness. She sighed and chuckled to herself. 

"I guess I have the place to myself. Might as well take a bath." Y/n muttered to herself, before walking up the stairs for the last time, of the day.

~Outside with the boys, and Diane~

They watched as Elizabeth and Hawk walked into town. Meliodas waving at them as they walked. 

"Ban. King. Whoever catches the biggest Cane is the winner." 

Ban fully woke up, ready for the challenge. King sighing not wanting to participate. 

King then noticed one thing. "Captain, your not using a weapon? Your going to hunt bare handed."

"I'll make it work some how." Meliodas responded.

"Later losers." Ban called, as he ran off into the woods. 

Meliodas not far behind. As well as King. 

~In the Town~

As Elizabeth hung up a poster she started to talk. 

"I'm curious, has Meliodas every carried a real weapon?" 

"Beats me. At least when I was around he always had that broken sword. If you really want information on that you should ask Y/n. She would definitely know." Hawk responded. 

"Oh, your right. I guess I should ask her when we walk back.-" Elizabeth said but was cut off. 

"Elizabeth! Take cover!" Hawk yelled, as he spotted some Holy Knights riding through the village. 

The duo peaked out from behind a bush, whispering to each other. 

"You think they sniffed you out?" Hawk asked, ignoring Elizabeth's statement. 

"So Holy Knights have a sharp sense of smell like an animals, huh?"

"No way man. My nose is better than all of theirs." Hawk responded to the voice. 

The duo then realized that the voice came from someone new. The two of them jumped once they saw the new comer. 

"Hey." He said. 

~With the Boys~

"Ban what do you think of this bad boy." Meliodas show cased. "Sword wolves' meat is mostly red. So they are good for smoking. Plus you can get good money for their hides." 

"Well these little rabbits, taste good fried or boiled. And the broth make from these guys is great for the skin." 

The two put their animals down and start to argue. 

"Even so, I think I won the contest." Meliodas claimed.

"A hopeless chef who has no taste buds, gets no right to talk." Ban counters.

"Hey, King how did your hunt go-." Meliodas stopped mid-sentence to see that King was peacefully sleeping on Chastiefol. 

Ban went over to King and pinched his nose, causing him to wake up in pain. 

~The Boar Hat~

Y/n was soaking in the tub, when she felt a disturbance in the air. She knew something was off, but couldn't do much about it. 

"Whatever it is, Melie has it covered." She said to herself relaxing even more. 

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