THREE Settling In

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The girls lazed about the next day. It was a rest day and everyone was nursing their hangovers. Finally deciding to eat at lunch they all headed to where Frypan was serving lunch. The sight of the sandwiches and soup made Ada's stomach rumble while she waited in line.

After finishing eating the girls went and laid down in the grass by the tower. The sun kissing their faces as they tried to sleep in the warming heat. They were very open about their lives here in the glade. They just wanted to live life to the fullest. Considering that they didn't know how long they would be in this place. She liked their outlook on life and decided to think the same way. She knew that she couldn't help but be guarded. She knew also by looking at everyone that she had to be older. By how much she didn't really know but they seemed so young and she couldn't help but feel old by how they spoke compared to the way she spoke. Maybe that was just because she was so guarded.

Chuck came to sit with us telling her about Alby. He was the first her and spent a whole month alone. He was the leader who everyone admired. She looked at his direction. He sat with Minho as they looked over some small papers. He must of felt her stare because he looked up. She looked away feeling a little embarrassed.

Chuck was the sweetest and she couldn't help but feel close to him. He had come up just before Paige and they had immediately grown close as Chuck tried to take her under his wing even though it went the other way around.

Playing with the green blades of grass and staring at the walls she heard someone clear their throat. She looked up to see Newt. He smiled down at her and she motioned her arm over the space beside her. "Have a seat." Minho, Ben and Jeff joined as well and took in the sun.

She laid back beside Newt and Anna and began to slowly drift away. She covered her face with her arm and listened to her new friends quietly breathing. Everyone was falling asleep and she was lulled to sleep while the wind hit the walls.

In her dream a mist covered a room that she stood in. The room was full of pods. She knew that there were people in pods and that they were filling with water. She felt herself staring with horror but not moving. Suddenly Minhos face filled the small circular window of the pod startling her as he screamed at her. She shot up out of her nightmare. Seeing she was back in the glade breathing heavily.

Newt looked at her lazily from under his arm. He was just so cool. She just got up and started walking back to the homestead. Everyone watched her leave but said nothing. They all knew about the nightmares.

As the sun set Frypan asked if she'd like to give cooking a shot. She agreed to help. He was impressed with her skills and sweated away with her in the kitchen.

"You know Alby allows the girls to pick where they go. The keeper only has to accept them." He said as she readied for supper. She mulled it over. The only thing she couldn't stand was that it was hot work. If we were allowed to choose were to go why would she choose a job that makes her incredibly sweaty.

"Thanks for giving me a shot Frypan but its too shucking hot." He laughed. "But if you ever need help just ask." He seemed satisfied with that answer.

"I'll still request you. " He said laying out that water. He then left to ring the bell for supper. The air didn't feel as stuffy as she stepped out from behind the stove. She enjoyed the shade that the walls cast and cooled her off from the stuffy kitchen area. She took a seat on a log. Gally was laughing with Ben and he spotted her looking. Looking away at her feet she adjusted her apron.

"Hopefully you didn't destroy dinner." She heard Gally say as he approached her.

"What do you want?" She asked after shooting him a glare.

"Didn't realize you were that moody." Gally replied.

"Well, I'm not one of you so why would I care." She said while starting to get up.

"I didn't mean to say that." Gally said firmly turning her to face him. "I'm sorry." He looked at his shoes when her gaze never left his.

She looked at him quizzically. "I don't get you." She said shaking her head at him and turning to walk away. " I forgive you." She said dismissively sending him a wave over her shoulder.

Supper went by quickly while she sat eating with everyone. Everyone seemed to be discussing the heat. It seemed that the kitchen wasn't the only hot job. Everyone thanked her for supper putting their hands on my shoulder as they walked back to put the plates away. She gathered up the dishes where they had been left by the trash and began to help Frypan clean up. It took a while but she didn't mind.

Gathering up the garbage she was told a slopper would eventually come. It was part of their job and then she could go back to the homestead for the night. She stood for a while and began to grow impatient.

She saw Steve approach. She remembered him from the night before because he didn't let her hand go right away as he introduced himself to her at the fire.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Waiting for a slopper." She answered warily. He was a thick stocky looking guy and looked like he could hold his own. She tried not engage him looking away hoping the slopper would arrive soon.

"Your really pretty." He said but for some reason caused her to feel really uncomfortable.

"Thanks." Is all she can muster.

"Maybe I could take you out?" He asks closing the short distance between them. " I could look after you here."

"No thanks." She answered bluntly. She hated feeling uncomfortable to not hurt his feelings.

"That's not very nice" He says getting in her face. He had a menacing look mixed with the anger in his voice.

"I don't care" she said squaring off her shoulders to him meeting him face to face. Finally fed up with his advances.

"Problem?" She heard someone say. She recognize Gally's voice.

"No." She tilted her head at Steve. "Is there a problem?" She repeated challenging him.

"No one wants a butch chick anyways." Steve snorted and walked away.

"No one needs a pussy either but your after mine." She knew those words should not of been said but she couldn't help it. "I'm not going to let anyone intimidate me." She turn to see Chuck approaching quickly. "Especially you." She said to Gally.

"Im sorry Ada. I forgot." She told him it was okay and he quickly grabs the garbage and waves bye. "Goodnight see you tomorrow Ada." She smiled watching his small form disappear into the darkness. Knowing why he would always be a slopper.

"I'm not trying to intimidate you." Gally says finally. "Im just trying to protect us."

"Well were here so deal with it. This isnt our home and someday were going to get out. I don't know how but you have to open up a little and try something new."

"What do you mean?" Gally asks.

"I mean there's a reason you stare at me. Give our friendship a chance at least." Her bravado almost weakened seeing his frame in the kitchen. Even she couldnt explain how the shape of his body made her weak and the way he stared at her gave her butterflies. This was far from friendship but it was better than hostility. All she wanted was him.

He stepped closer to her then. She could feel his breath. Looking up to meet his eyes she saw his eye brows furrow.

"I don't get you Ada." He said before planting an abrupt kiss on her lips. She was shocked but he pulled away before she could react. "I wanted to know how that felt." He said and began walking toward the homestead. Leaving her in a confused mess.

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