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Ada sat with her eyes closed feeling the suns final rays warm her face as it set. The wind blew through the trees and she listened to the distant noises of the camp.

She sat on the shore of the safe haven. The place that they had all fought to be. The lives lost to be here weighed heavily on her heart.

Newt entered her thoughts and because she sat alone she allowed herself to cry. She held her knees close to her chest and allowed the tears to flow. Quiet sobs racking her body. She remembered his smile as he used to be not as he died.

When there was nothing left she stared out at the sunset watching it dip below the horizon. Breathing in she stood to walk to the water to wash her face.

Feeling alot better she stared out at the horizon and turned to return back to camp.

She stopped when she saw Thomas walking towards her. Standing awkwardly waiting for him to reach her. Ada felt nervous because she hadn't spoken to Thomas for a few weeks.

Thomas had been out for a few days when they first arrived and she had hugged him but no words were ever exchanged.

"Hi." He said looking down at her.

"Hello." She replied testing out her voice. He seemed to relax at her reply.

"Ada I wanted to see how you were doing." She looked at him sadly. "I couldn't save..." He trailed off as tears filled his eyes. He looked at the sun and took a deep breath. Ada's heart filled with compassion and rushed to give him a hug.

"I'm sorry." Ada said no other words were needed. No explanations just honesty. Tommy pulled away wiping his eyes and handed her a small piece of folded up paper from his pocket.

"Newt left this for you." She looked at him wide eyed. Slowly reaching for it and opened it. Her fingers went to touch her lips. Only two words were written on the note. They blurred as tears filled her eyes. Be brave.

She clutched the small note to her chest. A small sob escaping her lips. Tommy pulled her into a hug as she cried into his arms. She could feel his chest shake with his own grief as well.

They had sat down enjoying the silence well after sunset. When she no longer felt she looked so puffy they walked slowly back to camp.

"You should go easy on Gally." He said she nodded knowing he was right.

"Your right." She looked at the fire where almost everyone sat. Gally sat with Minho laughing. Her heart softened. "Bye Tommy." He waved and she went to her hut.

Anna laid down staring up at the pretty decorations she hung on the ceiling of their hut. Ada laid beside her on their makeshift bed facing away from her. Anna turned and rubbed her back.

"I never thought we'd make it here." She said softly after a while. Turning to look at her. "Ben and I talked about our future. How he'd build us a home. Maybe have a family. But, being out here... It feels like those dreams were never mine. They were someones who once loved." She cried then. Ada leaned in to kiss her forhead and rubbed her head brushing out her hair with her fingers.

Some dreams put to rest. Stolen by death. But Thomas had given them hope. A reason to not just survive. A reason to live.


Everyone had gone to sleep but she had tossed and turned. She stared at Anna's blond hair. She had cut it just below her shoulders. Ada helped her last night to shed the past.

She decided to go sit by the water. She wrapped herself up in a blanket leaving Anna wrapped in her own blanket. Opening the sheet she stepped through the sand to reach the shore. As she grew closer she saw a tall silhouette of a man standing by the water. Her steps slowed as she recognized Gally. Taking a breath she stepped forward.

Gally turned when he heard Ada approaching. He looked at her with a guarded expression. Waiting for her to say something. He stood in his blue hoodie with the hood pulled up over his head.

"I don't know what to say. But I'm sorry for everything you went through." She said finally. Gally stepped tentatively closer to her.

"I'm sorry about Chuck." He said.

"It wasnt your fault. You were stung. Newt always reminded me of that." She replied.

"Im sorry you lost Newt." Gally said in a way that made her look at him. "I cant change what happened or dull the ache of losing him but I can be here for your now." He said sadly as she took a deep breath in.

"Gally... I..." She hesitated on telling him she touched her stomach. Unable to form the words.

"Teresa told me." He said quietly. Realization dawning. "It was true?" His voice held the pain she felt in her heart.

Ada's eyes slid close. Afraid to look at him. Gally froze beside her. After a moment he dropped to his knees in front of her and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her stomach and she heard him begin to cry. Holding his head she cried with him. Mourning the little life they had created.

She sat beside him while Gally tried and failed to pull himself together. He pulled her closer to him and took her hand in his.

"You and Newt?" He asked. " I saw how you were together." He didnt look at you bracing for your answer.

"I cared about him a lot." She said barely above a whisper. "But I feel like I never had time to think about more then us surviving... Newt will always have a place in my heart." Theres was a long pause. " but you were there first." Gally looked at her. "I've loved you from the moment I could remember my name." Ada said the words of her heart. The words never spoken out loud before. "You were home for me. When I thought I lost you that died with you." Gally kissed the hand he held.

"And now that im here?" He said emotion filling his voice.

"I'm home." She said.

Gally turned to her and slowly leaned down to kiss her face while tears fell down her face. He held his hands on both sides of her face. Tasting his tears as he kissed her back softly.

They held each other and fell asleep. She woke to the sunrise behind the trees of the mountain and watched it rise slowly. Beautiful colors painted the sky. Turning to see that Gally was watching her. Ada kissed him and held him close. Her chest feeling like it was going to explode.

She was home.


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