ONE Day 1

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"Its another shucking girl!" A voice called down to her. Standing in a large crate looking up at a figure that was blurred in the blinding light that she struggled to shield away. Having only awaken when the crate doors opened the light revealed the boxes and animals that filled the crate. As her eyes widen anf she was taken aback at what surrounded the perimeter of the crate doors above her.

Faces peered in. All of them we're boys. She looked at them warily. Observing their expressions to gauge if they were friend or foe. They all started talking all at once cheering and pushing each other. Harmless. She decided.

Suddenly a tall boy wearing a brown shirt jumped into the crate and the crowd quieted.

"Hey Greenie" he smirked as she backed up hitting the cage walls behind her. Eyes wide with fear she put her hands up hoping he wouldnt come closer. He only laughed. He was tall and she could tell he was strong which was intimidating. She hadn't prepared for this. How could she have prepared for anything though?

"Look its fine. Nobody's going to hurt you. Whats your name?" He asked taking one step back showing her he wasn't a threat.

"M-my name?" She asked slowly looking up to the blue sky and down to the dark tunnel below. "I don't remember." Shaking her head and pulling her eyebrows together in frustration.

"It'll come back... eventually." All the boys laughed. "I'll help you out okay?" He reached out his hand. She could only nod but didn't take his hand. Pushing herself from the wall he pulled his hand back and turned to climb out with ease leaving her to reach up to his out stretched hand. When he pulled her out easily it confirmed the assumption made about his strength.

"Welcome to the glade." Standing up and dusting herself off she look around. Her eyes widen at the walls that surround them. Enclosing them in a green pasture. The trees, buildings and towers are the first things that were noticeable after looking past the boys that surrounded her. There was a commotion around her and the air began to feel stuffy.

"Dibs" someone yells causing her stomach to drop and she turned around to see the boys appraising her. Their scrutiny had allowed anxiety to begin to well up inside of her.

"Does she speak?" Someone asked again laughter filtered through the crowd. Beginning to feel overwhelmed she began backing up.

"Oof." She heard turning to see a small girl.

"Whoa. Its okay they're just slintheads." The petite girl grabbed her arm to steady herself.

"I'm Kari." She looked at her with big blue eyes and she began to relaxing observing her friendly demeanor. "You don't remember your name?" She answer by shaking her head. "Well, I promise it'll come back soon." She could only nod

"Are you the o-only girl here??" She finally croaked.

" No, there's two more." She shrugs to the housing looking building.

"Come." She said pulling her towards the building. Turning back to the cage she could see the boys pulling out the crates and animals. Catching the eye of the boy who pulled her out. He was much taller than the other boys. She could see him shake his head and turn away.


"Heres a new one." Kari called. Two girls looked up they were washing their face in a small basin that stood on a table. Kari had led her to a different part behind the building. Explaining that this was built for the girls after the second girl arrived. It was different than what the boys had. It had walls surrounding the hammocks that hung from the poles inside the building. A large window covered by a sheet was by the table the girls stood at.

"Hi." A girl with long blonde hair said flashed her her bright smile. She couldn't help but return a smile back. She steps toward her with an outstretch hand. "I'm Anna."

"And I'm Paige." Another small girl approached behind Anna. She had medium dark hair. She stood and shook her hand and returned to fix her hair.

Maybe this won't be so bad. "How long have you been here?" She asked.

"I was here before them." Kari answered. " So four months." She looked at the small girl beside her. Surprised such a small girl had made it. " A new person comes up with supplies once a month. Until you remember your name they'll call you a Greenie." She survived a whole month being the only girl.

"Boys." Anna scoffed. Pulling her long hair into a ponytail.

"Why are we here?" She ask the burning question.

"No one knows. We only remember our names." Kari answered.

"Quite an adventure, hey?" Paige asks. "They'll come to get you soon. Show you around and give you job. There's only three rules. Pull your weight. Don't hurt anybody and no maze if your not a runner."

"Maze?" She asked taking a deep breath. They looked at her sympathetically making her feel a little bit more nervous.

"The walls. There's a small opening the leads to a maze. Opens in the morning closes at night. Keeps things out. Runners have the job to explore it finding a way out." Anna explains simply.

"Things o-out?" She rested her hands on her knees taking a moment to gather her thoughts and breathe. Kari rubbed her back trying to comfort. She couldn't help but relax. Deciding to put on a brave face she stood and looked at them nodding. Showing that she was going to be okay. Last thing she needed them to feel that she could possibly be a burden. She could do this she thought finally.

"Its okay Greenie. We'll look after ya." Their positivity was contagious and readily returned their smiles pushing the last remnants of panic away.

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